My children do not get vaccinated

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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
To pretend things do not exist doesn't make for good debate or open-mindedness...I think you DO want the truth and are not some shill. I want it too...that's all we should care are a skeptic in many other areas as I've seen. Skepticism and holding the "establishment" accountable is very healthy.

It is not a conspiracy that the government passed a law in the 1980's to make it illegal to sue vaccine makers
It is not a conspiracy that the government has a vaccine injury compensation court that has paid out BILLIONS of dollars in claims
It is not a conspiracy that the vaccine makers have inserts that list potential side-effects just like other prescription drugs; they are made by drug companies
It is not a conspiracy that the ingredients of vaccines are published and contain known toxins (you can argue the amounts, but you can't dispute the ingredients because they are published and acknowledged by both the gov't and the drug companies)
It is not a conspiracy that many of the vaccines statistically do not pass the cost vs benefit analysis to warrant their recommendation/mandate, nor are the diseases all the same level of threat; I covered this last time. There should be tiered vaccine schedules with emphasis both on the statistical risk of the disease and statistical chance the given vaccine will lower one's risk to contract a particular disease.

I have laid out a very cohesive position on this and I (as you) probably don't care to get into another huge discussion...the greater points are that if we do not scrutinize and put some controls on vaccines, then as we've seen, there will be more & more and more over time that cost money, do not have the patient's best interest at heart, and perhaps the greatest points:

- we have no "real" statistical issue right now to warrant mandates (but stop illegals where much of the disease is flowing in from)
- we are not a collective and in a country of 320 million, you can't expect a free people with guaranteed liberties to do something they perceive a risk of, or violates their religion, etc., to be forced to do something that either gov't bureaucrats at the CDC, or even a majority of the population wants them to do. In a republic we have protections from mob rule if 51% want to oppress the other 49%, etc.

I think you CAN be pro-vax without being a dick...over 90% CHOOSE it so why hassle the rest anyway...
Dont go getting all factual, GM didnt. Only your "opinion" matters in his debates. lmao.


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Jun 13, 2005
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Dont go getting all factual, GM didnt. Only your "opinion" matters in his debates. lmao.

Laid out facts before in the 9829382938 page thread on vaccines. Education on the matter is moot to the anti-vax crowd. Like I said, might as well let them cull their own gene pool.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It is not a conspiracy that the government passed a law in the 1980's to make it illegal to sue vaccine makers
It is not a conspiracy that the government has a vaccine injury compensation court that has paid out BILLIONS of dollars in claims
It is not a conspiracy that the vaccine makers have inserts that list potential side-effects just like other prescription drugs; they are made by drug companies
It is not a conspiracy that the ingredients of vaccines are published and contain known toxins (you can argue the amounts, but you can't dispute the ingredients because they are published and acknowledged by both the gov't and the drug companies)
It is not a conspiracy that many of the vaccines statistically do not pass the cost vs benefit analysis to warrant their recommendation/mandate, nor are the diseases all the same level of threat; I covered this last time. There should be tiered vaccine schedules with emphasis both on the statistical risk of the disease and statistical chance the given vaccine will lower one's risk to contract a particular disease
I'm weary of this subject. Myself and my kids have had every know vac and shot in the world as we have traveled around a lot of it. We still have all appendages and mental capacity although some on this forum may disagree. LOL

Why did the government pass a law in the 80's to take it illegal to sue vaccine makers?
Why did the government generate an injury compensation court?
Why did the makers have inserts that list potential side effects, and do you know why they did this? Do you know how side effect reports are generated by the drug mfg's?
Ingredients of cans of green beans are required to list the ingredients. What is the issue with that? Salt is a known toxin in green beans according to some.
What is the cost vs benefit crap in relation to reccomendations/mandate. Lets cover that real closely. I see your tiered response, but that is your opinion.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Look if I lived in a 100-person commune in a post-apocalyptic world and there was a plague outbreak for which there was a vaccine then I'd take it and probably be for expelling anyone who would not...I understand the other side of the argument; I've just done more research and look at it from a different perspective.

The very fact that the vaccine schedule is viewed as "infallible" is just one of many issues; that means that ANYTHING that is put on there by un-elected bureaucrats is to be injected into your most precious possession without question. Freedom-loving people should see the fallacy in that.

All of them have risks but the threat level of the diseases are not the same nor are the statistics. Polio isn't the same as Rota this country, Rota virus is not a statistically significant threat, but that vaccine has risks and has injured children; so much so that it was previously removed from the market. It was also found to be contaminated with foreign viruses (some of which could be cancerous). Rota virus needs to be on a different schedule "tier" than Polio.

If the powers that be used some logic instead of acting like a religious organization, then they'd be more credible, and show that they had the people's best interest at heart. Instead, they do things that do not make sense and then ostracize anyone who asks questions...that sounds like Hillary Clinton.


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Jun 13, 2005
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It's fascinating that you move the goalposts like you do, not to mention the insistence on polarizing everything to Strawman. The accepting years of scientific review, study, and outright near eradication of certain diseases is not to say that a "vaccine schedule is infallible." It's to say it's far better than wingin it and praying for the best.

Problem is that you, Jenny McCarthy, and the other anti-vaxxer nutjobs believe that somehow you're more educated on the subject. You're not, far from. Asking questions doesn't make you educated, it makes you human. Beating this dead horse when you have no work or scientific background of your own is laughable. None of you have the ambition to go to school, get some letters behind your name, and conduct your own study. Googling a few articles and cherry picking facts doesn't make you informed. If this conversation broke down to a critical thinking level concerning microbiology, then I'd get crickets in terms of any real scientific based response actually coming from you.

If the powers that be used some logic instead of acting like a religious organization, then they'd be more credible, and show that they had the people's best interest at heart. Instead, they do things that do not make sense and then ostracize anyone who asks questions...that sounds like Hillary Clinton.

It's more of instance of someone having a dangerous philosophy because of ignorance. If they choose to be ignorant then so be it. They should put their money where their mouth is and go live where they aren't afforded the luxury of herd immunity. Everything will work it's way out.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed

Vaccines get all the glory, but most plumbers will tell you that it was water infrastructure – sewage systems and clean water – that eradicated disease, and they’re right.

Disease Before Plumbing
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europeans despised all things Roman, including bathing. There was a widespread belief that getting wet caused illness. This contempt and fear of bathing persisted through the Dark Ages.

Some Europeans defied local customs by bathing, but this was usually done over great protest. When Queen Elizabeth bathed, her servants panicked, fearing she would become ill and die.

This resistance to bathing was brought across the Atlantic to America, influencing habits all the way into the 1800s. In 1835, Philadelphia almost passed an ordinance forbidding wintertime bathing. Ten years later, Boston did outlaw bathing, except by medical directive. (Though this law was not widely enforced, it does illustrate the American resistance to bathing as late as the mid 1800s.)

How Plumbing Eradicated Disease
Before plumbing was widely used, indoor facilities consisted of a washstand and a washbowl, a pitcher, and a chamber pot or commode. Human waste was thrown into the street or anywhere convenient.

This total lack of sanitation in urban areas filled with rats and other vermin provided the perfect environment to spread disease. The Black Plague alone killed 75 million – 200 million people – including 1/3 of Europe’s population. Though this disease is not entirely eradicated, human infection has become a rare occurrence. The last plague epidemic in America was in the early 1900’s.

Polio and Plumbing
Polio thrives in fecal matter and is easily transmitted through human waste. Plumbing and water sanitation in India is way behind the rest of the industrialized world. In areas where sanitation and hygiene are good, polio is rare. In areas where sanitation and hygiene are poor, the disease can spread rapidly.

Immunization efforts have received a lot of publicity and have garnered most of the credit for India being declared “polio free” by the World Health Organization. As recently as 2009, India reported 762 cases of polio, and at that time, these numbers made India the polio capital of the world. In 2014, there are currently no “official” documented cases of polio, but without proper sanitation there is no way this can last.

A Polio Breeding Ground
India is the second most populous nation in the world, with an estimated population of 1.2 billion. Currently, 780 million Indians do not have a toilet; 96 million Indians do not have access to clean drinking water. In rural areas, open defecation is still more common than attempting to dispose of human waste in a more sanitary fashion, such as burying it.

There have been some efforts to improve sanitation, but they pale in comparison to the extensive efforts to vaccinate Indians. Over 9 billion has been spent in this vaccination public health campaign. In some parts of India, children have received as many as 30 doses of the oral polio vaccine before their fifth birthday. Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and GAVI have ardently been pushing vaccines on people who still don’t have access to clean drinking water or the sanitary means to dispose of human waste.

They Say Tomato, I say Tomatoe
The current polio vaccine campaign in India is highly controversial due to the high rate of vaccine injury and death. There were 53,000 cases of NPAFP, a non-polio acute flaccid paralysis, among those vaccinated. NPAFP is a disease that is clinically indistinguishable from polio and twice as deadly that is caused by the live, weakened, polio viruses in the vaccine. Incidences of the disease rose and fell with the number of doses of the vaccine administered. To call this disease anything other than polio is semantic subterfuge, a whitewash for Big Pharma’s image.

In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children—way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000.” – Jan, 13 2014 quote from LiveMint Newpaper, the second largest business newspaper in India.

It would be less expensive in human cost and far more effective to improve India’s water infrastructure, improving India’s sanitation and hygiene.

London England and Cholera
In the 1800’s the European infant mortality rate was very high, from 25% to 70%. In the early-to-mid 1800s, London had little in the way of water infrastructure. The majority of people used town pumps and communal wells to get their drinking water. Waste disposal was far from adequate. Most Londoners dumped raw sewage and animal wastes into open pits known as “cesspools” or directly into the Thames River. Unfortunately, the Thames River was also the source of drinking water for many Londoners.

Cholera spreads easily through contaminated water and food and kills very quickly; it often proves fatal within hours of the first symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea.

In 1854, yet another outbreak struck London, claiming the lives of tens of thousands of Europeans. In Soho, a suburb of London, there were more than 500 fatal cases of cholera in ten days.

Dr. John Snow, who lived near Soho, was able to directly investigate what was causing the outbreak. Five years earlier, Dr. Snow had written an article about what he believed caused cholera. It was in the water, he argued. This idea flew in the face of the “wisdom” of his time. In the 1850s, doctors believed that bad vapors, or a “miasma in the atmosphere” caused disease. Dr. Snow dared to believe something different, to try something different, believing he might see different results.

Dr. John Snow Traced Cholera To Its Source
Dr. Snow traced the cholera outbreak to the Broad Street pump. He persuaded the town officials to remove the pump handle, and the cholera outbreak abruptly ended. Some time later, the outbreak was traced back to a woman cleaning a dirty diaper in the well.

Though it took some time, Dr. Snow convinced the authorities that fecal matter was contaminating the water supply. Today Dr. John Snow is widely regarded as the father of epidemiology.

Refugee Camps, Dysentery Epidemic, and Poor Sanitation
The Rwandan refugee camps set up in Zaire in 1994 struggled with outbreaks of dysentery. Sanitation was poor; the refugees defecated openly in common areas. Human waste built up in the same areas where the refugees drew water that was used for cooking and drinking. Heavy rain flooded the area and dysentery became epidemic, at its peak it was killing 2,000 people a day.

Refugee camps have always been a haven for diseases related to poor sanitation. Once U.S. and UN officials brought in purified water and encouraged people to use outhouses and latrines for defecation, the incidences of dysentery fell.

Chicago’s Population Grew from 350 in 1835 to More than 60,000 by 1850
The industrial revolution drove rapid population growth. Chicago’s water infrastructure wasn’t designed to handle such a rapid rise in population. Chicago was dealing with many different diseases, but it had especially high rates of typhoid fever. The source of the rapid increase in disease was traced to the city’s water and sanitation.

The majority of the city’s sewage was directed to the Chicago River, which flowed right back into Lake Michigan, which provided the city’s drinking water. This, of course, contaminated Chicago’s drinking water and created a cycle of disease.

It took many years to solve the problem, but in the early 1900s Chicago modernized their water infrastructure. They reversed the flow of several rivers and streams, and as a result, typhoid fever and all other infectious diseases plummeted.

Sanitation prevents disease by removing the cause of disease transmission, but this is not new information. Moses taught sanitation. He made many rules for encampments. The Greeks and the Romans created elaborate systems of aqueducts, baths, and drainage. When the Roman Empire crumbled, sanitation became a lost art. Civilization paid the price: plague after plague struck areas of dense population.

Smallpox continued to infect Europe’s population until plumbing infrastructure became commonplace. Although, sanitation ended this disease, the smallpox vaccine takes the credit.

When most of us think of a conscientious objector, we think of someone who refused military service for moral or religious reasons. In the 1800s, the term came into use for someone who refused vaccinations for their children. There was a great deal of resistance to the smallpox vaccine. Some statistics placed fatalities from the vaccine as high as 1 in 200

In modern times, objections to vaccines are mounting. Refusing to vaccinate is as controversial today as it was when the first vaccines were forced on British citizens almost 200 years ago.

Vaccines often contain toxins like aluminum and mercury, and many vaccines contain aborted fetal tissues. The reality of vaccine injury and death is making the news, though the propaganda and out and out lies from pharmaceutical companies cause a polarized division between those who are pro vaccine and those who are against.

If you are reading this, you probably have access to running water and a working toilet. If you choose to forego vaccines for yourself or your children, bear in mind that you will need additional protection to avoid contracting illnesses. Exercise, sleep, stress management, and a truly healthy diet are all essential for an immune system to work at optimal efficiency.

While the medical professionals and the pharmaceutical companies are quick to take credit for our increased life expectancy, in truth, they are not the heroes. Have you thanked a plumber lately?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Sanitation will always be an integral part of eradication of diseases in general, that's not breakthrough. However, the theory that running water and toilets somehow eradicates viruses that can be transmitted from human to human contact through various body fluids, shows an amount of ignorance pertaining to epidemiology. You're only eliminating ONE breeding ground for the viruses. Hint: The other one is the human body.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I can tell ya, if you wanna talk microbiology, immunology and virology on a micromolecular scale - like the people who develop these vaccines do - then and ONLY then will you even begin to grasp how complicated this subject is. Claiming "we deserve safe vaccines" is such a ridiculous oversimplification and ignores the millions and millions of man-hours put in by these highly-trained researchers (MDs, PhDs, etc - literally thousands of them).

No... vaccines aren't perfect. Not at all. But they are a whole helluva godd**n lot better than seeing kids die or become crippled in droves, rather than a very VERY few rare reactions.

Seriously... the people who debate this subject endlessly may have read a ton of accounts, even some studies, but having an actual working knowledge of the concepts involved in producing these vaccines? Not a fecking chance, man. I had a couple of graduate-level classes in this stuff, and I can tell you, we didn't even scratch the surface, and I can't even remember 1/10th of what we learned.

Seriously, there are just not enough adjectives to adequately describe the complexity of this field - so if you think you can second-guess the people who do it for a living, I'd seriously invite you to put on a labcoat and get to f***ing work. :D

I'm not being hateful or an ass, really, I'm not... I respect the people in this debate and I respect the opinions. I'm chiming in as someone who understands the complexity of the subject, the arguments on both sides and the passion on both sides, I'm just saying, someone may consider themselves educated by reading a lot on the internet about these things and their history - but making trite claims that we should just somehow "do better" only proves the point, which is that they don't truly understand the subject.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Sanitation will always be an integral part of eradication of diseases in general, that's not breakthrough. However, the theory that running water and toilets somehow eradicates viruses that can be transmitted from human to human contact through various body fluids, shows an amount of ignorance pertaining to epidemiology. You're only eliminating ONE breeding ground for the viruses. Hint: The other one is the human body.

Sanitation is why Rotavirus kills something like 20 per year here and 10's of thousands in under-developed nations...The CDC also recommends frequent hand-washing for a reason :)

I am not anti-vax...I am a vaccine conservative...Some things I take into consideration are:

- disease contraction risk/stats
- disease severity (on avg)
- known issues/potential side-effects of the prescription medicine (which is essentially what a vaccine is)
- known vaccine ingredients/toxins that I may take exception to (such as MRC5, WI38, etc.)
- vaccine protection potential
- ETC.

Case-by-case is the due diligence I choose; I support your rights too. Just don't want people deciding what's best for ME. All of you in-flexible pro-vaxers make the mistake of speaking of vaccines in a consolidated way. I hate to say it, but since you mentioned it, over-simplification of a topic is a tactic that can be used by someone who has an absolute agenda (ends justifies the means, moral relativity, or other marxist ideas), doesn't want to look at anything that might change their opinion, or are just to in-sophisticated to handle it so they just "declare" how it is and any other facts, statistics, opinions be-damned. To me I see the pro-vax absolutists use this tactic. And even with the millions on man-hours, they make huge mistakes all the time...same with all prescription drugs. Vaccines MUST succeed and in order to do that, we have to ignore any valid questions or inconsistencies because we need this "herd immunity" at all costs and no individual's rights matter; only the collective...soooo many conservatives fall for this fear mongering such to not educate themselves on a micro level about their own health or that of their family.

I got a tetanus shot when I stepped on a rusty nail at the lake (lock jaw, no thanks). Case-by-case...the gov't is NOT infallible and broad brush policies are fine for willing recipients of such policies; but not for empowered individuals.

Google SV40 for those of you that are open-minded on this topic...The Polio vaccine was contaminated with a potential cancer-causing virus for many years...Your government allowed (even if unknowingly) millions of people to be injected with a cancer virus. Skepticism is healthy...during the polio outbreak, I'd have probably taken it...we HAVE A RIGHT TO SAFE VACCINES and that is not over simplification.

EDIT: Here's more (relating to my mention MRC5, WI38)...yall got me all baited now must end but I'll try to contain myself.

Dr. Theresa Deisher, Ph.D., and a renowned molecular and cellular physiologist from Stanford University who was the first person to discover adult cardiac-derived stem cells, found that residual cellular DNA from aborted babies demonstrates both oncogenic and infectious characteristics in vaccines.

Aborted human fetal tissue, it turns out, has long been used in the production of vaccines, despite the fact that traces of DNA from this tissue can persist in the final product. The consequences of this, says Dr. Deisher, can include both genetic damage and markers of autism.

"It is possible that these contaminating fragments could be incorporated into a child's genome and disrupt normal gene function, leading to autistic phenotypes," wrote Dr. Deisher in a paper titled "Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome."
Last edited:


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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we HAVE A RIGHT TO SAFE VACCINES and that is not over simplification.

What I'm saying is... what you don't realize is that we DO have safe vaccines. We have the best that has been able to be made by some really really smart people - like, orders of magnitude smarter than you or me. It sounds to me like what you want is a TOTALLY safe vaccine - as in, one that has ZERO side effects, ZERO complications and is 100% effective.

Great! Guess what? So do the people who are making them. They're trying... but you go ahead and bash them all you want, because it is obvious you don't understand the basic concepts. To me, anyways. I also support your right to choose. That's fine. But you get to live with the consequences if you choose wrongly, too, just as I do.

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