Terror Threat Made… Are Terrorists Being Let in??! Where Are They Now? (Video)

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Anytime millions of military aged men from over 100 countries that hate our affluent lifestyle compared to theirs along with ideologically different religions are allowed unfettered access to our country and be allowed to dissipate into the country, there will be terror cells formed, plans made and carried out.
Major cities in blue states have defunded their law enforcement, allowed crime to run rampant and set the stage for these terror elements to acquire the weapons needed to carry out their plans.
Gives the government another excuse to clamp down on the citizens and take away more freedoms when the terrorist carry out their plans in the “interest of public safety”, just like they did during Covid.
Merely a test run to see how compliant the public is, and it worked.

Matt Giroux

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 29, 2020
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Anytime millions of military aged men from over 100 countries that hate our affluent lifestyle compared to theirs along with ideologically different religions are allowed unfettered access to our country and be allowed to dissipate into the country, there will be terror cells formed, plans made and carried out.
Major cities in blue states have defunded their law enforcement, allowed crime to run rampant and set the stage for these terror elements to acquire the weapons needed to carry out their plans.
Gives the government another excuse to clamp down on the citizens and take away more freedoms when the terrorist carry out their plans in the “interest of public safety”, just like they did during Covid.
Merely a test run to see how compliant the public is, and it worked.
The Philippines have been a breeding ground/training camp for years now for terror cells. Those cells have moved into South America and continued to recruit locally and work with the cartels to provide poppy in exchange for their coyote’s services. These groups of fighting age males coming across with cell phones and everything else aren’t coming to make a better life. They’re coming to diminish ours.

Most of my rig crews were comprised of guys that came over and busted their a**es to better their family’s lives. I would comfortably say the groups coming over now are an 80/20 split with the 80 not being blue collar workers


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The Philippines have been a breeding ground/training camp for years now for terror cells. Those cells have moved into South America and continued to recruit locally and work with the cartels to provide poppy in exchange for their coyote’s services. These groups of fighting age males coming across with cell phones and everything else aren’t coming to make a better life. They’re coming to diminish ours.

Most of my rig crews were comprised of guys that came over and busted their a**es to better their family’s lives. I would comfortably say the groups coming over now are an 80/20 split with the 80 not being blue collar workers
And I would have to agree. 😡


Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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the way I see it is, they need to hit the most people at once in a fast strike. Que the blue cities. Completely surrounded by red regions. They wont make out well.

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