So I woke up on the floor this morning...

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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I can relate dude, I spent a few years playing in a band and the alcohol and cocaine ran freely through my life, I finally had enough and quit it all ( including the band) it sucked at first but then I realized I was worth more than any drug or booze ! And so are you !!! Take care of yourself first !!


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
Glad to hear you’ve made what’s probably your first good decision in a long time. Both Church and AA are a good place to be and each have something to offer that the other usually cannot. If you’re a drinker like me you have to have the love of Jesus who will do for you what you can’t do for yourself. You’ll also need to be around a group of men that have been where you are and can help you through what will be a rough time for a while but it will get better. Breathe in, breath out and don’t take a drink in between. As for taking your newcomer chip I’d encourage you to take them as it helps you get used to opening up to people as well as reminding them of what it was like when they got sober. You’ll be helping each other. I’ve been where you are brother, waking up at home without a clue how I got there. I’ve sworn off booze hundreds of times and meant it only to find myself five drinks into the next day by 8:00 am. I know what it’s like to lose my job, house and kids because of my drinking. Took my last drink 12-30-2008 and by the grace of God and the help of friends I’ve managed not to find a need to pick up a bottle since. Today I have a new home, my kids back in my life and the respect and love of my wife who hung in there with me through it all. Keep us posted and prayers are sent your way.


Special Hen
Dec 9, 2021
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Ypsilanti, MI
Two and a half years without a sip. I didn't have a problem, I just drank too much.
I did have a problem and didn't know it; drinking just kept me from fixing it.
Then I just stopped.
I saw the problem, and it just went away.
What ever you think of your self, you are good and worthy. Even if you slip or get down.
Keep improving for you.
You are worth it.
And look at all the people here for you!
Just wishing you the best.
I do. Good luck and take care of you.


Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Good for you. You see the problem and you wanna fix it. That's the first step. I drank like a Mick in high school, but my little woman said she wasn't gonna put up with it. I kinda blew her off our first few years of marriage, but then at the tender age of 21, I put on a gun and badge and saw first hand the effects of alcohol and how many people's lives it can ruin.

Hold the course, mi amigo, and come to any of us for help and support. I've been a member here since 2006 and I don't think there's a single member here that wouldn't help you with anything you need. You're in good company brother. Hang tuff, can do this! :comfort:


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
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...and yes, it's exactly what you assumed. Can't remember last night. No great loss. I doubt there would be anything worth remembering. I was supposed to put in some OT today. Instead I called the boss to say I was going to an AA meeting. Ok, not my first. I went to half of one 10 years ago. I don't expect that counts though.

It's incredibly ironic that I've been carrying a gun for 25 years now, because I don't want to get killed by some punk, simultaneously slowly killing myself every day.

They offered me a chip. I dunno how it works, but I said no thanks...hell. I was still drunk. When I got home I scattered my weed to the wind, and poured out all the alcohol in the house. I've promised to go to church with the boss in the morning. I know it's all about taking steps. Dunno what the hell I'm doing. Scared. Feel like ****. Spent most of the day just staring at the wall. Tomorrow will be better, after isn't today?
First of all. Feel no shame. That’ll drive you to other things. Many of us have been there. You’re only a man. The more you have going on in your head the more you’ll try to drown it out. I could tell you stories you wouldn’t believe. You have a friend here anytime and I’ve seen and heard it all. Done half of it. Carry the shame. Your situation at one time wouldn’t have phased me one bit.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 26, 2018
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Lawton, OK
And don't forget that your wagunners have your back too. PM me if you need anything. If you happen to get down to the Lawton area we can hang out and go sightseeing at places that don't require drinking. Walking around the Witchita Mountains is quite therapeutic. And we can blow off some steam shooting in my backyard.
Thank your boss for his understanding. Not all companies give a s**t.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Good first step on the road you know you need to follow. The other road is easy and leads straight to hell. I’ll pray for you. If you need someone to talk to I’d be glad to try to help.

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