No Firearms at Trump Inauguration

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
So if you "completely understand" why certain things are banned on federal property and/or that they can present a threat or at the least concern for LEOs tasked with people's safety; why would you think it is "hypocritical" to follow the law?

Can you share where the Republican Party has in their platform where they say "one should always be allowed to be armed"? I missed that one along with the part where the are prejudicial to people of color.

Thanks for the effort, but I never said it was part of their platform. And you cannot deny that there are many (even here) who feel that people should be allowed to carry wherever they please, the law be damned.

Also, as i stated, many parts of the inauguration festivities aren't on federal property.

As to the 'prejudicial to people of color' part, well you'll have to take it up with your crush.


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
Thanks for the effort, but I never said it was part of their platform.

You are welcome! But you did state:

it is somewhat hypocritical as it relates to the party of 'one should always be allowed to be armed'

The “effort” here is that I am questioning your use of the word “party” … as in “Republican Party” that is helping to sponsor this event. Is there anything/anywhere in the Republican Party that says or even implies that people “should always be allowed to be armed”? I don't get the alleged hypocrisy.

And you cannot deny that there are many (even here) who feel that people should be allowed to carry wherever they please, the law be damned.

Not really the point (but thanks for the "effort") given some folks here who are intellectually dishonest, anti-American socialist/liberal whiners that molest farm animals (gasp) whom may well be for carrying a gun anywhere and not have any affiliation with the Republican Party.

Also, as i stated, many parts of the inauguration festivities aren't on federal property.

There are many venues that have “weapon bans” in place that are not on federal property. Do you know if their “house rules” prohibit the items OR if law enforcement dictated the ban due to safety concerns OR was it the Republican Party/Trump?

As to the 'prejudicial to people of color' part, well you'll have to take it up with your crush.

Pass. Unless I were to become a “moderator” where I could say anything and not worry about getting “points” or banned (again) I just need to realize that I won that battle and really don't need to rub his nose in what he said.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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What does "since Reagan" matter? Reagan may be the worst pres. this country's had.

Reagan gave us a quarter century respite from the Cold War. Obama has started Cold War 2.0.

Reagan added $1.86T to the national debt. Obama added $7.92T.

Reagan gave us 9 scandals, capped by Iran-Contra. Obama gave us so many scandals that Wikipedia has to continually scrub his page in order to protect his "legacy". Take your pick on which Obama scandal is greatest, but Bengazhi, IRS targeting, VA incompetence, Fast & Furious and the ACA debacle are all top contenders. Personally? My pick is funding and equipping terrorist organizations in Syria, including al Qaeda.

Reagan was both feared and respected as a world leader. Obama is the laughing stock of the world, except in those countries which seek to undermine the U.S., which applaud his efforts to downgrade the U.S. (don't forget that Obama presided over the first U.S. credit downgrade in history).

But yeah, Reagan was the worst! :rolleyes:
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Duck of Death
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
Can any of you Trump sycophants list the freedoms you have lost over the last 8 years? After all, Obama has been demonized as an enemy of the constitution. You should be able to list dozens of things.

Apparently you're confused. The constitution does not grant rights or freedoms to the people, nor to the states. The government doesn't GIVE us rights, it cannot take away what it doesn't grant. Obama's extra-constitutional activity has been widely obvious for years. If you can't see that by now, then explaining it here is of no value.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Obama Seized Enough Land and Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas Three Times
Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched façade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use, ranching or state or local jurisdiction.

In a move ignored by the liberal media last week, Obama unilaterally seized more than 1.3 million acres from Utah to establish the Bears Ears Monument, preserving it at the behest of conservationist groups and Native American tribes who claimed the land was sacred. Utah’s state legislature, however, opposed the unilateral land grab across party lines, with many speculating that Obama’s move is the latest in an attempt to limit efforts from incoming President Donald Trump to expand domestic energy production.

Obama also claimed 300,000 acres in Clark County, Nevada, as the Gold Butte National Monument, effectively closing the area off to future development for uranium mining, oil drilling or natural gas production.

While it's certainly nothing new, Obama's habit of unilaterally confiscating land has ramped up heading into the final stretch of his presidency. In the eight years he’s been in office, President Obama has seized more than 553 million acres of land and water (roughly 865,000 square miles) and placed it under federal ownership and control – enough square mileage to cover the entire state of Texas more than three times over. In fact, the self-aggrandizing conservationist-in-chief has placed more land and coastal areas under federal control than any other president in history, shutting off millions of miles of land to energy production or human settlement, along with shifting it outside the scope of local and state jurisdictions.

Just this past summer, Obama bragged about executively creating the nation’s largest marine preserve off the coast of Hawaii, conveniently omitting that the move took a $10 million chunk out of the local fishing industry.

Wielding the Antiquities Act of 1906, Obama has seized vast swaths of land and water for the federal government a total of 29 times, claiming more than 260 million acres as federally-protected spaces in 2016 alone (including a more than 100-million-acre plot in Alaska that amounts to the size of New Mexico).

In fact, of the 154 times the Antiquities Act has been used by a president to seize land over the past 110 years, President Obama’s executive land grabs together make up about 20 percent.

Thanks to executive actions by Obama and presidents like him, more than 80 percent of the state of Nevada and about 65 percent of Utah is now owned by the federal government, according to the National Public Radio.


Jan 24, 2013
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Reagan gave us a quarter century respite from the Cold War. Obama has started Cold War 2.0.

WTF are you talking about? First, we have already had Cold War 2.0 which was almost entirely the result of the actions of...wait for it...Reagan. Second, we are not in a Cold War now. No way, no how. That's just claptrap.

Reagan added $1.86T to the national debt. Obama added $7.92T.

Reagan inherited a poor economy and a $80 billion deficit. Which he then blew up. In 3 years, the deficit was up 200%. Total debt under Reagan went up 190%, it was almost tripled. Reagan pretty much invented deficit spending, i.e., voodoo economics.
Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression and a $1.4 trillion deficit. The deficit is now a third what it was in 2009. Total debt under Obama will increase less than double.

Reagan gave us 9 scandals, capped by Iran-Contra. Obama gave us so many scandals that Wikipedia has to continually scrub his page in order to protect his "legacy". Take your pick on which Obama scandal is greatest, but Bengazhi, IRS targeting, VA incompetence, Fast & Furious and the ACA debacle are all top contenders. Personally? My pick is funding and equipping terrorist organizations in Syria, including al Qaeda.

Oh, just that little old Iran-Contra thing. The one where Regan sold arms to a terrorist nation, Iran who had just a few years earlier held 50 Americans hostage for over a year, in direct violation of US law. The one that resulted in indictments against more that 10 Reagan administration officials including the Sec. of Defense. The one in which Reagan refused to declassify documents, to hide the criminality of many individuals. The one in which Bush the Elder handed out pardons like candy.

Iran-Contra - more than a thousand TOW and HAWK missiles sold to a known terrorist nation.
Fast and Furious - 2000 semi automatic rifles "walked" into Mexico.

Reagan was both feared and respected as a world leader. Obama is the laughing stock of the world, except in those countries which seek to undermine the U.S., which applaud his efforts to downgrade the U.S. (don't forget that Obama presided over the first U.S. credit downgrade in history). But yeah, Reagan was the worst! :rolleyes:

Orwell would be proud. Obama "presided" over the first U.S. credit downgrade in history? After inheriting the Great Recession, and Ted Cruz (and the GOP) shutting down the government, you are going to somehow try and blame the downgrade on Obama? No, even you can't be that disingenuous.

You and your ilk often trot out Obama is not respected in the international community, yet you have absolutely no proof. Of course rhetoric is your stock in trade. Now, how to you think the world looks upon Trump? Putin and Jong-un seem to like him. The rest of the world, not so much.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Can you share (as in provide a link) where Pence actually said that?

I have asked several folks who are progressively challenged that whined like a veterinary term for two female dogs that claimed what you stated. They could not provide anything beyond a liberal coloring book that tried to color outside the lines.
I don't know if he did or not, but that's what liberals have been saying. So i'm just kind of throwing it back at them.

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