The hypocrisy of the "climate change leaders"

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Many of the people I work with have studied climate science for decades (others are mediocre engineers who can't build a toothpick bridge properly but fancy themselves experts) and after having this debate in the breakroom and staff meetings countless times, all I can say is: climate change, whether warming, cooling, etc. has TOO many variables to be certain it's man made. There's not a single paper "proving it" that can't be debunked or contradicted. 150 years of measuring temps, gasses like CO2, etc. on a planet that's billions of years old is simply not enough data. (Still not enough data if you think it's only 10,000 years old or whatever) There are solar flares, the Van Allen belt, our elliptical orbit, axial tilt, the distance from the moon is not static which changes the tides which affects the polar ice caps, and so on.... there's things that we may not even be aware of affecting the climate! ALL OF THESE either singly or in combinations can affect climate change over both short and long terms so to narrow it down to "it's man made and that's that" is not very scienc-y. Sadly, science like everything else has been dragged into two-sided political realms and people are more concerned with being "right" than they are about being accurate.


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Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.
Sadly, science like everything else has been dragged into two-sided political realms and people are more concerned with being "right" than they are about being accurate.
Building a consensus that they are "right" is necessary to expanding power and control, therefore more important than being accurate.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Well I would say consensus is important but that consensus can only come about by testing the theory and continuing to get the same result. These are MODELS. There's no real way to test these theories over such a short time period. Like we know trees absorb co2 and produce oxygen so cutting down the rainforests is probably not a good idea but co2 levels have varied widely up and down over the past million years and we have barely touched on the causes and effects of that so who knows how much of an effect it can truly have? Models can give us an idea but they're only as accurate as the person entering the data. If that data didnt vary widely, all those models would be similar but they arent. I like what somebody said earlier that maybe it acts in reverse and the climate change is causing the co2 levels to rise. We just dont know for sure. That being said, I think we should be good stewards of our planet and err on the side of caution... more trees are always better than less (unless theyre cottonwoods, damn allergies) and I doubt if theres an outdoorsman on this forum that wants to see crap dumped in the river where he fishes or so much air pollution you cant see an awesome sunset from your back porch or some company hacking down your favorite deerstand tree to put in another discount tire store.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Be damed careful where you tread in this thread with that post.
You will be accused of being a conservative that is stupid and knows nothing about science and how it's bought and sold.
This silly climate change is caused by man, and all that stuff. I'm wondering, how much freon, and smoke stack CO2 (plant fertilizer) was introduced into the atmosphere at the times of the Forbes report? appears zero as I read.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Many of the people I work with have studied climate science for decades

Who paid them to produce the results they desired.
That is the question. If a person had the time and resources, they could look at the scientists and who paid them that came up with each favorable report.
Scientists for Monsanto say Roundup is safe.
Scientists for those that oppose any chemical use in agriculture say it's going to kill everybody on the earth and make hands grow out of their foreheads for those that disagree.
Science is a dirty business. Buyer beware.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Who paid them to produce the results they desired.
That is the question. If a person had the time and resources, they could look at the scientists and who paid them that came up with each favorable report.
Scientists for Monsanto say Roundup is safe.
Scientists for those that oppose any chemical use in agriculture say it's going to kill everybody on the earth and make hands grow out of their foreheads for those that disagree.
Science is a dirty business. Buyer beware.

What do scientists say I need to consume to grow that extra pair of hands? :rubhands:


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