Let's all send this poor guy a dollar...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
OK, I found my voice.

This thread is worthless without pics. :)

Actually, there are pics of me here somewhere ... "SOMEBODY" at one of the ENS's had a camera ... I'm not hard to pick out of the crowd ... ;)

I had a co-worker (male, of course) who told me once that he liked working with me. When I asked him why he said because I get to stare longingly at your boobs for at least 5 minutes before your head actually gets to the door to see around it. I guess I should have filed a sexual harassment suit but he was cute ... besides, it's kinda hard to convince a judge you are offended when you are ROFL ...

One of these days I'm gonna learn how to be offended ...


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Wwwweeeeelllll they aren't moobs, but they are sure enough a pain in the arse ... GC is over here rolling his eyes at me ... I'm sure he will want to help me carry them around later now ... sheesh ...

You know he is just trying to be a supportive husband. I offer to help my wife with her's all the time. :D


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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LOL! You made a pun-ny Rick!

I was being serious. Women complain all the time that their husbands are not supportive, but when we try to be supportive they complain about that too. Guys just can not win. :D

Yeah ... you guys crack me up ... lol

Now if only you were as helpful when it came to things like cooking and cleaning ... ;)

I do most of the cooking at our house. Mainly out of self defense. The wife does most of the baking though. She is great at that and has a bunch of ribbons she won at the State Fair for her German Chocolate Cake.


Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
I think he may have a bigger problem than his big . . . er . . . attachment. He seems to be suffering from a big lack of motivation. A quick trip to his county social worker will get the ball rolling (get it? ball rolling!). His state has a medical needy program that will pay for this procedure. If that doesn't work, they can most certainly get him care at a teaching hospital. Or, he can visit a church or two and they will have contacts that can help him. The point is, he doesn't have to beg. He has lots of options if he'll just try a little.

i usually don't post on this site but i have to make an exception... really lack of motivation, lets take this point by point..
1. teaching hospital... yeah right, they don't do surgeries like that and didn't you hear what he said, it would be castration which i think we can both agree is an option neither of us would choose.
2. Church (before i post this let me say i preach) i don't know how he is going to pull 1 million from "dropping by some churches" especially since most US churches put most (if not close to all) their money into buildings and other things that benefit "their members" and they might give a couple of dollars to someone in need..

you are also assuming that he hasn't taken those options (which clearly he has done quite a bit of investigating into other options) and he is reaching out the best way he knows how.... it makes me sad/angry with the lack of compassion that i see on a daily basis in the USA towards others and then the best part is everyone runs around saying we are a "christian" nation.....

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