Rubio or Cruz?

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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Rubio is a yes man. The establishment loves him because they know he is. Cruz isn't and that is why they don't want him to win. And Cruz has actually fought for our constitution unlike Rubio. When I think about Rubio Obama pops into my head. A young, inexperienced senator, who knows how to smooth talk. He is a lawyer just like Obama. I'm not saying he is a full blown liberal like Obama but he sure ain't the conservative he claims to be. But I guess if you get all your info from the news you would not like Cruz. Since they don't and neither do the other candidates. And that is because they know Cruz isn't an establishment politician. I really believe he is the best to fix our country. Rubio is the last one we need for president. I would rather have trump.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
After Rubio cosponsored with Schumer on an amnesty bill (that failed) he left me with a sour taste. Cruz is a lawyer that tends to get too technical in his speeches and lacks pizzaz in a campaign, but I suspect we need some depth in a President for a change. The best candidate does not always make the best president, e.g. the present resident.

A Cruz/Carson ticket would fill that role really well I think.

Cruz for me....

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