Oh Norman..........Mask Alert.......The Sky is Falling

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Why do people feel the need to shame or ostracize others for different behavior? Wear one or don't. I'm not going to call you out for either one. I'm going to go about my business and treat others like I'd like to be treated.

It's about attempting to control, whether by guilt or force, it's about control. I honestly don't know one person who is against mask mandates that is against people wearing masks, not one. "wear the mask, look out for your fellow man, it's easy, I don't even notice it, it will slow the spread(unproven, slow by how much? Legit data? None), responsible people wear the mask, be a decent person and wear a mask".

Where's the you can't wear a mask movement? lmao there's not one, because?????? "You don't have the right to tell me not to wear a mask!!!"


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Rise above the Karens and politicians...promote the proper wearing of effective surgical masks: this is our best tool for avoiding shutdowns, keeping schools open and slowing the spread of the disease. Slow spread is a very worthwhile goal. Treatments are improving and there is a possibility that the second time you get the disease will be worse than the first.

Surgical masks aren't our best tool LOL. Our best tool should be our brains....using an overall situational awareness coupled with protocols that you would normally take with the flu or something highly contagious.

It would also help if the fear factory would kick it down about ten notches. Kind of like you saying "iT mIGhT bE wOrSe tHe SeConD TiMe!" Well.... given the numbers.... lots of viruses gas themselves out too. Funny how this second wave seems to be significantly less deadly too and that's what we are seeing at least locally.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Used to be there was no second time. We were all going to get it and become immune.
People vary in their level of caution. It may well be that the fear is overblown and a product of the media and politicians. It may be that there is something about the virus that those in power don't think we could handle without panicking. It may be a combination of the two. Time will tell.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Found it, didn't write it.

"PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT... When you are going to a store and there's an employee standing at the door, whose job is to turn you away if you don't have a mask, remember:
-He/she is probably scared as hell to even have to be in that position.
-They have no political affiliation with this; they may even be against it.
Last but not least, remember...they are considered essential. They are not collecting unemployment, and they have bills to pay.
PLEASE RESPECT THE RETAIL WORKERS!! Its not their fault the government is over reaching it limits!
Honestly though, don’t be that person. These guys are just doing their job.

So in turn leave and go to a store that doesn't care spend your money there.

Last but not least watch out for Corona-Karens whose fear has turned to virtue and they feel as though yelling at you makes them superior. Just tell them to have a nice day and continue about your business."


Jan 19, 2007
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Oh it's definitely being leveraged for politics... C'mon the Democrats have lied and lied and lied... With them leading the charge about how bad this thing is, it still has a less than 1% mortality... And you KNOW they're trying to inflate the numbers as best as they can.

This pandemic is largely a scam and our "fix" has destroyed more lives than the virus. Every institution in this great country has been hijacked for politics... We saw it with the big 3 intelligence agencies with the Russian Collusion story and somehow people seem to think the CDC is immune from lying? Well, their data has already gone missing since Trump stepped in and said he wants the test data sent directly to the DHHS instead of directly to the CDC. Politicians don't care about you... They don't care if the shutdown closes your business; they don't care if you kid's school stays closed... They just want to win in November. That's it. That's all...

Generally speaking... If you take the opposite position from the popular one (wear masks or the virus is so dangerous!!!) and work from there... You'll be closer to the truth.

It still baffles my mind that people believe government. They don't care about you. There is always, always, always another motive behind what they're telling you. This is a game to them and you following their lead is exactly what they want.

****t he shutdown, **** the masks and **** unquestioned obedience.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
With the abundance of conflicting information and the fact this renewed focus on COVID suddenly appeared once the protests and riots diminished in national impact, I tend to lean toward the less government mandates the better and thus leave it to the individual to make the best choice for themselves and those around them.

To add, we haven’t treated other severe ailments as we have COVID and we’ve survived as a society just fine as least in existing as a society.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Oh it's definitely being leveraged for politics... C'mon the Democrats have lied and lied and lied... With them leading the charge about how bad this thing is, it still has a less than 1% mortality... And you KNOW they're trying to inflate the numbers as best as they can.

This pandemic is largely a scam and our "fix" has destroyed more lives than the virus. Every institution in this great country has been hijacked for politics... We saw it with the big 3 intelligence agencies with the Russian Collusion story and somehow people seem to think the CDC is immune from lying? Well, their data has already gone missing since Trump stepped in and said he wants the test data sent directly to the DHHS instead of directly to the CDC. Politicians don't care about you... They don't care if the shutdown closes your business; they don't care if you kid's school stays closed... They just want to win in November. That's it. That's all...

Generally speaking... If you take the opposite position from the popular one (wear masks or the virus is so dangerous!!!) and work from there... You'll be closer to the truth.

It still baffles my mind that people believe government. They don't care about you. There is always, always, always another motive behind what they're telling you. This is a game to them and you following their lead is exactly what they want.

****t he shutdown, **** the masks and **** unquestioned obedience.
And this!^^^^^ 100%

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