Recommendation on building private use gun range needed, please

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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He did not hire a lawyer? May be his neighbor just migrated from a Cuba/some communist countries? Was it a commercial range? or just private range? So, you may be banned from shooting the rabbit that sitting in front of the target.... LOL

Attorney fees were 12,000 bucks and he lost. castle what he found out was noise abatement is a county by county basis and is up to the judge with the final say. Also he was permitted for it through the county but the judge said the county applied the permit rules incorrectly. It would have cost him 10,000 more up front to appeal it. I will tell you after this, ANYONE putting in a range of any type should do their homework on permitting and noise abatement in their county. Local politics can completely control your project. The days of moving some dirt for berms, putting up some targets and shooting to your hearts content are over, even in Oklahoma. Everything must be permitted. I thought that since he had 280 acres the neighbors could not touch him. They too had a lawyer and those people are now trying to force my friend to pay their lawyer fees!!!! Laugh if you want but beware a cavalier attitude on shooting in rural areas is not a good idea.

We also had the owner of our marina on Oologah Lake hit by a stray 9mm bullet last week. It went through her arm but did not touch the bone. With the help of neighbors and the sheriffs office the shooter was identified. He had been target practicing near the area. This will be litigated too. We all need to rethink the idea that if we are on our own land enjoying our firearms we have no liability to those around us.
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Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
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north of tulsa

"Laugh if you want but beware a cavalier attitude on shooting in rural areas is not a good idea.

This will be litigated too. We all need to rethink the idea that if we are on our own land enjoying our firearms we have no liability to those around us. "

First I would like say that I hope you're friend and marina owner enjoy a quick and full recovery.

Also your statements that I copied and placed here, I agree with . And they show an understanding of a reasonable and responsible man.

I also would like to state, I'm also familiar with the case of of the firing range.

Your friend made a couple of mistakes that cost him his business, but also soured everyone connected, against firearms.

Your statement of being in place for 1 1/2 years , and someone else's statement that maybe a foreigner moved in .

I would like to address first my friend been here 23 years,,second his range terminated 200 yards from the house . Not a good use of the 280 acres ,and had it been pointed the other way might have been better.

Also his range in a year evolved closer and louder and I won't say reckless , however in the same time period my family increased and so did the number of ricochets over the house.

I just wanted to show a small bit of the other side. it actually disturbs your psyche to battle against something you love.

Stay safe carry on

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