Oklahoma Rifle Association ORA opposes open carry

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Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
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Yeah, I'm with JB. I tried to "join and make a difference" once. I'd have to see evidence of a large scale full frontal from LOTS of 2A supporters before I'd throw any more money at that group again. These initiatives have a way of fizzling.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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This is why I don't think we will ever get everything we true 2nd Amend supporters want. People supposedly on our side can't agree. We have people on this site against open carry - that should tell you something..
It's a classic tactic. Infiltrate the other side and pretend to be one of them, so that 2a supporters appear split. ORA is no more a 2a supporter than I am the king of england. There are similar groups at the national level that appear to be "2a supporters" that are supposedly for hunters or fishermen only. They are simply trying to divide us.
It's important to understand core principles and realize that a true 2a supporter could not possibly be divided on this.
The word "concealed" does not appear in the 2a.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
So Tagillespie... I have to ask. Do you take back what you read on forums like this to your board and lobbiest?

I'd expect the takeaway from here is ... We want our A2 rights back, all of them. If open carry is part of that so be it. We will decide (as individuals) if we want to wear a gun outside our pants.

Ammend what you have too... but I for one... will be sorely upset if we get rooked this year with a majority GOP state government in place.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed

Oklahoma Second Amendment Association Rebuts Arguments Agains Open Carry in Oklahoma
You support our 2nd Amendment right to keep AND bear arms. The Oklahoma Rifle Association disagrees with you.

They recently sent a letter to your state legislature urging your representatives to oppose SB 129, which would restore your right to open carry in the state of Oklahoma.

The ORA made three emotional, nonfactual arguments to try to make their case that open carry is a bad idea. Below is our rebuttal, which has gone out as a press release, and will be delivered to the House next week.

Open Carry was intended by the Constitution of the United States. Concealed Carry is licensed by the states. State legislatures should not pass laws that restrict our 2nd Amendment rights to carry openly or concealed, as we see fit, in a lawful and peaceful manner.

Oklahoma Second Amendment Association Rebuts Arguments Against Open Carry in Oklahoma

Please contact your State Representatives and let them know you demand they support your Constitutional rights, and that they support SB 129.

March 24, 2011
Members of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2A) were disappointed to see a recent
letter from the Oklahoma Rifle Association (ORA) in opposition to pending legislation to permit open
carry of firearms in the state of Oklahoma. The organization stated three reasons for their opposition,
all of which were either legally incorrect or lacking supporting evidence.
The first argument was that those under 21 could not legally purchase a handgun. The truth is that it is
legal for a person of age 18 years and above to purchase a handgun, rifle or shotgun from another
private individual (not a licensed dealer) in the same state. It is legal for a person of age 21 years and
above to purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer.
Their second argument alleges that citizens carrying openly will create an atmosphere of hostility,
distrust, and fear. No supporting evidence was given to support that claim. It’s the criminals with
firearms you CAN’T see that you should fear.
Their final argument is that law enforcement officers could mistake an armed citizen as a criminal and
use unnecessary deadly force. Again, no facts are given to support the argument. Forty‐three other
states allow open carry. ORA provided no statistics regarding lawfully armed citizens being mistakenly
shot by law enforcement officers. If it were a problem, we wouldn’t have 43 other states, including
California, which allow some form of open carry (see map at http://www.opencarry.org ).
These are misguided and nonfactual arguments offered by a few to restrict the Constitutional rights of
the many.
The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association supports the free and unfettered exercise of ALL
Constitutional rights. These are the rights that make us American citizens – not subjects.
We strongly urge everyone to demand their State Representatives support SB 129 and restore our
Constitutional rights.
Visit the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association at http://www.ok2a.org.
For further information please contact:
Tim Gillespie, Director, Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, (918)704‐1637
Russell Cook, Deputy Director, Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (405)694‐0025


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I personally have VERY close and deep ties to the ORA. I'm not currently a member, although I have been in the past also.

From what I understand about it so far, I don't agree with the ORA's position on open carry. Further, I cannot find any substanative explaination that would justify their position so I'm baffled.

Like I and others have said here and elsewhere, there are currently two open positions on the ORA Board of Directors. I think it's a grand opportunity for someone who feels strongly about this to step up and become part of the solution whatever that may be. I would personally re-join the ORA in order to vote to fill these two positions with someone whom I believe would serve the members of the Oklahoma hunting and shooting community well.

I can assure those of you who believe that the ORA has been infiltrated by anti-gunners that this is NOT the case. The men who serve on the board ARE good, honorable, pro-gun people. The ORA has been around for over 70 years and has and does do many great things for Oklahoma firearms enthusiasts. I just can't understand their position on this issue and I wish they would explain themselves more fully and enter into some form of discussion and debate in order to prove, disprove, change or solidify their opinion.

I think what is even more frustrating to all of us is that they will not or can not logically explain themselves...


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I also have personal ties with a certain board member of ORA. I have sent an email today, to try and get an explanation of what is going on.

I also stated, that my 30 year membership was in jepardy, if they didn't offer up a plausible explanation.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I don't have any personal ties, but I have taken some training at Mr. Abel's shooting school. He's still listed as the Legal Director for ORA. He comes across as a no B.S., no political correctness kind of guy. I wonder what his position was/is.

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