Lurkers "2 tote survival plan".

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Aug 14, 2012
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This is gonna be a long post, bear with me and I'll share some thoughts and ideas. It's just a guide and may not fit your idea of a Prep or plan. I'm not a pro and I'm open to ideas and improvements.

Keep in mind I'm trying to just give you the basics of prepping for Oklahoma type natural disasters; Tornados, Ice Storms and wildfires. YMMV.

I'll deal with Ice Storms and power outages separately. ...

Prepping for each is kinda similar, yet each is kinda unique. Tornados and Wildfires have 1 thing in common...each can destroy your home forever, yet both are easily survivable. Surviving is the goal, rebuilding is a whole different ball game. If the weather is bad, tune in to the radio or TV. Pay attention.

Here's what I do for both. I use the big plastic totes for storage. We have 2. Inside tote #1, we keep vital important papers, extra car keys, extra cell phone chargers, and some heirloom type stuff.
Tote #2, we keep a change of clothes, blankets, some first aid stuff, and some toiletries(toothpaste, toothbrush, TP and some meds).

Our cellar always has a case or 3 of water. Tote #2 is always in cellar. The cellar also has chairs and cots, a lantern, Coleman fuel, flashlights and 2 radios...rig up your antenna so you have reception once you go into lockdown. Radios don't get reception in cellars. During Tornados, communication is a must.

So at first sign of bad weather, tote #1 goes into cellar, tote #2 is already in. From March to July, Tote #1 is also kept right beside my front door, jic, but we grab it on way to cellar. 2 totes. You're prepped for a Tornado.

For a wildfire it's almost the same. A couple of years ago the wildfire bout got me. We were told to evacuate. It was almost as simple as grabbing tote #1 and #2. I had some time so I loaded a trailer. Again it's about surviving.
I would like to thank Shadowrider and Lonewolf49 for keeping me company that night. I ain't forgot ;)

Now for my ice storm/power outage prep.
This can be bad or fun. I look at power outages as practice for the "big one".
You need 4 things for a power outage due to an ice storm.
Shelter, Water, Food and heat.

As soon as the power goes out, go turn your breakers off and your gas off. Do not risk a fire. You'll know when power comes back on. Either your street lights will come on or your security light will come on. I've planned for 1 week of no power.....i can go about a month or longer tho.

Alot depends if you live in City or Country. Country folks prep differently, power outages ain't really nothing but a short term inconvenience for most of us.

Your shelter is your house.
A small generator will help, you'll need 15 gallons of gas to last a week...maybe more or less depending on how much you rely on power. Do not do the suicide plug thing and don't run a generator inside your house.

Water for a's a lot of water especially if ya have kids.
If you're gonna ride it out at home, ya gotta flush, do dishes, cook and ya gotta drink something.

A gallon a day per person minimum. So for a family of 4 that 16 gallons times 7 days. Again that's minimum, more is alot better...112 gallons ain't gonna let ya flush or clean up much. That's also alot of room to store water.

I've got a swimming pool, a goldfish pond and some water troughs around my well as a hot tub and 55gal fish tank. Water is not a problem for me. I've also got a deep freeze loaded with frozen jugs of water and 3 cases in cellar.
Plus the reason for the power outage is an ice storm....water shouldn't be a real problem.

Food...your pantry should be stocked with a combination of dry goods and canned goods. Remember you need to feed your family for about a week. What you eat should only be limited to your skill and what you cook on (stove).
Soups and other 1 pot meals are cheap n easy. Breakfast is any warm cereal, rice, oats, cream of wheat, pancakes, waffles, french toast. Lunch...anything...and dinner a one pot meal. Stews, Soups, Spaghetti type, cassaeroles.
Eat up what's in fridge first. Eggs, milk, meats, veggies,fruits and any left overs. Anything perishable can be placed in an ice chest and placed outside to prevent spoilage.

Ice storms and Power outages ain't really that bad. I like to keep it real. Your not gonna starve in a week and you shouldn't die of thirst. But ya might freeze.

If you have a wood stove or fire place you can cook anything and stay warm....if not you need a way to cook and source of heat.

Get yourself a camp stove....propane or gas/Coleman fuel. Forget about the little disposable tanks....get some bulk tanks like your grill used or a bigger 25 gallon tank.
Block off as many rooms as you can reasonably heat.

If your burning wood for heat, you're going to need a Rick or 2....more is better.
If you don't burn 2 extra propane tanks and a propane heater, block off some rooms.
Candles and oil lamps are very handy but use with caution.
Remember, just because you don't have power doesnt mean you cant drive, it's only a short drive to anywhere.

Take tote #1 and #2 with you.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
On the generator. Get 2!

I have a really good Coleman 5500 watt with the Yamaha engine. Like I said its a good one but its a gas hog. After the tornado last year I went and grabbed a 1000 watt Honda EU1000i inverter generator. Like Lurker said communication is everything and I was very radio deficient and there was no way I was plugging my flatscreen into that big generator. I ran the flat screen, uverse receiver (amazingly it still worked), the fridge, a fan and a lamp on that little sucker for about 10 hours on about 1 liter of gas. I fired up the big one for the freezer, more lamps & stuff and let the neighbor plug in his fridge occasionally to keep their food from spoiling. Had it been winter we both have gas heat so we would have been good for some time running it in short spurts. So get a small inverter gen set, they will run a lot of stuff if you use yor head about it for very very little gas. The Hondas are worth their weight in gold!
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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
I was bored today. Fell asleep n wifey woke me up, said I was talkin in my sleep. She Said I said "prepping ain't hard".

:rotflmao: That's too funny ... GC talks in his sleep, too. Most of the time I have no clue what is going on in that beady little brain of his but when he takes an ambien I can actually question him and he'll answer me ... I wonder if the .gov knows how good it works?? :P (Sorry for the hijack ...)

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