LEO and open carry

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
LOL at Nikat!! Well played, young man!!

And Werewolf ... Oh, I feel ya ... I just don't agree in this instance. I personally think all this open carry stuff is much ado about nothing given the state of affairs in our country today. You guys, however, feel differently and that is okay with me. However, I do take great offense to those who think I am somehow a less loyal American or that my husband is somehow a Hitlerisque character in brown (OK, well, I KNOW he has a brown uniform but you gotta blame the powers that be for that!), crackin' everyone he sees upside the head with his nightstick screaming "I'm gonna taz you bro" ...

Besides, I'd be the first to say (and think I have in the past) that "some" of my position with open carry comes from the fact that I personally think it will make GC's job more dangerous. Again, not everybody agrees with me but I've not heard any arguments from open carry proponents that has eased my mind in this respect. How many folks do you know that will freely admit their biases and I have time and time again on this board. I have no problem calling a spade a spade and that is about as much of an activist as I care to be anymore. ;) As far as those "phases" you spoke of, so far I have much prefered ths 2nd -- I stay out of a LOT of trouble (and the closet) that way!! :D

Ya'll whippersnappers have at it!! I'm gonna go get finish playing around in the garden, make a list of honey-dos for GC when he gets up and go get my nails done. Hugs and kisses all around!!


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2010
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MW City
well said BB and all others.
You asked what we thought and we answered.
Nojustut go open carry to your individual hearts content and life will be grand.
I will continue to conceal carry or open carry as I choose........ and in my little world life wibe eb grand.
Ijustjsut glad they will now allow open carry on my 20 acres of nothing, though I did any way.

Frankly from my fox hole, after 30 years of carry, both open and concealed...............it makes no diff.........as long as one is responsible, not arrogant or cocky and follows the laws the PTB have placed on us.......life is good.
Now LiI'm BB, Im gonna go check on my bees, feed my chickens and generally enjoy life
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Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
I say go ahead if we change the conceal carry license requirements by adding a special "Open Carry" endorsement to the license. To get the endorsement you have to pass a standardized I.Q.test.

Which you obviously would NOT pass. One rule here is not revisiting topics that resulted in closed threads. This type of comment got one Open Carry thread closed, not happening to another.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Not an LEO, but clearly understand both sides of the issue here. OC, under certain conditions, like a rural setting, should be legal for everyone. It violates my need to be as inconspicuous as possible in a populated setting, so I most likely would not OC there. As to retention, does it make a huge difference if the weapon is concealed or not if you get in an altercation? If you do, in most cases your situational awareness has failed. LEO's on the job have a duty to respond. The few LEOs I have seen with the open gun/badge combo in soft clothes have been young guys, who may be on-duty. I wonder how many of the seasoned LEOs would OC off-duty? Sure doesn't seem like a bunch, and there is probably a lesson in that.

Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.

We got Gun Control in the south as anti-Carpetbagger and Jim Crow laws. I often wonder how many people know that, and it is well past time to do away with it completely.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Badgebunny is right that the version of Open Carry that passed the House is not a full recognition of our natural liberties... it still requires getting the permission of the government to exercise a natural right. However, it is a step in the right direction. Some of us libertarians are more practical than others, and are willing to work for a law that moves things our way, even if it isn't a full implementation of liberty. Incrementalism is how we lost a lot of our liberty to the democratic process, and it is probably the only way we'll get any of it restored. However, we will not rest with the passage of this law... next term, we will be pushing for the passage of full-on Constitutional Carry and the removal of ALL prior restraints on this very important natural right. And WE WILL PREVAIL!!!


Badgebunny is right that the version of Open Carry that passed the House is not a full recognition of our natural liberties... it still requires getting the permission of the government to exercise a natural right. However, it is a step in the right direction. Some of us libertarians are more practical than others, and are willing to work for a law that moves things our way, even if it isn't a full implementation of liberty. Incrementalism is how we lost a lot of our liberty to the democratic process, and it is probably the only way we'll get any of it restored. However, we will not rest with the passage of this law... next term, we will be pushing for the passage of full-on Constitutional Carry and the removal of ALL prior restraints on this very important natural right. And WE WILL PREVAIL!!!
I agree 100% and if Henry had not vetoed it a couple of years ago we could be doing that right now.


Special Hen
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Which you obviously would NOT pass. One rule here is not revisiting topics that resulted in closed threads. This type of comment got one Open Carry thread closed, not happening to another.
Thank you NikatKimber for this. I hated seeing the other one being closed ( some good info there at least I thought so) but I know you had to do your duty.
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