Scott Pruitt resignation

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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I do not know much about Pruitt, but I think Trump hired him to do a job, By what I saw, Pruitt did that job pretty well by pulling back and eliminating many of the EPA's self imposed BS regulations enacted over the past 8 years. My self I really do not care if he used to pick his nose in public and wipe them on his socks, he got the job done he was hired to do. No one anywhere totally likes everything any politician does, or most anyone else does for that matter. Sometimes we have to take the lesser of the evils and look at what is most important as a whole. JMO

I just wish he had gotten to ending or at least backing off the ethanol gas thing, but that would open major cans of worms in many other directions.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I think Gorsuch is turning out great. He's not a "conservative;" he seems to be very much an originalist. Sometimes that's going to be a fairly liberal position, particularly with regards to matters concerning First Amendment rights, rights of the accused, etc. "Liberal" wasn't always the dirty word it is today; Jefferson, Madison, etc. were very liberal for their time. Modern leftists are quite different.

I would really like to see him nominate Mike Lee. Vox wrote of him that he "frames his opposition to progressive legislation or regulation in terms of the constitutional commitment to federalism and a limited national government." I approve wholeheartedly. Proponent of sentencing reform, opposed to unilateral military action, opposed to NSA surveillance. I *like* this guy! There are a few on the list who seem to let their faith guide their decisions, and I think that's a bad thing in a judge, who should be ruling based on the Constitution first, statutes second, and caselaw third. Barrett is one who concerns me on that point--she refused to disavow the idea that her faith should be subordinate to the Constitution when she's on the bench--though she also appears to be in favor of dismantling the "administrative state," which is a good thing, and appears to be ripe (Thomas, in a recent opinion, noted that the "Chevron two-step" ought to be reconsidered, which is a Really Big Deal in reducing the power of administrative agencies). Hardiman thinks it's A-OK to make it illegal to record the police in the performance of their duties, which is disturbing in and of itself, given the abuse of power that gets revealed on a regular basis, as well as for the fundamental belief in strong, unreviewable governmental power that it indicates.
I'm tired of Trump robbing from the Senate. He was much better (could do less damage) in the senate, but Sessions' seat was lost to a libtard in a blood red state. Besides there's plenty of other sources for bodies to give a lifetime appointment to. If it weren't for this I'd be perfectly fine with Lee or Cruz since he's been before the court a crapton of times and has the brilliant intellect for it. Remove the politics by putting him on SCOTUS and he would really be able to "shine".


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I expected him to resign a month ago when our own Jim Inhofe had finally had enough and said that it was time for his good friend Scott Pruitt to go. Of course, Pruitt did such a great job that the Leader didn't think that it was a big deal that he was also staggeringly corrupt. Now I log on to OSA and hear an old friend say that the media was out to get him and liberals are corrupt too. Should we primary Inhofe now? Sounds like he's turned swamp dweller on us.

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