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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Lets clarify some things.

1. A hack on the RNC was attempted and failed. Any SYSAD can look at logs and see that events occurred. I see intrusion attempts on my home networks daily. You would be surprised what people living in their moms basement do all day. If you've never looked at your routers logs, I highly recommend it. If you do not know how to properly secure you home network, there plenty of tutorials on the web that will show how.

2. The RNC was hacked for certain but not like you think. It was "hacked" by the easiest and most preventable forms of hacking - a SpearPhishing email. John Podesta received a spoofed email stating that it was from Google with an email indicating someone "had his password". His chief of staff even sent this email to the RNC IT department asking if it was legitimate and the morons told her it was legitimate and he need to change it immediately. He clicks the link which directs him to a webserver somewhere on the intardwebs that most any of us can set up with a YouTube lesson, enters old password and his new desired password. The actor then has his old password and desired new password and hooks ole Podesta (who thinks he is on google changing his password) up by changing it for him. Podesta even gets the email from Google stating his password was changed and to "click here if you did not change your password". He of course now has to change his "new" password on all devices so this seems legit to Mr. ClueMinus.

3. His inbox/outbox and folder hierarchy were ex-filtrated and given to Wiki-leaks - by someone.

4. Russia has some very sophisticated hackers and tool sets that run more than a simple Spearphishing campaign. What happened to Podesta was a pre-school hacking level attack. If the RNC fell for this craptastic trick and Russia had actually applied its hacking arsenal to the DNC, imagine what Wiki-leaks would really have to release, given they even got the data from Russia in the first place.

5. With the right toolkits and skill sets, it isn't hard to leave fingerprints trailing back to whomever you please. Think about that.

6. When the Intel community says "High Confidence" it means they are making an educated guess based on past history and what they think they see, that is not evidentiary proof. I have high confidence they do not know yet, but the media narrative sure is making that easy for them to say. I doubt us citizens will every hear the entire story but I can tell you we are only getting a part of it.


I'm sure it was a typo, but in #2, that should read DNC, not RNC.
According to wikileaks, the intel it gained came from a DNC leaker. When Julius Assange was asked if it came from Russia, he said no. It came from a DNC leaker. Statements from wikileaks have been proven to be 100% correct for how many years now?
The Russians did hack the DNC using the phishing scheme. As has been said in a post past, the Russians and wikileaks did what an honest MSM should have done but covered up because they wanted their girl in office.


Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
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North of Harrah
I'm sure it was a typo, but in #2, that should read DNC, not RNC.
According to wikileaks, the intel it gained came from a DNC leaker. When Julius Assange was asked if it came from Russia, he said no. It came from a DNC leaker. Statements from wikileaks have been proven to be 100% correct for how many years now?
The Russians did hack the DNC using the phishing scheme. As has been said in a post past, the Russians and wikileaks did what an honest MSM should have done but covered up because they wanted their girl in office.

I put RNC on purpose in my post as it was noted that an attempt was made. RNC and DNC attacks were attempted but only succeeded on the DNC side. I would imagine you would have much more out there if RNC had succeeded.

I am no fan of Wiki-leaks, nor of Snowden or anyone other traitor that leaks classified info. It has the potential to cost human lives; humans that put themselves on the line expecting a level of protection by the system in place and trusted people with access to said system. I am also not a fan of MSM either. It is bought and paid for.

Blame hackers if you need an out, but Hillary lost this election because she is to this day a liar, an elitist, narcissist and was the absolute worst candidate ever. Had no message and her data polling people were absolutely wrong in "blue wall" states. Period.

The DNC is to blame for nominating her whilst knowing the above to be absolute. Everything else you currently see is a distraction away from the fact that the party failed miserably and has been led like lemmings to the cliff for the past 8 years. That is evidenced in not only in the POTUS election, but in Governorships and in Congress flips.

I guess the latter two also are due to hacking and collusion as well....


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I put RNC on purpose in my post as it was noted that an attempt was made. RNC and DNC attacks were attempted but only succeeded on the DNC side. I would imagine you would have much more out there if RNC had succeeded.

I am no fan of Wiki-leaks, nor of Snowden or anyone other traitor that leaks classified info. It has the potential to cost human lives; humans that put themselves on the line expecting a level of protection by the system in place and trusted people with access to said system. I am also not a fan of MSM either. It is bought and paid for.

Blame hackers if you need an out, but Hillary lost this election because she is to this day a liar, an elitist, narcissist and was the absolute worst candidate ever. Had no message and her data polling people were absolutely wrong in "blue wall" states. Period.

The DNC is to blame for nominating her whilst knowing the above to be absolute. Everything else you currently see is a distraction away from the fact that the party failed miserably and has been led like lemmings to the cliff for the past 8 years. That is evidenced in not only in the POTUS election, but in Governorships and in Congress flips.

I guess the latter two also are due to hacking and collusion as well....
Absolutely she was a terrible candidate. This Russian noise is nothing but a coverup that has been going on for a year with absolutely zero evidence. The only thing they can come up with is a "possible " collusion, and a hacker some "think" is Gucifer that is "thought" to be a Russian, and the list of maybe, possibly, could be, stories continue.
Its part of the great liberal plan to obstruct and delay everything Trump does or attempts to do to make him look like a bad President.
I just hope the new DOJ looks at the data and evidence gained and put under the rug by Comey that infuriated the rank and file agents that spent untold hours putting together a case to prosecute Hillary and her minions. I don't know how far the immunity's that Comey handed out like popcorn are good for. I hope they can rescind those and make some folks sweat to spill the beans.


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Jan 12, 2007
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Literally nobody is making the argument that only one thing--any one thing--caused Hillarias to lose.
Then why all the noise? The absolute, hands down, single most contributory factor in Trump's victory is that Hillary was a Godawful candidate. The GOP put up a cheeto colored carnival barker with a sketchy business record, multiple divorces and a penchant for putting his foot in his mouth, particularly when it came to women. In spite of that, women voted for him in droves because Hillary, not muh Russians!

I'm completely over this ridiculous Russian nonsense and anyone who beats that dead horse further is a moron. The Democrats lost because it was Hillary's turn and Hillary is a dog that won't hunt. I pity any fool who thinks the Russians, Comey, Rupert Murdoch or little green men from Mars cost her the election. She caused her loss because she's a horrible person who isn't endearing or relatable. She's a hateful, self entitled ***** who deserved to get her ass beat.

Feel free to continue the #Trumprage, but it reeks of desperation and self delusion. Cheers! :D


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Then why all the noise? The absolute, hands down, single most contributory factor in Trump's victory is that Hillary was a Godawful candidate. The GOP put up a cheeto colored carnival barker with a sketchy business record, multiple divorces and a penchant for putting his foot in his mouth, particularly when it came to women. In spite of that, women voted for him in droves because Hillary, not muh Russians!

I'm completely over this ridiculous Russian nonsense and anyone who beats that dead horse further is a moron. The Democrats lost because it was Hillary's turn and Hillary is a dog that won't hunt. I pity any fool who thinks the Russians, Comey, Rupert Murdoch or little green men from Mars cost her the election. She caused her loss because she's a horrible person who isn't endearing or relatable. She's a hateful, self entitled ***** who deserved to get her ass beat.

Feel free to continue the #Trumprage, but it reeks of desperation and self delusion. Cheers! :D
Only a moron would think the horse is dead when she's barely started around the first turn.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It has boiled down to Maxine Watters and racism. Trump is a racist according to her. The same woman that defended the actions of the thug that hurled a cement block into the head of Reginald Denny during the Watts riots. The left reminds me of a trailer house screen door after a tornado. They are unhinged.


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Jun 20, 2005
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Oct 27, 2012
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Comey should have been fired when he read a litany of crimes Hillary did and then recommended no charges. Had it been the average American, they'd be sitting in Leavenworth for a couple of decades. What she did with Top Secret and higher data is serious.
And the Democrats are fabricating rumors and what they expect us to believe. Anything to undermine the present administration. Had Hillary won conservatives would have sucked it up and carried on for four years and there would be no lies, rumors and distortions.
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