No Charges for Hillary

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Jan 12, 2007
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Anyone who thinks Obama didn't slam the door and nail it shut on prosecuting Hillary is delusional. Lynch is not going to bite the hand that feeds her. By the time anyone could make any sort of case that she was derelict of duty, Hillary will be POTUS and it just won't matter anymore. Anyone still railing about it after her coronation will be dismissed as no better than a crackpot birther.

It's all mental masturbation anyway. The GOP is far too focused on convention rules to bother with defeating Hillary. They aren't going to suddenly get their crap in one bag come July 22nd. :(


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Anyone who thinks Obama didn't slam the door and nail it shut on prosecuting Hillary is delusional. Lynch is not going to bite the hand that feeds her. By the time anyone could make any sort of case that she was derelict of duty, Hillary will be POTUS and it just won't matter anymore. Anyone still railing about it after her coronation will be dismissed as no better than a crackpot birther.

It's all mental masturbation anyway. The GOP is far too focused on convention rules to bother with defeating Hillary. They aren't going to suddenly get their crap in one bag come July 22nd. :(
^^^^This x eleventy-billion.

No way in hell our system is going to cut Hillary down at this point. Our .gov is gone way too far past recoverable to be worth even paying attention to anymore. I'm done with the election coverage, done with the warmed-over leftovers they keep serving us, and done with today's politics-as-usual. If anyone thinks this even remotely resembles a just and representative governmental system, they need their head examined - or forcibly removed from their shoulders.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
She has to be elected before she can be impeached.


William Belknap - Secretary of War was impeached after his resignation. I'm under no illusion that Hillary would meet her deserved end in politics, but there IS congressional precedent.

The House Judiciary Committee drew up articles of impeachment against Secretary Belknap, and after a brief debate on the permissibility of impeaching an official who had resigned, the House voted in favor of his impeachment.Congressman Clymer headed a committee of five that was assigned to present the impeachment articles to the Senate.The June 3 issue of Harper’s Weekly in which this cartoon appears also reported that the Senate was debating the issue of their jurisdiction over a resigned cabinet officer.On May 29, a majority of eight decided in favor of jurisdiction, and Belknap’s trial in the Senate began.On August 1, 1876, a majority of the senators voted for conviction on the three articles of impeachment, but the tally was short of the necessary two-thirds.Consequently, Belknap was not officially removed from an office from which he had already resigned.Most of those voting in the negative announced that they did so because they concluded that the Senate did not have proper jurisdiction.

On This Day: June 3, 1876

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