Rubio or Cruz?

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Special Hen
Oct 13, 2012
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High Point, NC
Sad to say but I think trump is gonna win it all. People in this country don't even care what trumps plans are. They just know he ain't a politician and he says whatever he wants and they love him for it. I actually want a man who had laid out plans that can work. And when Cruz talks I believe most of what he says. It's just astonishing that trump says the same things over and over and no one cares. They still support him. "We are gonna win". I guess people who support trump are Charlie Sheen fans.

Cruz for me especially if he were to get the nom and pick the Donald as his running mate! That might give us NY in the mix of electorate counts. As has been stated here before, we have to get someone who will give us some headway in that count. No one in CA fits that bill and unfortunately only Kasich for Ohio or (God forbid) Rubio for FL gives us that edge as far as I can recall. Without the electorate vote count from the big States, we're hosed no matter who the Republicans nominate. Ninety % of the country (name that rural) can vote for the right candidate, but if the other 10% of the country and States (city folk who are the Dems a** in the hole!) vote for the wrong candidate the electorate swings their way. That's the push for immigration to get all of the illegals within the city limits that will vote Dumbocrat and swing all states in their direction. Watch the electorate map at the election. All of the Dumbocrat votes are concentrated in the cities except for the usual Dummicrat strongholds.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
Complete pie in the sky...

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I realize it is unlikely to ever happen...but he is willing to try - gotta like that - he tends to side with the FBI because they have a court order and he believes the law has the final say - on that I disagree - as our founding fathers stated - a law that is wrong or un-just aught not be obeyed


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
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McClain County
I don't like that he's willing to try to get rid of a government agency that enforces the tax code. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see huge tax code reform and a drastic shrinking of the IRS. That being said, a nation will always need some sort of tax code and some sort of agency to enforce it. I think Cruz knows that and all the talk of "abolishing" the IRS is calculated to deceive people.

I'm not saying Rubio doesn't have faults. Just playing devil's advocate.

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
I don't believe Cruz will ever "abolish" the IRS (assuming he's elected). That IS a pie in the sky. But, maybe, abolish the IRS 'as we know it'? Some major reforms are in order. It scares me when he says he is going to "abolish" the IRS, because I don't think anybody really believes that!


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
the flat tax he is proposing would require a collecting agency - just not the IRS as we know it - I am a believer in a value added tax - a sales tax....if you buy a car for 20,000 you pay 2,000 if you buy one for 100,000 you pay 20,000 - everyone pays their fair share - no loop holes for the wealthy, no loopholes at all - it is against all that is right that Warren Buffet pays a lower % than his secretary....

when Cruz says he will do something you can bet he will try -


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Cruz for me especially if he were to get the nom and pick the Donald as his running mate! That might give us NY in the mix of electorate counts.
That's wishful thinking for two reasons. First, the Donald's ego would never allow him to be a running mate--he couldn't play second fiddle, and no Presidential candidate would risk having him on the undercard. Second, NY is not going for the GOP unless you get someone like Giuliani or Fat Hillary as the Presidential candidate, and that ain't happenin'.

If you're a 2A voter, Cruz is the clear choice, but he's going to turn off a lot of the swing voters on other issues. There are a lot of people calling Rubio a RINO, but the things that make them say that are the things that will pull in the swing voters; unless GOP voters are as stupid as their party's leadership, that should make him a damn-near shoo-in for the Presidency.

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