Not exactly gloating, stockpiling ‘preppers’ have a moment

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Mar 15, 2009
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If I were a bettin man, I’d say this thread went the wrong direction. I tried to find a funny pic on the net to diffuse the situation but didn’t have much luck. How’s about a group hug instead.


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Sep 16, 2012
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And we wonder why we have a bad reputation to many in our world? we are our own worst enemies. Your idea of a joke is not good at this time.

We are fighting a war on a virus and stupidity

Well you got part of it right we are fighting a war on stupidity!


Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
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Near E. C.
I don’t know if you’re a cop or not, but I’m assuming from your avatar you are. This mindset seems to be common among cops, because some local cops here in TX that a friend of mine plays golf with have expressed the same sentiment.

Whether you are a cop or just a scumbag of a person, I would like to thank you for publicly sharing your true character.:thumb:

....Yet if this man came to your, or your families aid, putting himself in harms he has many, many times.

You been here since 2012, yet would make a statement about GeD....You must improve your reading skills, go back read some of his postings....

If... I ...or anyone was in need, I was not able to help I would pray,... Glock'emDown... would be the person to help. Reason...I know...he would give everything he has to help. Cause...That is the type of man he is...

Dude! It was a joke! This is the internet. Bullsheet runs rampant on the internet. Yes, I am a cop. I've been a cop for a long time and I took an oath to serve and protect my fellow man. I would NEVER bring intentional harm to a person, nor commit a crime without provocation. I'm just trying to make light of the situation just like the 270 pages of memes that have been posted. Have you went and read them and called out the members of those that have posted?

Tongue in cheek, my boy. That's what these BS forums are all about. If you wanna join up with the whiners, go to Glock Talk. They're thicker than hops over there.

Your my HERO......AND.....that steak dinner for you is always waiting my friend.


Special Hen
May 2, 2009
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Prepping has always been about your assumptions. You can prep for what always seems to happen in Oklahoma like tornadoes, floods, fires, ice storms and earthquakes. Or at the other extreme you can prep for the End of the World or WWIII. Or for some scenario in between. Most people are between having a six months supply of food, water, meds, ammo, etc and living in a nuclear bunker for months on end. Whatever you plan for, be smart.

Glock 'em down

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
....Yet if this man came to your, or your families aid, putting himself in harms he has many, many times.

You been here since 2012, yet would make a statement about GeD....You must improve your reading skills, go back read some of his postings....

If... I ...or anyone was in need, I was not able to help I would pray,... Glock'emDown... would be the person to help. Reason...I know...he would give everything he has to help. Cause...That is the type of man he is...

Your my HERO......AND.....that steak dinner for you is always waiting my friend.

All I can humbly say is... :thanku:

I took an oath 31 years ago this June. I was serious about my job then and I'm serious about it today. I don't know how to be anyone but myself. I crack jokes and I have a sick, stupid sense of humor by default. Most cops do. At least the old dogs, like myself. I don't know how to be any other way.

But bringing pain and fear to a person without provocation just doesn't happen on my watch. I've supervised lots of young cops over the years and the hard charging, Rodney King BS just doesn't cut it. Never has, never will. Someday, I will stand before God in judgment, just like everybody else, and I will have to answer for my actions here on earth.

I am so sorry my stupid comment caused such a derailment of this thread. I didn't know it would cause such an uproar. I wish I had never said it.

Again, thank you, and everyone else for the kind words and for believing in me. :bowdown:
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