Sweet Boy Needs a Home

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OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
Reaction score
Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
We happened upon another sweet guy that really needs a good home.

He's friendly, but submissive and shy. He does open up pretty quickly, though. Not aggressive at all, even when picking him up and putting a leash on him. And he's apparently not accustomed to either. He was afraid to ride in the truck but he didn't fight me putting him into the back seat even though he was really scared. I kinda had to drag him the first time I leashed him but the second time he sort of had it figured out and walked with me. Probably won't take long to leash train this little guy.

I got him home, he interacted with a couple of my male Corgis (thru the fence) and didn't show any signs of being aggressive. He loves belly rubs. His body language shows he wants to be loved but you can tell he's afraid to totally trust. But once he gets close and the petting starts he really enjoys it.

This little guy is pretty stocky. Surprisingly heavy for his size. I'm guessing he weighs about 30 pounds and he's about the size of a Beagle, maybe. He's some sort of mix but I can't put my finger on what breeds exactly. He spent the night in the old chicken coop and didn't raise a fuss at all. We fed him, he ate normally and looks fairly healthy...no obvious problems I can see. He needs a bath, though.

I let him out this morning for pictures and he ran around exploring, wanted to climb all over me while I was trying to take his picture, then followed my back into the pen without any problem.

I'm guessing he's about a year old, give or take, and probably about 16 to 18 inches tall at the shoulders. He's not a big dog and he is intact.

If you are interested in this guy I'll do what I can to put the two of you together. I just want to find him a home and keep him off the road and safe.



Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Danggit!! Why can't you move up here closer to the City?? 🤷🤷 Of course, then I'd be a old divorced woman with a dozen and a half dogs but I digress.

Good luck finding that guy a home. He's cute as a button. Dawg and him look like they could be brothers -- except Dawg is black ... And a shorty! 🤣🤣 Well ... And your guy is upright!! Every pic I have of Dawg he is living THE life! 🤣🤣🤣


OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
Reaction score
Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I let him out of the pen for a bit today. He was really interested in sniffing everything. When it was time to go back in he followed me right inside. No problem. He loves to be petted. I think he is a pretty smart guy. He's really come out of his shell in just the short amount of time he's been here. Showed no interest in the goats at all. He didn't bark at them or at my dogs.

Unfortunately I can't say how he will be around cats.

I'm guessing he'd be a fun boy to have around. I simply can't afford to feed and provide vet care to any more dogs or I'd keep him. Of course, that's pretty much true of every one I take in. I wish I could save all of them.

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