Open carrying AR15 at Tulsa Gathering Place

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Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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I got curious enough to look. It does look like TPD enhanced their reserve program where their officers also (like TCSO) now actually work patrols and such:

In the recent past(like 2010ish), they had a much more limited role IIRC.

Still guessing, but I still suspect that may be who was working these type of events at The Gathering Place, Oktoberfest, Guthrie Green etc).


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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They said they were retired TPD working as security. That is why they waited on the actual police to make him leave.

I'm guessing they wear TPD shirts to carry a little more "weight".


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Sorry it bounced just over your head Bob. Don’t worry yourself too much about it, after all it really is ok to be different.
How to win friends and influence people?
I agree with him, your lack of grammar, punctuation and spelling and I didnt make it past your fist sentience.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I was under the impression that the amended law concerning parks went into effect when the Governor signed it because it fell under the concealed carry law.

Nope. Both 2597 (Constitutional Carry) and 2010 go into effect 1 Nov.

2597 did not amend the sections of 1277 to include public trust/nonprofit entity concealed carry language. That was done with HB 2010.


Special Hen
Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure nothing bounced over my head. I'm positive that you didn't care to reiterate what you said in clearer terminology. Since you just dove for a personal attack, let's do this. Matter of factly, instead of the personal word attack, why don't you bring your hide behind the keyboard azz somewhere and splain it to me. We can't live to far apart and I can probably get you one of those Uber drivers if Grammy can't carry you somewheres. It's ok to be different but what makes different people great is when they can splain it. You can't evidently. Bob? Don't know where you came up with that name. Your name from this day forward shall be.........bishface... yes that's a wonderful name for you. Anyhow, if this really aggravates you just lemme know how you'd like to proceed. I'm not some guy who just banters back and forth hurling insults really. We can either discuss the topic, you can shut up or you can whip my azz. This is how we shall proceed from here. Is that simple enough? I hope so.
Bob, you really are quite emotional.......aren’t you! ( those that did not read that and hear Lee Marvin need to go back and try again perhaps a dozen dirty times if needed to get the correct effect)

So let’s see if I can help you. Bob comes from ( gasp ) I have absolutely no clue what your given name is so I pulled it out of my hindquarters (like you should do with those panties that are wedged in yours, really if you leave them in there too long you could get one of them fections and have to go see the doc fer a shot). Bob also happens to be generic, non offensive to just about everyone and (herein lies the important piece) is not only spelled the same way forward or backwards but is a very simple and easy 2 finger typing move. (Yes I am aware that paints me as lazy)

My expectations was that you would of come back with something along the lines of “look pard the names not Bob it’s (________) and we could of continued with the conversation properly. I will be using your reaction to benefit myself though! I will use it as proof to my wife that I am not always right! (It has been a bad year and this is only about the third one so I do appreciate it!!)

What next.......bouncing ah yes.

Hate to break it to ya cowboy but ifn ya gots to asks somebody to break it down fer ya that meets the minimum definition of missed it. ( to add to that minimum I will also make the small point that you were the only one to ask to have it broken down,which leads to the simple conclusion that everyone else that read it got it.)

Onward we go, next up personal attack.

Bob, if you truly perceived in those 2 poorly formed sentences an attack on your person your life must really suck. Seriously, are you that sensitive? If so which one of the dozen or so words triggered you? If anything it was mildly dismissive, rude on my part but nowhere near an attack.

Splain it to you.... ok here goes. “Ignored Member” made the comment about KP riding the shadow with the AR on a sling that it “makes us all look bad”

I asked him to not use the word ALL since that is not true. Then proceeded to list a couple of what I considered simplistic alternative viewpoints to the situation, there are more than that but the whole dead horse in the ditch rule applies. In Your first reply you asked exactly 1 question “You broke up...what'd ya say?” The rest of your reply just making statements in your own words about what I had said. I pondered a different reply but concluded that making you think about it and reflect within yourself would be best in the long run or perhaps you simply were choking on the different viewpoint unable to break free from the heard so to say. If you would of asked your question a bit different perhaps you would of received a different reply.

Jeez Bob, now what?.....

Oh yes the last 3/4 of your reply attempting to elicit some sort of emotional response/draw me into some type of physical altercation with insults and taunting. Nope not interested, complete fail. There are monsters in the world Bob, you however are not one of them. I will ask you to stop taunting folks you don’t know. Someday some dumb kid might just take you up on it and I know you really don’t want that. Hope after reading this you change your attitude at least a bit. By the way the name is Jim.

**Reader warning (alternate ending ahead)**

If not then Cowboy the f up Bob. Load up yer sixgunz and that 30/30 win and I will meets ya out past the last bridge on FO road. That’s the one where you make the right turn off of the Up Yours expressway.


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