Thinking about moving again .

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Equador. I've been researching it a long while. Live like a king on $1500 a month. Condos are cheap, medical and dental exceed the US for pennies on the dollar. Lots od American expats already there and the natives are taught English in school, as tourism is their only income.
Look at it. Get a 90 day visa and try it..
Ecuador isn't quite as stable as it once was. Crime is on the rise in certain areas, particularly near the coast. Cuenca is still relatively safe and has a large expat community.


Special Hen
Jan 4, 2008
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You could always go Philippines.
Pretty cheap
Most speak some english.
Gotta big house 30 miles north of subic
That I've never spent a night in.
Built it and haven't been back due to family obligations here in Okla.
I don’t mean to pry, but does someone watch your house so it does not get taken over?

mr ed

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Mar 14, 2009
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Bro inlaw behind.
Wife's cousin next door.
Sister inlaw staying there temporarily til she comes back here in sept.
It was to be our retirement home when we got old but I decided I like to go bang bang too much.
And that's a little tough over there.
If Joe and the dumbocrats get their way I may pack and go.

Two Gun Warrior

Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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Wilburton, Ok.
Yeah ... I think 30 years of hearing:

It's just your hormones. You'll have you get used to it.

There's NO way you could be having those problems.

That's normal. You just need to get used to it.

You're just depressed ... Anxious ... A hypochondriac ... Here take these pills and get used to it.

You just need to go to therapy. They will help you get used to it.

Well it hasn't killed you yet so it can't be that bad.

You don't look sick.

You're just drug-seeking stop going to doctors looking for pills. (I have NEVER darkened the door of a doctor's office WANTING more pills. Quite the contrary I WANT OFF all this **** they have me on.)

Go out in your backyard. And dip your food in oil so it will go down your esophagus easier. And be sure to chew each bite 42 times. (In all fairness I did not ask if I was supposed to eat in the backyard or just sit out there in between meals. 🙄 I also did not ask the significance of the 42 times. It seems like "chew your food well" might have been the more adult thing to say but that still doesn't address any of the problems I was sent to her to address. 🤷)

If I had a nickel for every time a western doctor has blown me off (but they sure as hell still take my co-pay) I'd have more money that Jeff Bezos.

While I've ALWAYS had fatigue problems (when Scott and I were running around all over the state shooting matches every weekend I slept in the car to and from the matches. What time I wasn't at work or at a match I was at home IN BED because I couldn't function otherwise. Nobody knew but Scott. I "looked" perfectly healthy to every other person on the planet. But the truth is I was barely hanging in by my fingernails.)

All that was the status quo for years but now I'm getting worse. 2 hours, 3 at the most, up moving around and I am ruint for the rest of the day. I literally take care of my animals (approximately 1 hour every day on average), go thru the mail and pay what bills we have when they come in and maybe do a half hour or so of housework and I am trashed for the rest of the day. And that's on a good day.

I can either continue banging my head against the wall here or I can go travel the world and bang my head on the wall. I'm thinking a change of scenery is in order.
Cut down on the highly processed foods and diet sodas they will kill you. I feel for you and what you are going through. I am diabetic and was having lots of other issues. I stopped with the processed food and diet sodas, also cut way back on the beef. My a1c has dropped and I am feeling much better.

Two Gun Warrior

Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
Reaction score
Wilburton, Ok.
Lol thanks Clay! 😘 but I'm okay with a 1 bedroom, 1 bath "shack". In fact a studio apartment that would let me keep a kitten would be PERFECT. I don't need a big house. Just more to keep up with, ya know.
Most of the 3rd world countries are a lot cheaper to live in. But there are a lot you will be giving up and have to be careful where you go and watch out for government changes. Thailand is going through a rough time right now, as are other countries.

El Pablo

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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That seems to be the general consensus pf every man who has ever been in my life -- "if only you would just BEHAVE" ...

And I ask you, sir ... What fun is that?!?!? 😉💖💖💖
Not me… It all depends on what kind of miss behaving. Fun vs highly illegal.
if I wanted a doormat, I’d have bought one at the store.

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