Quite possibly the most racist article you will ever read

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Dec 25, 2014
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I have a question for those of you who cry racism, have you lived outside of Oklahoma? Just a question.

I am from a south Georgia city where the demographics are reverse than what they are here. There are good and bad no matter what race, but being where I am from, and what I have seen in criminal behavior, as in the first 10 minutes of the news is black on black and black on white crime every single day, I see exactly where the writer is coming from. I also see how bad the system is abused, as in assistance, more so by one race than the other.

Now is it race, well that is obviously a no. Is it culture, that however is the answer. You are raised in a different culture in different neighborhoods, like the so called projects/hood. The culture where I am from is to continue to be a "gimmie" society, abuse the system and everyone who does something with their life, and use the public school system as a daycare for free meals.

Am I racist, no, but from my life experiences and what I have seen with my own eyes, the black communities have a long way to go and are not heading the way MLK wanted it to. Family values, common decency, and respect go a long way. Blame everyone but yourself for the troubles and life you are in, well seems to leave you where you are....


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Jun 20, 2005
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Jan 12, 2007
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Two articles by Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams---two Black Journalists:

Over eleven years ago:
Jewish World Review July 31, 2003
Thomas Sowell
Are Cops Racist?

More recent:
Should Black People Tolerate This?
Walter E. Williams | May 23, 2012

Those two articles are spot on. It's a disgrace what people in this country do to foment racial discord on both sides AND in the media. This really isn't about race at all. The current entitlement mentality crosses racial boundaries. I don't care whether you're living in rural West Virginia, South Chicago, McAllen Texas or any other 2nd world craphole within the US, you still have the freedom of choice. You can allow your environment to define you, you can fight to change your environment or you can leave it behind and start over.

Unless you're being held prisoner against your will, you have the freedom to choose who you are and how you live your life. You can wake up tomorrow and say "I'm done with this s#!t!" If you don't, that's on you and no one else but you. You can't blame your absent father for what you fail to do tomorrow. You can't blame your environment for not getting up tomorrow and proactively working to improve your chances of success. You can't blame an uncaring government because you don't seek out positive and successful people to emulate tomorrow. Yesterday belongs to them, tomorrow belongs to you. If you let apathy and anger dictate what happens tomorrow, you have only the person in the mirror to blame.

What I'm about to post has incorrectly been attributed to Lou Holtz. I have no idea who actually wrote it, but they should seek credit because it's absolutely true. If you think it's racist, then perhaps you need to clean your race filters. They're probably filthy from excessive use.

The Democrats are right, there are two Americas. The America that works and the America that doesn’t. The America that contributes and the America that doesn’t. It’s not the haves and the have nots, it’s the dos and the don’ts. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society and others don’t. That’s the divide in America .

It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility. It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country.

That’s not invective, that’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.

The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.” He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just. That is the rationale of thievery.

The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat. That is the philosophy that produced Detroit.

It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America. It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.

The Democrats have not empowered their followers, they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope. The president’s premise – that you reduce income inequality by debasing the successful–seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices. Because, by and large, income variations in society are a result of different choices leading to different consequences.

Those who choose wisely and responsibly have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure.

Success and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income. You choose to drop out of high school or to skip college – and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education.

You have your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course; you have them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course. Most often in life our destination is determined by the course we take.

My doctor, for example, makes far more than I do. There is significant income inequality between us. Our lives have had an inequality of outcome, but, our lives also have had an in equality of effort. While my doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency, I got a job in a restaurant. He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes. His outcome pays a lot better than mine. Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth? No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.

It is not inequality Barack Obama intends to take away, it is freedom. The freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail. There is no true option for success if there is no true option for failure. The pursuit of happiness means a whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit brings you more happiness than the other guy. Even if the other guy sat on his arse and did nothing. Even if the other guy made a lifetime’s worth of asinine and short sighted decisions.

Barack Obama and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.

The simple Law of the Harvest – as ye sow, so shall ye reap – is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get.”

Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society. Entitlement will replace effort as the key to upward mobility in American society if Barack Obama gets his way. He seeks a lowest common denominator society in which the government besieges the successful and productive to foster equality through mediocrity. He and his party speak of two Americas, and their grip on power is based on using the votes of one to sap the productivity of the other. America is not divided by the differences in our outcomes, it is divided by the differences in our efforts.

It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.

What Obama offered was not a solution, but a separatism. He fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit. That’s what socialists offer. Marxist class warfare wrapped up with a bow. Two Americas, coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln’s maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
Article from a few days ago - more racism, or just another reality check?

What if whites strike back?
Exclusive: Mychal Massie calls on blacks to repudiate 'racist villains' portrayal
Published: 4 days ago

It would serve race mongers well to consider that even a docile old dog will bite you if you mistreat it often enough and long enough. Tangential to same is the reality of the “laws of unintended consequences.”

I’m tired of seeing, reading and hearing white people blamed for everything from black boys not being able to read to whites being privileged because of the color of their skin. If I am tired of these Americans being used as scapegoats to further the agenda of race mongers, then it is a sure bet that those being unjustly vilified are especially weary of same.

This isn’t 1860, and it certainly isn’t 1955. There are no slaves in America, and there are no Jim Crow laws dictating access based on skin color. Specific to that point, it is time to remind people like Obama, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party that the racial discord they are fomenting can become the harbinger of their own peril.

Obama foments racial unrest and a racial divide to further his neo-Leninist agenda. Sharpton foments racial unrest for personal gain. The New Black Panther Party foments racial hostilities and the demonization of whites in the foolish belief they can bring about a Western version of apartheid where blacks rule.

Too many blacks have lost sight of the fact that it was Africans who were responsible for the enslavement of other Africans. It was war, invasion, conquest and various caste systems that contributed to slavery. And although one would be hard-pressed to believe it from the invented myths that masquerade as fact, persons of color were not the only slaves.

From Genesis to the Sudan of today, slavery has been a staple around the world. And it should be noted that given the first opportunity in America, the former slaves of color became owners of those whose skin color matched theirs.

But unlike the rest of the world, America had the good sense and decency to end slavery. In America, there is no caste system, and yet at every turn we are bombarded with how bad blacks have it because of whites and how unfair the so-called “white system” is to blacks.

All people, including those who are here illegally, have it better in America than they would have it anywhere else on earth. And yet blacks are encouraged to blame their ills on whites.

Therein the “laws of unintended consequences” come into play. America has shed the blood of her people on her own soil to ensure the freedom of all Americans. Americans of all races joined hands with blacks to end Jim Crow. And, to the detriment of all concerned, political correctness and guilt have contributed to discrimination against whites vis-a-vis race-based affirmative-action initiatives.

Still the bastardization of whites continues. White law enforcement personnel are labeled racist for defending themselves against black criminals, especially when bad things happen to the black criminals.

To put it succinctly, the single greatest non-biblical truth today is that many times the majority of blacks are their own worst enemies. Many blacks go through life with a chip on their shoulder and bad attitudes toward whites. Many blacks growing up in dysfunctional single-parent or no-parent homes are loathe to realize that their lives are the result of bad decisions made by their families that adversely affect their adulthood – it’s not the white man.

But as I said, there is a thing called “the laws of unintended consequences.” To that end, sooner or later a pendulum reaches its arc and starts to swing back in the other direction.

How long before white people, many of whom are growing increasingly resentful at being falsely maligned, decide to respond in kind? How much longer will whites stand by and allow the likes of Sharpton and Obama to continually cast them as racist villains?

If the 1915 silent movie “The Birth of a Nation” by D.W. Griffith, which depicted blacks as unintelligent and sexual predators of white women (which was a lie), gave rise to the resurrection of the Ku Klux Klan, what can we expect to be brought about by the heathen behavior of many blacks today?

Many blacks are quick to attack those of us who condemn the untoward, barbaric behavior of some blacks. They curse us for not glossing over their behavior and for not engaging in “blame whitey.” But if a phony movie was able to give rise to at least two generations of condemnation of blacks, what will the in-your-face belligerent hostilities so many of them exhibit today ultimately result in?

America has figuratively bent over backward to assuage its perceived guilt, but for many blacks that is not good enough. They accuse and self-alienate but do nothing to incorporate the greatness of America into their lives.

How much longer will America allow blacks to vilify those who have done them no harm – even as blacks attack, terrorize and condemn those who truly do just want to get along?


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Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
Thank you, Sanford, for that post. Truth just falling all over the page yet some would still want to just cry "Oreo" and "Uncle Tom" at him, thinking that's an effective response. This is the kind of discussion about race that AG Holder claimed was needed in America but would run from like it was poison.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Good article, yet no one need fear that whites will collectively do anything. A few may get sick of all the bs washing over the airwaves, but whites have had "racist" crammed into their head for so long, they jump on their own quicker than a New York minute.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
How come the main item of discussion in conversations like this is always over whether or not the author fits into the category of "racist?" Shouldn't the discussion be over whether what he is saying is true or not?

Based on my own observations as a criminal defense attorney and as a member of society, some of it is, and some of it isn't. His generalizations on the racial makeup of defendants and on courtroom dress and demeanor are generally true. I don't agree with what he says about members of which races tend to be charged with which crimes though. In my experience, plenty of blacks are charged with sexual offenses... they make up a sizeable portion of rape defendants. They tend to commit all sorts of crimes, though beating women is especially common among them. I haven't really noticed any trend toward child molestation by hispanic defendants -- all the ones I defended were white. Nor have I noticed a trend for DUI -- that appears to be an equal opportunity crime around here. If there is any trend with hispanics, it is probably drug trafficking and possession of meth. With white folks, you do indeed see just about everything -- though they do the lion's share of embezzlement and copper theft. One thing he didn't mention is the conspicuous lack of asians on most criminal dockets.

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