The Wall - Going Military

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Oct 12, 2017
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For a bunch a Christians and championers of human rights (sorry natural rights that all humans are endowed with) I see a bunch of people advocating for a more aggressive ROE than Iraq on our borders against a group of people that you have more in common with than you think.
Also for a bunch of what I would expect would be champions of small government, you sure do enjoy the thought of disrupting a bunch of state economies in a very expensive and obviously political move because Trump can't back up his promises by traditional means.

Y'all need to get out and meet some Mexicans. And embrace the Latin wave, its coming, in fact, its here, and here to stay.

Apparently, you do not understand the imperatives, functional characteristics and purpose that ultimately caused men to form Nations; and certainly you do not understand the essential requirements necessary to sustain the integrity and viability of Nations.

Perhaps, in some hopefully faraway future, men will all live together with one language, culture, and government. It will be a monotone society without the cultural diversity we are being forced to embrace by those who espouse an ideological belief that we should all accept each other’s differences and become as one.

I guarantee you that the society to come will not be the utopia envisioned by the naïve, pathetically optimistic, childlike, Liberal minded people of the World. It will be one society where everyone has a purpose, everyone has only so much as they need, and .............only a few (those who govern) will enjoy a measure of the freedoms and autonomy endowed in the our common citizens, today; those without a functional purpose will be eradicated by force and cease to exist. This is the little known master plan of the persistent Progressive Movement that originated in the Nineteenth Century and continues to this day under the guidance and control of the wealthy, influential elite whom are only to glad to tear down the borders which fulfills one of the major requirements for the One World Order they envision.

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Don't pretend laws = morality. If America is a country with "kill-zone" laws, then it isn't a country we should want to be involved with. Absolutely no law is enforced with a bullet except in cases of self-defense or threat to law enforcement officer (in theory). Sorry, an immigrant crossing a border does not pose a direct threat to YOU or any officer.

Perhaps not us, but how about those people whose property is right along that border? Would you embrace the idea of open borders to where anyone can cross anywhere? That said, I don't advocate for the killing of anyone unless they are armed and trying to do harm to otherwise innocent people.

And, for the the record, I grew up around Mexicans and had one family living right next door to me. I've also worked with a number of them, who by the way, came to America legally.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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As mentioned, there is already a legal process in place for immigrants to enter the US.

If they don't respect those laws, why would you think they'll obey others?

Thanks, but no thanks. :drunk2:

Its funny how this argument when used regarding firearms is advocating fewer controls since the controls are apparently ineffective, but this argument when used regarding immigration advocates more control. If the theory is a law is a poor law or impossible to enforce, we reduce the reach of that law, we must determine if the inability to control immigration is based upon a faulty law or faulty implementation or perhaps another reason. IMO, we eliminate the welfare state, open borders, legalize marijuana, open up citizenship. This reduces cartel progress across the border, eliminates coyotes, reduces both the sucker draw of free stuff and the tax burden, provides a cheap and sometimes skilled labor force for infrastructure and private construction. hell this might even stimulate the economy and generate tax revenue!!! Better economies reduce crime btw...

Apparently, you do not understand the imperatives, functional characteristics and purpose that ultimately caused men to form Nations; and certainly you do not understand the essential requirements necessary to sustain the integrity and viability of Nations.

Perhaps, in some hopefully faraway future, men will all live together with one language, culture, and government. It will be a monotone society without the cultural diversity we are being forced to embrace by those who espouse an ideological belief that we should all accept each other’s differences and become as one.

I guarantee you that the society to come will not be the utopia envisioned by the naïve, pathetically optimistic, childlike, Liberal minded people of the World. It will be one society where everyone has a purpose, everyone has only so much as they need, and .............only a few (those who govern) will enjoy a measure of the freedoms and autonomy endowed in the our common citizens, today; those without a functional purpose will be eradicated by force and cease to exist. This is the little known master plan of the persistent Progressive Movement that originated in the Nineteenth Century and continues to this day under the guidance and control of the wealthy, influential elite whom are only to glad to tear down the borders which fulfills one of the major requirements for the One World Order they envision.
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OK, I'm going to assume you're serious and been listening to Alex jones or some other Breitbart/Blaze nonsense. Yeah no...if ou think that the current culture you're living in is "pure" that's BS. Its been influenced by immigrants of all colors and races and religions. Food, music, religion, language has all been influenced by absorption of mass immigration by Germans, Scots, Irish, Italians, Mexicans, and many others. If you're advocating some sort of cultural protection by force, you might want to be careful with that...

PS, Mexican culture is Western, religious, and in general socially conservative.

Perhaps not us, but how about those people whose property is right along that border? Would you embrace the idea of open borders to where anyone can cross anywhere? That said, I don't advocate for the killing of anyone unless they are armed and trying to do harm to otherwise innocent people.

And, for the the record, I grew up around Mexicans and had one family living right next door to me. I've also worked with a number of them, who by the way, came to America legally.

Now here is an interesting question. Agreed, those land owners are having their property rights violated right now. However, you open the borders to more easy, legal movement, and the highways and legal means of transportation open back up, alleviating the flow across private land.
Knowing some Hispanic folks is probably why you appear to have a more nuanced opinion on the subject instead of "kill-zone", "Democrat-conspiracy", or "muh culture"?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
What is the difference between someone of your neighbors coming over to your house and squatting because you have nicer furniture, a full pantry, and cable TV compared someone crossing our border and squatting because we have subsidized housing, welfare, free education, and free essential healthcare?

Wouldn't you want the cops to come and kick the bums out? You also have the right to defend you and yours with whatever force you deem necessary.



Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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What is the difference between someone of your neighbors coming over to your house and squatting because you have nicer furniture, a full pantry, and cable TV compared someone crossing our border and squatting because we have subsidized housing, welfare, free education, and free essential healthcare?

Wouldn't you want the cops to come and kick the bums out? You also have the right to defend you and yours with whatever force you deem necessary.

Guess you missed the "elimination of the welfare state" part of my statement up there...


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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Its funny how this argument when used regarding firearms is advocating fewer controls since the controls are apparently ineffective, but this argument when used regarding immigration advocates more control. If the theory is a law is a poor law or impossible to enforce, we reduce the reach of that law, we must determine if the inability to control immigration is based upon a faulty law or faulty implementation or perhaps another reason. IMO, we eliminate the welfare state, open borders, legalize marijuana, open up citizenship. This reduces cartel progress across the border, eliminates coyotes, reduces both the sucker draw of free stuff and the tax burden, provides a cheap and sometimes skilled labor force for infrastructure and private construction. hell this might even stimulate the economy and generate tax revenue!!! Better economies reduce crime btw...

OK, I'm going to assume you're serious and been listening to Alex jones or some other Breitbart/Blaze nonsense. Yeah no...if ou think that the current culture you're living in is "pure" that's BS. Its been influenced by immigrants of all colors and races and religions. Food, music, religion, language has all been influenced by absorption of mass immigration by Germans, Scots, Irish, Italians, Mexicans, and many others. If you're advocating some sort of cultural protection by force, you might want to be careful with that...

PS, Mexican culture is Western, religious, and in general socially conservative.

Now here is an interesting question. Agreed, those land owners are having their property rights violated right now. However, you open the borders to more easy, legal movement, and the highways and legal means of transportation open back up, alleviating the flow across private land.
Knowing some Hispanic folks is probably why you appear to have a more nuanced opinion on the subject instead of "kill-zone", "Democrat-conspiracy", or "muh culture"?

You argue like a Marxist and deliberately misinterpreted the implications of my statements far beyond their scope and way out of context. Like all Leftists, you are unable to refrain from introducing directly, through implication, or by innuendo, accusations that your opposition is afflicted with base motivations suggesting racism, bigotry, white supremacy and any of the other key points provided by DNC Strategists and Ideologues.

I do not know if its worth my time to help you to free yourself from the Liberal mindset. My words were entirely directed towards the justifiable imperative for Nations and Cultures to preserve themselves from onslaught from beyond their borders.

I made no mention concerning the ethnic and cultural heritage of our individual citizens. They are not a threat. But any onslaught of people seeking to avail themselves of the advantages, wealth and opportunities won by our citizens through valor, blood, personal risk and great effort since our Nation’s beginnings is nothing less than invasion, parasitism and theft. Living organisms protect their health and integrity through their immune systems. Country’s are no different: if they cease to defend themselves from invasion, they too will sicken and die (cease to exist) if they do not maintain integrity.

Open Borders, a One World Order and anything in between are all Ideologically Unsound. Every individual creature and every social organism on this planet defends its territory with violence when necessary, its the Law of Nature and closing off the mind to this truth is self imposed blindness. As stated by ConstitutionCowboy, no one would open their own home to strangers that forced their way in to advantage themselves of the comforts, conveniences, food and shelter that they worked and provided for their family. Well, our Country is our Home, too!

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Politically, you have the same world issues as with an external kill zone, though without the issue of conquest of foreign soil. Domestically, you also have the Fifth Amendment taking (just a matter of writing some cheques), as well as the unpopularity with the locals whose land is seized. And, as always, the fact that there are a ****-ton of illegals and sympathizers already here who would become very agitated if their brothers and sisters start pushing up daisies as a matter of national policy.

Korea has a kill zone and they still do some minor trading, and neither country has gone away. The only reason the north has issues is because of international sanctions.
The reason the illegals and their families wouldn’t become angry is because what dumb arse would attempt to walk across a kill zone? That’s a non argument.
Walk into any other country other than the US and Europe without proper visas and you end up in jail. How well is that working out for Europe?
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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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You argue like a Marxist and deliberately misinterpreted the implications of my statements far beyond their scope and way out of context. Like all Leftists, you are unable to refrain from introducing directly, through implication, or by innuendo, accusations that your opposition is afflicted with base motivations suggesting racism, bigotry, white supremacy and any of the other key points provided by DNC Strategists and Ideologues.

I do not know if its worth my time to help you to free yourself from the Liberal mindset. My words were entirely directed towards the justifiable imperative for Nations and Cultures to preserve themselves from onslaught from beyond their borders.

I made no mention concerning the ethnic and cultural heritage of our individual citizens. They are not a threat. But any onslaught of people seeking to avail themselves of the advantages, wealth and opportunities won by our citizens through valor, blood, personal risk and great effort since our Nation’s beginnings is nothing less than invasion, parasitism and theft. Living organisms protect their health and integrity through their immune systems. Country’s are no different: if they cease to defend themselves from invasion, they too will sicken and die (cease to exist) if they do not maintain integrity.

Open Borders, a One World Order and anything in between are all Ideologically Unsound. Every individual creature and every social organism on this planet defends its territory with violence when necessary, its the Law of Nature and closing off the mind to this truth is self imposed blindness. As stated by ConstitutionCowboy, no one would open their own home to strangers that forced their way in to advantage themselves of the comforts, conveniences, food and shelter that they worked and provided for their family. Well, our Country is our Home, too!

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1. Not a democrat, or progressive, sure as hell not a Marxist.
2. Language, borders, culture talking points have always been used to hide those things.
3. "A liberal mindset" was part of the mindset of our liberal founders.
4. Medicare is parasitic, Social Security is parasitic, Medicaid is parasitic. How about you rail against those things that are legal.
5. Immigration is not a threat if the welfare state is eliminated. The associated drug trade and human trafficking accompanies that movement because its illegal. When will people figure out making things illegal doesn't work when people want it! Prohibition, firearms (which is something all of you argue for but can't understand here) regulations don't work.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2009
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It occurs to me that the Rio Grand - a large portion of our southern border - is a navigable waterway, eligible to be patrolled by the Coast Guard. If memory serves, the Coast Guard patrols the Arkansas River as far north as Tulsa.

It is patrolled. But with spotters placed up and down the river with cell phones, the cartels know exactly where the patrols are. Doesn't take them very long to ferry a shipment from bank to bank..

Korea has a kill zone and they still do some minor trading, and neither country has gone away. The only reason the north has issues is because of international sanctions.
The reason the illegals and their families wouldn’t become angry is because what dumb arse would attempt to walk across a kill zone? That’s a non argument.
Walk into any other country other than the US and Europe without proper visas and you end up in jail. How well is that working out for Europe?
"But,..but minefields and kill-zones would interrupt the breeding habits of the Sonoran green peckered humpback tortoise.!" (or something to that effect)

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