Speeding ticket warning...

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
So yesterday we took our daughter to the airport to send her off to school and to work for the government part time in the FEMA program as a site coordinator. Her and her mom went ahead to get there and check in her bag and then me and the other kid came along a few minutes later. She wanted to be there 2 hours early to be there and to grab a bite of something to eat.

I knew neither of my 2 Mustangs- an 04' GT Premium and a 98' Cobra SVT, both with tons of mods- had much gas in them, so we jumped in my lil 4banger 03' GMC Sonoma with the big bad 2.2L and took off.

After she had went to her gate I had to get the other kid back home where he usually has band practice before school at 7am. If they show up late the band director makes the entire band do pushups. It was 6:15am. Only a 30 minute drive back home, we can make it. Then as I'm on 169 he tells me he wants a breakfast sandwich from McDs. No problem. We can make it. Then we get stuck in the line at McDs off the BA at 145th for 15 minutes. We can still make it.

2 miles from town I look over and see a city PD going along with the westbound traffic, we're going east. I looked at my speedometer, damn, I was just a nudge past 65 in a 55, and he had me. Lights go on, he's flipping around, so I pulled to the side of the road and waited for him with my DL and insurance card ready.

He walks up and when he gets to my window he asks me for my DL and insurance paper and then he asks me if I know why he pulled me over. I said yes sir, I was speeding. He asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I said yes sir, probably about 67. He said 68. Then he asked me to get out of the truck and come back to his car with him.

Once in his car he radios my stuff in. Shows me the radar reading. Then he blows me away by saying he's going to give me a warning. And then he asks me if I knew why he was giving me a warning? I said no I couldnt imagine why. He said because when he asked me if I knew why he pulled me over I answered him truthfully and mannerly and I wasnt nervous. Then we chit chatted about me the irony of me taking the slowest of my vehicles that morning so I wouldnt speed and why I was going so fast in the first place trying to get the kid to band, etcetc.

After we finished our 'business', he then told me to keep the speed down and to do him one big favor. He wanted me to impress upon my 6'1" 200lb 16 yr old not to speed when he starts driving, to just take his time getting places because speeding doesnt really get you there that much slower anyways, and to always be honest and use your best manners when dealing with law enforcement.

I said I would and I did.

And we both learned something from it- definitely do not speed when 2 miles from town during 7am weekday commuter traffic, and be honest and nice when dealing with the law.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
nice, were you carrying?

I acutally got a "ticket" for rolling though a stop sign. Before he even turned around i had my emergency flashers on and pulled on to a side road (not just stopping on 150th) had my window down and hands on the top of my wheel admitted my fault. came back handed me the ticket told me not to pay it he wasnt going to turn it in, he just needed to show them to his boss.

our conversation about my concealed weapon was even stranger.

Fatboy Joe

Special Hen
Jul 23, 2010
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I got a no seat belt ticket for speeding once. I was on the Creek Turnpike south of Tulsa. Cop came up to the door with like a Britney Spears microphone on. Very cordial, told him why I was in a hurry. He told me he wasn't writing me a speeding ticket, but a seatbelt ticket. I explained to him that I had my seatbelt on. He said the speeding ticket is $150ish and the seatbelt is $25 which did I want. I told him next time I will make sure I have my seatbelt on and took the $25 ticket. He knew I was in a hurry and it took him like 2 mins to write the ticket. Fastest I had ever seen. He then told me to "watch out for the Mexicans on the road, most of them don't have insurance because he always has to do the translation for their accidents."


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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I ate a ticket one time on a group ride I was leading that I could have gotten out of, one of the guys didn't have his DL or Insurance on him. I shoulda said screw him and not taken the ticket and let him go to jail since he wasn't smart enough to grab his wallet on the way out the door.

I was guilty but I could have walked on the citation, he would have cuffed the other guy and hauled him off, I figured it was that one time in a 1000 where I had been caught and I was due to pay for my hooliganism.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 9, 2009
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Oklahoma City
What? U mean this thread isn't about fighting the "man" and taking it to the supreme court? Seems like everyone in here is taking account for their actions. Weird....


Aug 13, 2012
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True story: Me and about 7 other guys all met up in the Ozarks with our sport bikes(crotch rockets). We were riding through Magazine Mountain, actually NOT speeding at the time and got pulled over by a park ranger. Since most of us were out of state and easy prey, he got on his radio and called in a local cop. They held us there for over an hour and eventually decided to share the revenue and have the park ranger write 4 of us speeding ticks and the local cop write the other 4 speeding tickets. It was a total revenue grab. I decided to fight the tickets and contacted a local attorney. He plead us all in as not guilty and kept putting the cases off. He then told me ........get this :D "I'm running for county prosecutor or district attorney(or whatever it was)in the upcoming election and have a good chance of winning, so let's just keep delaying these tickets and see if I win". Sure enough, he won. He then told me that he got to choose who kept their jobs. He made the offending parties drop the tickets if they wanted to keep their jobs. We got off with just a small "court cost" donation.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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True story: Me and about 7 other guys all met up in the Ozarks with our sport bikes(crotch rockets). We were riding through Magazine Mountain, actually NOT speeding at the time and got pulled over by a park ranger. Since most of us were out of state and easy prey, he got on his radio and called in a local cop. They held us there for over an hour and eventually decided to share the revenue and have the park ranger write 4 of us speeding ticks and the local cop write the other 4 speeding tickets. It was a total revenue grab. I decided to fight the tickets and contacted a local attorney. He plead us all in as not guilty and kept putting the cases off. He then told me ........get this :D "I'm running for county prosecutor or district attorney(or whatever it was)in the upcoming election and have a good chance of winning, so let's just keep delaying these tickets and see if I win". Sure enough, he won. He then told me that he got to choose who kept their jobs. He made the offending parties drop the tickets if they wanted to keep their jobs. We got off with just a small "court cost" donation.

A speeding ticket is a misdemeanor violation. It has to be witnessed by the officer that writes the citation. If this other officer didn't see the violation he can't write you for it. That would have been an easy win.

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