Last Advanced Combat Pistol Level I of the year

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Marshall Luton

Defensive Shooting Academy
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
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Tulsa, OK
OK. Right now there are about 6 slots left in the class so you and your buddy need to get off your butts and register. It's a great class. That's why we are not one bit afraid of offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In 8, count em, 8 years we have never had one unhappy student. Our students tell us that they would pay double for this class if they knew how much fun they would have had taking it. They also say if they knew how much they were going to learn and how much they would be able to improve their shooting they would have paid triple! We won't make you do that don't worry. :mean:

One of the Nations most well-trained, well-respected firearms trainers and Range Masters came thru an AP I a few years back and told us after the class that, "This is THE most comprehensive pistol course taught in America today!" He has trained officers for over 30 years and still trains officers today. He is the Range Master for a medium-sized police dept. and has come back thru more than 4 additional classes with us.

We average a 34% improvement from our students in just 2 days! Think about this for a second. You want to learn golf. Can you pick up a club and expect to be able to hit the ball well with no advice, no help, no pointers from anybody? No way. Golf sucks cause it's so freakin hard. Anytime you try something new you should expect to suck at it until you do it a lot. Why is this? It's because skill is enhanced and developed in the subconscious mind and we will help you learn things that you can go practice on your own, develop into reflexive, subconscious actions and therefore, become the shooter you want to be. You have to get help though and learning to shoot from a DVD or a book ain't gonna cut it. You have to train under the watchful eye of an experienced instructor. One who is there to help you not feed their own ego and show you how good they are and how bad you are. You want one that is truly interested in your well being. There are plenty of this type of instructors out there, trust me. You want the one who can help you break bad habits and develop new one without making you feel like an idiot. If you want to get yelled at, belittled and talked down to you might want to join the Army or something. We're not interested in training that way. It doesn't work. I guess you'll just have to see for yourself. You'll get sooooooo much out of our classes. This is why we have over 3000 loyal students (not customers). Other places have customers, we have a big extended family that call on us regularly. Our doors are always open and our students know that. They call us, email us and ask us for advise all the time. And we give it! No problem. That's the atmosphere we offer to our students. Relaxed, fun and informative is how many people describe our classes.

Back to my point, most people get worse when they are learning new things. They usually have to practice them for a long time before they ever show improvement. NOT HERE. We will push you, teach you, help you, motivate you to do your best and you'll have a blast doing it. If you don't believe me take a look at our testimonials online. I think there are about, what, 1000 or more now???? What does it take to help people understand that this is a top notch operation? There's no bull$H!P here. Just motivated, professional, humble, knowledgeable instructors ready and willing to help you get to where you need to be.

On the other side of the coin is this: We don't want just anybody and everybody in our classes. There are plenty of people we'd rather not train. Those who are unsafe, closed-minded, ego maniacs, know-it-alls, etc. These people make training others no fun and quite frankly they are a waste of our time. Go somewhere else and waste somebody else's time if you are in any one of these categories. Life's too short. See ya on the range mate.


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Jan 29, 2009
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I must disagree with Marshall on a point here, competition handgun DOES NOT teach how to play a game, although you will learn how to do so in spades! What it DOES DO is teach the shooter how to think critically about his shooting skills. It WILL teach high speed weapons manipulation, movement and shooting ACCURATELY under time pressure, and how to READ a stage. If that isn't as close to "defensive use of a pistol" as there is, I don't know where you would go for more!!

All the old Combat Masters like Jeff Cooper, Ray Chapman, Jack Weaver ALL said Competition shooting is the cornerstone of defensive shooting as nothing else can produce the "pressure" of a "pistol arbitration" quite like tring to best all others in competition. KurtM

Marshall Luton

Defensive Shooting Academy
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
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Tulsa, OK
Well said my brother. This is precisely why you have become a part of the team. We think alike and have the same motivation........helping others.

Just FYI there are only 3 slots left in the last AP I scheduled for this year. If you have ever even considered improving your shooting then now is the time. There is no other class like this anywhere.

If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be the word that was talked about today in church, PASSION. The lesson that I learned today was basically this: If you are going to do something do it right don't just have a Git er Done! attitude and if you don't have a PASSION for what you are doing then you should probably be doing something else. We have a PASSION for what we do and it shows. This is what separates us from every other training entity in the country. Others do it to feed their own egos or they do it for the money, we do it because we LOVE IT. And that's all I have to say about that. :werd:


Apr 6, 2008
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Oklahoma City

Do you guys teach these classes as one big group of instructors, or do you have a rotating schedule where one instructor teaches?

Guess my question is what the instructor to student ratio is?

I've shot with a few of you guys before, namely Lance and the Mackeys, they have always been fun to shoot with.


Special Hen
Dec 7, 2007
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:woohoo1::woohoo1: I just signed up for the AP1 class!!:woohoo1::woohoo1:

This will be my first class, and I am pretty stoked!

The great thing about knowing nothing, is getting rid of bad habits early!!:w000t::w000t:

Marshall Luton

Defensive Shooting Academy
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
You'll get plenty of one on one instruction in our classes. I've been to schools where there is one instructor and 20 students. That's a bunch of crap cause one man/woman can only see one thing at a time and it's almost impossible for you to get the attention that you paid for. Unlike those schools you'll find yourself immersed in an atmosphere that's positive and you'll get lots of pointers and tips from all available instructors. There will be 5 instructors for this class. So, that makes the ratio 1:5. Hope this helps put you at ease.

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