Research undermines medical marijuana claims

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
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se okc / tinker aea
buzz...brotato chip...our position is that we agree with the legalization of marijuana. If you don't disagree with us, why all of the arguing.

Sorry about your cancer man that really sucks. Completely serious.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
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se okc / tinker aea
I am a Christian man and I don’t believe it’s ok for the recreational use of drugs. I also don’t believe that having gay sex is a good idea. I don’t want the government telling anyone what they can do though, as long as it isn’t robbing someone else of life liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

I have a special needs daughter with severe epilepsy. We’ve tried every drug the neurologist could recommend. Limited is the best way I can describe their effectiveness. A few months ago we started her on CBD oil that is already legal in Oklahoma. We went from several large seizures per month down to one minor episode that wasn’t nearly as bad as her larger grand mal types she’s been having. No, CBD hasn’t been a cure, but it’s been the best thing we’ve tried so far.

I don’t appreciate you saying everyone in support of legalizing marijuana is just a junky looking to get high without consequences. I believe in personal freedom for everyone, even if that means they might choose something I wouldn’t. I Want less government intrusion in all of our daily decisions. You can advocate for more if you’d like.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I was reading the other week that the ketosis diet was prescribed way back in the early-mid 1900s for those suffering from epilepsy and studies showed a 50% reduction is seizures. Something to look into if you havnt already.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
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sand springs
First show me were I accused you of said statement. OR STFU
Actually no one accused you of that.
Keep up with your own platform. It;s a fundamental to debate.

Here you go again, trying to talk out both sides of your mouth.......your cute little crawfish in response to my post explaining to Dave that I have never said pot should be illegal is pretty, you want to claim innocence.....nice try.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Here you go again, trying to talk out both sides of your mouth.......your cute little crawfish in response to my post explaining to Dave that I have never said pot should be illegal is pretty, you want to claim innocence.....nice try.
lmao, no, I simply never accused you of wanting to keep it illegal and your saying I did.
Show me where?


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
We should just all agree that there are many reasons for and against the SQ. Let's keep the debate free of name calling or calling others liars,etc. I'll close it down if we don't.

Beat me to it. I’m also asking everybody to cool it with the name calling and rude behavior. I know this is a serious issue, but let’s keep it within the guidelines.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
buzz...brotato chip...our position is that we agree with the legalization of marijuana. If you don't disagree with us, why all of the arguing.

Sorry about your cancer man that really sucks. Completely serious.

Thanks for asking the question.

As I see it, there are two separate issues here, medical use and recreational use.

As I stated early on, I would like to see the drug removed from schedule 1 so that it is easier to research the benefits of it. Since that isn't on the table right now, I don't have a problem with it being available for medical use, through 788, because it has helped some people.

As far as recreational use goes, I think it's hypocritical for weed to be illegal while alcohol remains so. Again, as stated earlier, I do have concerns with the consequences of legalizing the drug, but no greater concern than the consequences of legalized alcohol. So, while I don't think it should be illegal, that doesn't mean I think legalizing it for recreational use is necessarily a great idea. However, I don't believe the lack of responsibility of some should ever be cause for restricting the rights and freedoms of others......that's why, even though I don't think it is necessarily a great idea, I don't think marijuana should be illegal.

As far as the arguing goes.....this is common on a heated topic like this......people often fail to read and understand another's post. Instead of reading and making an effort to understand what the other person is actually saying, they skim over a post, see what they want to see and decide to go to battle. In this instance, I believe some mistook my opposition to the deceitful way in which many are trying to get this passed as being an opponent of the issue......this is certainly not true.

I said in the beginning that I wish there was honesty on both sides of this discussion.

Question 788, as I see it:

On the anti side: people need to honestly ask themselves why this drug should not be legalized for medical use. There should be no greater moral objection to the medical use of marijuana than to the use of aspirin. Both are drugs which, in and of themselves, are inanimate objects and cannot be "bad". Just because some people decided an inanimate item should be illegal does not make it morally wrong. Voting against 788 because marijuana "has always been illegal" is not decided it was illegal, man can decide it's not illegal.......there is no moral question here.

On the pro side: if supporters, who are really in this for medical uses, want this to pass, they need to distance themselves from those who want to use it as a stepping stone for legalization of recreational use. I believe there are many people who are against this issue because they fear it is just the nose under the tent to legalizing recreational use and they will vote against the measure for that reason only. The pro side needs to convince the general public that it can be regulated so that it is safe and effective and given to those who have a legitimate need. I also think supporters need to better educate the public on the factual medical benefits, as we know them, instead of hype.

For those who are pro 788 because they want to use this as a stepping stone to recreational legalization.....there would be less resistance to 788 if you would pick your own fight......and I think you should.

That's the way I see it......

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