Need advice/pointers on going sober

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Good for you. Alcohol plays too big of a role in people's lives. I can act just as stupid with an ice cold Coca-Cola in my hand as I can with a cold beer.

First and foremost, stay out of establishments that serve drinks and stay away from the crowd you used to drink with. You may lose some friends but if they were really your friends, they would support you in your decision.

Next, if you don't drink coffee, you might want to consider starting. Your body is gonna crave sugar and the caffeine will give you a subtle kick to give you some "feelings" that you're gonna miss.

Something else you might try, is get a big gallon size pickle jar, clean it up real good, duct tape the lid on it and cut a slot in it. Then every time you want a drink, poke a $5 bill in the jar. Before you know it, it will be full of money and you can go buy a new gun! :woohoo1:

One day at a time buddy! :thumb:


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2010
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Like another post said, I just like ice cold beer. I can moderate pretty well, but like I told my wife if it only works 90% of the time, it’s not working at all. Beer is tasty but it’s just not worth the risk.

I’m determined this time to stick to it this time. I doubt I struggle with cravings etc but I’ll have to avoid some social situations for awhile.

I’m the same way with coffee…..I love it and always drink too much. luckily it just results in the jitters some days!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 20, 2022
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Bartlesville, ok
After 5 years of not drinking alcohol I gave it the social try. I was right back to heavy drinking in no time. I'm now 14 months sober... again and it's tougher as you get older.
I protect my sobriety by being very picky about my people, places, and things I get into. It has cost me friends, and I'm not so social anymore but I'm healthy and productive and back in the fight.
Good luck with your journey.


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2016
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Logan county, on a dirt road
I'm 23 years sober. That old saying "One beer is too many, and 20 ain't enough" applied to me. Beer and Vodka - not mixed - were my weapons of choice.

I'm gonna tell you something: when you are tired of it you will stop. A thing that cannot go on won't go on.

You are the only one that can do it. Having said that, it can be done. I've done it. Others have done it. We ain't nothing special. If we can do it, you can.

If you want to.

As another responder stated ' know what needs to be done. Just do it...'.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
Dec 30, 2008 was the last time I took a drink. Had quit when I was in my late teens (rehab and AA) and managed to stay sober for 18 years. Made a stupid decision, thinking I wasn’t an alcoholic, just a kid that played too hard….right…… In 3 months I was falling down drunk. Took 3-4 years to again receive that gift of desperation, where I lost all arrogance and was willing to listen and follow direction. I’d lost my house, my job, my children and the respect of my wife whom I love dearly. I’m now 13 years sober and God has restored everything and even more, I feel like Job in the Bible. I’m glad you’re willing to “try again” which in itself speaks volumes. I suggest (like I suggest you take a parachute with you if you jump out of an airplane) you find the AA central office in Tulsa, get a meeting directory and go to several different meetings. While you’re checking out the meetings take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. Realize your best decision making skills got you right where you are today and I strongly suggest getting direction from someone other than yourself. This is going to sound harsh but I figure you’re a grown man and I’m not inclined to sugarcoat sobriety. I pray you genuinely have reached a point where you want to change and if not? May The Lord allow your life to become so painful and miserable that you become willing to make a lasting change.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 6, 2007
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Wish you all the luck in the world on going dry. I stopped last March for a couple of health reasons. Dr. told me I would need to go on diabetes meds if my next lab/blood draw showed high A1C, blood glucose out of range. Eye exam doc caused some concern about some damn thing or another, optic nerve getting out of wack some how. Recommended eating more greens. So I started watching Dr. Berg youtube videos and reading Dr. Gundries books on ketogenic diet, trying to beat the diabetes onset. It worked, lost thirty pounds, five pounds the first week after going dry, stopping carbs, sugar, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta. Eat eggs, bacon, grilled rib eye steak, salmon, chicken, salads. Spinach, turnip greens, Brussel Sprouts, asparagus. Green onions or yellow onions sautéed into everything. Rotate thru menu items recommended by these Dr. ’s. Drink cup of green tea in the evening, or lemon water. Use extra virgin olive oil to cook with, and on your salads with apple cider vinegar, ACV. Don’t want to go blind from diabetes. Want to continue target shooting. The new diet helps keep me focused on doing better. No guarantee I’ll maintain discipline on this. Day at a time, as they say. I drank booze pretty much all my adult life, I thought in moderation. I turn 65 next month. Notice a lot of things feel better physically, balance is better. Feel noticeably calmer.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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Like mentioned several times above, you've simply got to remove yourself from those situations, and let them all know why. If they're not understanding and willing to help, it was the wrong social group to hang out with anyway imo.
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.😎

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