Security threats - approached in my driveway today

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
TL;DR at the bottom.*

So we have a little old lady who lives next door whom we've kind of... adopted, I guess you'd say. She has a local lady come in and clean for her and do some oddjob kind of things - move this here, box that up there, help with seasonal decorating, etc.

Anyways, so this afternoon I come out of the house, it's around dusk, getting rdy to load my belongings into my car to go to work. I had started the car in the driveway prior to exiting the house, and when it first starts, it's kind of loud, so it's easy to hear next door. I walk out and as I'm approaching my car, this guy walks out from behind my Tahoe, which is parked on the side of the house, between my house and the neighbor lady's. He says, "Hey my name is <something>." I was over next door with <the cleaning lady> and the neighbor told me you are into car audio?" I said yes, so he asks, naturally, "So what are you running?" In other words, wants me to tell him all about my stereo systems in my vehicles - kinda like, "Hey can I see your carry piece?"

Ummm.... no thanks.

So I non-committally just say, "I run lots of stuff." So he proceeds to start telling me all about the 10,000 watt stereo system in his Blazer which is parked in the driveway next door. I told him I had a smaller system in my Z than in the Tahoe because of the alternator and he says, "Yeah, I think that's my problem, too, I think my alternator is only 100 amps." So I'm getting the clue at this point he's "one of those" guys who thinks the massive inflated power ratings on flea market amps claiming to make 5000 watts with a 40-amp fuse are legit. lol. My Tahoe has about 8,000 watts of legit power with three alternators making 685 amps. You can't make power without power. ;) Been around this hobby around 25 years now... I don't buy flea market stuff.

I explained to him I really needed to get going as I was headed to work. He said he would be around whenever <the cleaning lady> was next door and he'd like to get my advice on his system. I allowed I would be gone to work the next few nights - DOH! Oops! I was really just trying to get rid of him and give myself an excuse for a few days, not thinking that I just alerted him that my family would be home alone at night. DAMMIT!

I'm sure I didn't tell him anything he didn't already know - the neighbor lady likes to blather on about all kinds of stuff, which is why we don't tell her a lot that's personal, although she tries to fish a bit here and there. We know she is a gossip and we don't want our business spread all over the place. So I'm sure she told this dude all about what I do, when I'm gone, my gun and stereo and electronics habits, etc. I'm just fuming at this point driving away to work... between what I am sure she told this guy and what I accidentally let slip, so as not to be overtly rude and hateful to some guy who's just being curious and friendly.

Then I realize... <the cleaning lady> we have already heard has been known to be a bit sticky-fingered with people in the past. Our neighbor lady knows it, but she says, "Well, I'm always there with her, so I don't think she would have a chance to take anything." Ugh! WTF??? Not true, BTW, she is now coming and going with her own key, but DAMN, why would you let someone like that into your house? Which is why the neighbor lady doesn't have a key to our house, nor know our alarm code - just generally not good judgement, and as I already mentioned, she is a bit over-curious and we aren't sure we want to go down that road.

So now I'm envisioning all these things in my mind... my wife is more than capable and has a gun in her dresser drawer, but I told her to be extra careful to keep things locked up tight, and had her go get my Glock out of the truck where I normally leave it. But I'm sure this guy got a good look into my garage, saw what tools and gadgets I have out, as well as my big speaker box with 3 15" subs in it (I swap it out in the Tahoe with a dual-12" box when I'm carrying the fam).

Situational awareness.... I got surprised, yes. Could have been simple curiosity, but inordinate knowledge sometimes turns into opportunity. Dangit.

Sorry, just venting about my own stupidity - In trying to be cautiously non-friendly but non-hateful, I probably gave away a bit much. Time to make certain we get that garage door to the house replaced with a solid-core door like we've been saying for years. <sigh>

How would you handle something like this? I really don't want to be overtly rude... but I don't want to show off my system to just anybody. And there's no room in the garage for all our vehicles, unfortunately, so the Tahoe doesn't make the cut, and it has equipment worth several times the value of the truck.

*TL;DR - neighbor lady let slip to some possibly shady character that I have expensive stereo equipment in my vehicles, he comes over to investigate, I am non-committal but accidentally gave away a few tidbits, as well as letting him know I will be gone nights for work. Wife is well-armed, locked up in the house and has an alarm system. Just kicking myself for being a dips##t.

Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Twice in recent memory I've been approached by strangers asking dumb questions at my house. One was when I lived in Austin, one here in KC. I responded to both with a "no" and that's it. Both were immediately followed by my truck getting broken into during the night. Stay vigilant!


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
Your concern is understandable.

If there is any way you can rearrange your schedule for the next couple days I think I would.
Maybe swap shifts with a coworker?

I generally like to be unpredictable myself in regards to my whereabouts as far as neighbors, and even some family members, are concerned.

Edit: I keep my vehicle in the garage, for many reasons.
There have been a lot of auto burglaries in my neighborhood and I live in a nice neighborhood.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Unfortunately, no, changing schedules is not possible.

As for the garage... we keep my wife's Escape in the garage, as well as my 370Z. This necessitates my Tahoe and my niece's Camry stay outside. Only way to put both vehicles in the garage that have expensive equipment in them would be to kick my wife out and make her park in the cold - not a proposition I would entertain. lol

I know putting expensive stuff in the car is a risk.... which is why I've invested in expensive 2-way paging alarms with back-up batteries and extra sensors, etc. And carry separate riders on insurance for add-on audio equipment, with documentation and photos, just in case. I know I've spent well over 10k on the stereo in my truck over the years... probably more like 15k, with all the mods and such, including labor. It's not worth thatnow, and I'd never get anything close to that when selling it, if I wanted to. But... it is what it is.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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I recall a similar feeling once when an unknown person spoke with me at a shooting event. He was curious about how I secured my firearms at home as though he needed ideas for improving his firearm storage/security situation. He was a friendly guy.

Nothing ever happened perhaps because he was just a talkative guy, perhaps because I told him that I had relatively few firearms and they were only of moderate worth.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Someone skilled in observation and interrogation can find out a lot in a very short time. You already know the neighbor lady is chatty, probably cause she's alone and with no one to talk to. They can make pretty good witnesses to crimes in the neighborhood cause they have their nose in everybody's business. In today's day and age, always be suspicious. Be careful of your surroundings, what you say when someone approaches you or when you answer the door or phone.

I get phone calls all the time asking, "Who is this?" And my reply is "Who are you trying to call?" If they don't say my name, I say "sorry, wrong number" and hang up. Then their number gets blocked.

If someone approaches me in my yard or knocks on my door introducing themselves my only reply is "and what can I do for you?"


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Maybe get pictures of him and his car tag. Try flipping the game on him and spend time getting him to tell you about his stuff. Redirect. In time, if he's scoping you out, he'll get bored and move on.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Please tell me you don't leave a gun in your truck unless it is in a lock box.

I do. Almost all the time. If someone breaks into my truck to steal sh|t I'm not going to feel bad if they get my gun and do something bad with it. Any more than I'll feel bad if they break in my house and do the same. Criminals are criminals... I don't feel I'm offering them any kind of "opportunity" that they wouldn't have if they wanted to. Although I do have a lock box I occasionally use for it, but not regularly, no. I doubt all these members who leave a rifle in their trucks or trunks are going to pull them out and carry them inside every day at work or home, either. My truck is always locked with an alarm and visual indicator (flashing light). I don't feel responsible for criminal acts committed by people who are determined to victimize others. Just me, I guess.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe get pictures of him and his car tag. Try flipping the game on him and spend time getting him to tell you about his stuff. Redirect. In time, if he's scoping you out, he'll get bored and move on.

Oh, he's all about telling me about his stuff... without expressing any interest at all in his system, he told me every component he's running, as I was busy loading my car with all my stuff for work. Although I didn't ask to see it, I'm fairly certain from his bragging I wouldn't be impressed. lol I'm not a car audio "snob", per se, but after decades I've learned to buy quality equipment and install it well, or have it installed well.

BTW, my audio/alarm/tint guy is a member here, if anyone's in the market. He's extremely good and a helluva guy. His nick is ConditionOne.

/shameless plug

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