I know. Its hard to know who would have been worse for 2A. With insane mccain, the RINOs would have passed "common sense gun legislation" like "closing the gun show loop hole" a long time ago, and registration would be the law of the land.Instead we got Obama.
In Oklahoma, it was a choice between McCain and Obama.
McCain was not my first choice for the Republican candidate, but he'd better than having Obama for 8 years.
With the Bamster, at least the RINOs "united" against the common enemy, and haven't passed anything yet.
You may be right though, because IMHO, Obamacare is the greatest threat long-term to our liberties because of information collection and creation of databases, plus the linking of any kind of social engineering to "scientific studies on healthcare". For example, CDC studies on guns as a health hazard.
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