My Wife is in Hospice

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
I wish i could say something to ease your pain, but all i can offer are my prayers and well wishes. Don't be afraid to turn to your friends and family for love and support, we're all on this same journey of life and there is no shame in it.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
I might as well make it public. My wife was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Adenocarcinoma of the lungs that has metastasized to the brain and her adrenal glands. This diagnosis came as a complete shock to us. They were able to get one major tumor out of her brain, but they are rampant throughout and she cannot have them removed through surgery. The Neurosurgeon said she had at least 15 smaller tumors in her brain alone. This particular form of cancer is very aggressive and is taking her fast. We had hoped she would recover enough to start immediate radiation and chemo, but instead, she has rapidly spiraled down to the point of basically being unresponsive and on the verge of death. The decision was made to move her from ICU to inpatient Hospice care on Monday, April 13th. She has a very short time left; no one can say for sure when she will no longer be able to fight it and will pass on. The best guess is maybe ...days. As you might imagine, I am devastated.

Please DO NOT post what you think I should have done, or how you would have handled it or whatever; it serves no purpose other than to hurt me even more. Do you think I haven't asked myself those questions already? If you must respond, please do so with compassion for my wife.

I am with her 24/7, I have only come online here a few times this past week, and then only as a frivolous distraction to take me away from the hell I find myself in for a short period of time. I did see that my absence has been noticed. This is why.

Public thanks to one of the best friends I have ever had who I have leaned on heavily, and I do mean heavily for support these past few weeks. Friends like him are worth their weight in gold. I won't reveal his name; that's his business.

I will stay with her and be by her side until the end. She means more to me than the world. After that, I quite honestly don't know what I am going to do.

That is terrible to hear. Praying for your wife and you in this awful time. I really don't know what to say but I just hate hearing these types of things. So sad!!!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 23, 2009
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If you need help with anything, just shoot me a PM. I’m a licensed contractor and I can also work a grill,weed eater, clean magazines ect.
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