MSNBC racist a$$holes

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Well MSNBC really knows how to start the year off right. Shortly after getting hammered for making fun of Romney's adopted black grandson, they decided to post this on Twitter,

Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family.—
(@msnbc) January 30, 2014

So far about 75 biracial rightwing families have posted pics and comments.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Damn, this is the first time in my life I wish I had a Twitter account - and knew how to use it. I'd be more than happy to post pics of my entirely-conservative biracial family.

BTW, I LOVE it when someone who knows nothing about me jumps to throwing the race card out. lol. Had a lady at work the other day, when I came in to talk to her, looked familiar to me. I asked her, "Do I know you? Have we met? You look very familiar to me." We were approximately the same age, and it's a small town, but I couldn't place her. She was a very attractive black lady. She said in response, "No, I don't think so. What do all we black people just look alike to you?"

My response - "No, you don't look anything like my wife or son." :D

Thought she was gonna swallow her own tongue.



Jan 8, 2013
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Maybe I haven't tuned in at the right time, but I've never caught any news on MSNBC. I watch NBC Nightly News and it's pretty good. MSNBC seems devoted to political diatribe more so than some of the other networks.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Damn, this is the first time in my life I wish I had a Twitter account - and knew how to use it. I'd be more than happy to post pics of my entirely-conservative biracial family.

BTW, I LOVE it when someone who knows nothing about me jumps to throwing the race card out. lol. Had a lady at work the other day, when I came in to talk to her, looked familiar to me. I asked her, "Do I know you? Have we met? You look very familiar to me." We were approximately the same age, and it's a small town, but I couldn't place her. She was a very attractive black lady. She said in response, "No, I don't think so. What do all we black people just look alike to you?"

My response - "No, you don't look anything like my wife or son." :D

Thought she was gonna swallow her own tongue.


Most don't have a clue and just think the media is painting an accurate picture of us. I have black, asian, and latino members of my family too. Funny that MSNBC keeps pulling this crap and can not see how much it hurts their rep.

It’s Official: MSNBC Is a Joke Network

MSNBC has once again apologized abjectly and, this time, fired an employee for a bigoted tweet that the network’s president described as “offensive and wrong.” I wrote about the episode last night.

MSNBC’s string of debacles has taken a toll. Public Policy Polling finds that MSNBC is now America’s least trusted news source, tied with its parent NBC and–wait for it!–Comedy Central. PPP asked respondents which network they trust the most. The results:

Fox News: 35%
PBS: 14%
ABC News: 11%
CNN: 9%
CBS News: 6%
NBC News: 3%
Comedy Central: 3%


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
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Tuttle, OK
Damn, this is the first time in my life I wish I had a Twitter account - and knew how to use it. I'd be more than happy to post pics of my entirely-conservative biracial family.

BTW, I LOVE it when someone who knows nothing about me jumps to throwing the race card out. lol. Had a lady at work the other day, when I came in to talk to her, looked familiar to me. I asked her, "Do I know you? Have we met? You look very familiar to me." We were approximately the same age, and it's a small town, but I couldn't place her. She was a very attractive black lady. She said in response, "No, I don't think so. What do all we black people just look alike to you?"

My response - "No, you don't look anything like my wife or son." :D

Thought she was gonna swallow her own tongue.


Good on ya... It ain't the skin, its whats inside the skin...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 17, 2009
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I watch MSNBC every once in awhile just to see how delusional people are that watch them regularly(like my in laws). The people on that network are outta their damn mind. Every program on that channel is rooted in the belief that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion, unless it differs from ours" and will resort to "political correctness" attacks when they have nothing to contribute to an argument or idea.

I don't live in a " biracial" household. I'm 100% WASP, red headed, can't get a tan etc... White Power!!!
My wife is 1/8 Cherokee, whose great grandmother was plucked from indian life, put in foster care and told to be ashamed of what she was.

People could view this relationship and family as "enriching my families heretige" or "tainting my race" with my family situation. Both are assinine.

The truth is my wife is a very attrative woman, even more so when we were younger. I never thought about her racial bloodlines, I just wanted to "procreate" or at least practice a lot with her. We have two kids.


Special Hen
May 16, 2010
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Damn, this is the first time in my life I wish I had a Twitter account - and knew how to use it. I'd be more than happy to post pics of my entirely-conservative biracial family.

BTW, I LOVE it when someone who knows nothing about me jumps to throwing the race card out. lol. Had a lady at work the other day, when I came in to talk to her, looked familiar to me. I asked her, "Do I know you? Have we met? You look very familiar to me." We were approximately the same age, and it's a small town, but I couldn't place her. She was a very attractive black lady. She said in response, "No, I don't think so. What do all we black people just look alike to you?"

My response - "No, you don't look anything like my wife or son." :D

Thought she was gonna swallow her own tongue.


HAHAH! That was great!


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I watch MSNBC every once in awhile just to see how delusional people are that watch them regularly(like my in laws). The people on that network are outta their damn mind. Every program on that channel is rooted in the belief that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion, unless it differs from ours" and will resort to "political correctness" attacks when they have nothing to contribute to an argument or idea.

I don't live in a " biracial" household. I'm 100% WASP, red headed, can't get a tan etc... White Power!!!
My wife is 1/8 Cherokee, whose great grandmother was plucked from indian life, put in foster care and told to be ashamed of what she was.

People could view this relationship and family as "enriching my families heretige" or "tainting my race" with my family situation. Both are assinine.

The truth is my wife is a very attrative woman, even more so when we were younger. I never thought about her racial bloodlines, I just wanted to "procreate" or at least practice a lot with her. We have two kids.

That is a perfect example of the difference between liberals and the rest of us. Liberals see it as a race issue, we see it as just a person we want to boink usually without ever thinking about race.

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