Thinking about moving again .

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Have you seen a hematologist? My wife has thyroid and other issues related to autoimmune problems. Have you had your thyroid levels checked?

I have. Oddly enough I was told several years ago I would have to take thyroid meds for the rest of my life. Very next blood test same doctor took me off thyroid meds and all he said was "well it doesn't look like you need these anymore". I haven't taken anything for my thyroid in probably 20 years now. IIRC this happened about the same time Grumpy and I got together.

I did have a comprehensive panel run last week. I'll get the results from that Monday and see what this new doc says.


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May 17, 2020
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Recent conversations with a well-travelled co-worker and the miserable state of health care here has me rethinking this option ...

Although I may have to go without Grumpy. And no, I am not joking this time. I am sick and tired of having doctors gaslight, minimize and treat me like I'm some kind of mental case. (Yes, I know I'm MENTAL but that is a different conversation.) All I know is the next doctor that tells me that not being able to get out of bed for an ENTIRE month is "normal" and "I just need to get used to it" is gonna be digging my thumbs outta their eyesockets. 😤

It is my very limited understanding as of right now that medical care can be much more affordable overseas. Any stories from personal experience? Or from the friend of a friend of a friend of a business associate?? I'm just now beginning to seriously research this so any comments are welcome. Thanks guys!
In my experience, I’ve mostly seen horror stories from people going outside of the US for medical treatment only to return here in worse shape. I’ve seen lots of foreign rich people come here for treatments they can’t get at home. Some have even rented out an entire unit of the hospital (20 beds-imagine the cost) so they would be the only patient there.
The only advantage I can see of going foreign is the lower cost or some experimental treatment not offered here, but that’s very risky. Many foreign clinics have poor infection control or untrained docs, for example.
If I was sick & not getting better I’d continue to seek other docs in an effort to get some sort of resolution. Mayo Clinic has a CFS specialty clinic in Arizona I think.
Sorry, it’s not much help but lots of people are in the same boat as you. Hope you can get some help eventually.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
F'em. Bye.

I've lived other places. OK so far is at the tip top of the list, and it ain't close.
Portland is a complete **** hole! I grew up around there. It’s only gotten worse. Anyone going to California is either rich or dumb or both.

I agree with Jakeman. Oklahoma is the place to be.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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I’m a firm believer that that most docs just practice medicine. The few that truly care are handcuffed by insurance companies and patient quotas. My doc is great but has almost $400K in student loans and says he’s a rat in a wheel. His wife is a doc too but wants to quit and be a stay at home mom.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I agree. I’ve been to the Philippines, never to Thailand, but it looks nice. Very low cost of living, nice people, almost everyone speaks English to one degree or another. If the US gets too expensive for me that’s where I’m going. (Oh and don’t think all the women are whores there. Even the whores are about the same as an average American girl at a bar. The rest of the Philippines is highly catholic).
There is a guy living in Thailand with his Thai wife (they are originally from Texas) that has had a long-running VLOG on YouTube called "notime2besad" (no time to be sad).
He tells, and shows what living long-term in Thailand is all about including the legalities of things like driving or owning property, having bank accounts, and what are considered restricted items, the in & outs of visa requirements for xpats or retirees, in addition to the typical 'travel vlog' fare of food and tourist things.

This is NOT meant for the casual visitor or tourist, but for those living (or wanting to live) in Thailand on a permanent basis, and his VLOG is not sponsored (like so many other VLOGS) by a travel agency or an airline.
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Sgt Dog

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Lol what do you think I'm gonna have done?? I already had a breast reduction. (And true to American medical standards I'm STILL a 36DD. So much for "petite and perky" 🙄🙄 Lol)

Honestly though, the CFS and autoimmune issues I have are becoming impossible to ignore. Even Scott is saying I'm getting worse, even though I have done EVERYTHING the doctors have told me to do. For example, I woke up (6:30 am) feeling decent this morning so I: got up, piddled around the garden a bit, took care of the critters, and spent an hour and a half running errands -- 4 stops at 4 different stores, no window shopping or wandering aimlessly. In, got what was on the list, out. Stopped at Sonic on the way home for a large ice water with extra ice. Fed the baby sparrow. Started a load of laundry. Straightened up the kitchen. Started going through the paperwork for an appointment I have with a functional doctor coming up Thursday. By the time Scott was getting ready to leave for work (1 pm) I was starting up with the headache and nausea. By 2 I had crashed. When I say crashed I mean it took every ounce of energy I had to go crawl in bed. Woke up at 6 this evening. Still exhausted but ... Ehhh ... Baby bird needed feeding. And the outside critters needed their waterers checked. I'm a little better now but am fixing to go crawl back in bed because I feel like I've dug ditches all day. (So that should tell you just how bad this afternoon was ...)

I've tried everything I know. Haven't eaten any sugar (except what is in the fruit I have for breakfast), processed food or Diet Coke -- I was an addict plain and simple -- in SEVERAL weeks now. Like 3, 4 months. No change. I've weaned myself off the 20 some-odd meds I was on ... Except for pain management and that just isn't gonna happen with my physical injuries. Again ... No change.

Doctor last week told me this was all normal for a 64 yo woman in "reasonable" health. 😳 Call me unrealistic but ... Yeah ... I don't think she's got any idea what she's talking about.
My wife has autoimmune that finally flowered (strange term, I know) into scleroderma. Lot of fatigue with it. She is an incredible researcher and has to educate her doctors frequently. There are something like 200 off-shoots of auto immune so frankly I’m not sure you’d get much better treatment overseas. Lot of mysteries contained in those blood counts. She joined a few Facebook groups dedicated to her condition but her own research provides more insight. But it takes a special kind of perseverance that I wouldn’t have. I can say as an observer that it is especially frustrating and self-care and understanding diet are important. Good luck. I feel for you.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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In my experience, I’ve mostly seen horror stories from people going outside of the US for medical treatment only to return here in worse shape. I’ve seen lots of foreign rich people come here for treatments they can’t get at home. Some have even rented out an entire unit of the hospital (20 beds-imagine the cost) so they would be the only patient there.
The only advantage I can see of going foreign is the lower cost or some experimental treatment not offered here, but that’s very risky. Many foreign clinics have poor infection control or untrained docs, for example.
If I was sick & not getting better I’d continue to seek other docs in an effort to get some sort of resolution. Mayo Clinic has a CFS specialty in Arizona I think.
Sorry, it’s not much help but lots of people are in the same boat as you. Hope you can get some help eventually.

Yeah ... I think 30 years of hearing:

It's just your hormones. You'll have you get used to it.

There's NO way you could be having those problems.

That's normal. You just need to get used to it.

You're just depressed ... Anxious ... A hypochondriac ... Here take these pills and get used to it.

You just need to go to therapy. They will help you get used to it.

Well it hasn't killed you yet so it can't be that bad.

You don't look sick.

You're just drug-seeking stop going to doctors looking for pills. (I have NEVER darkened the door of a doctor's office WANTING more pills. Quite the contrary I WANT OFF all this **** they have me on.)

Go out in your backyard. And dip your food in oil so it will go down your esophagus easier. And be sure to chew each bite 42 times. (In all fairness I did not ask if I was supposed to eat in the backyard or just sit out there in between meals. 🙄 I also did not ask the significance of the 42 times. It seems like "chew your food well" might have been the more adult thing to say but that still doesn't address any of the problems I was sent to her to address. 🤷)

If I had a nickel for every time a western doctor has blown me off (but they sure as hell still take my co-pay) I'd have more money that Jeff Bezos.

While I've ALWAYS had fatigue problems (when Scott and I were running around all over the state shooting matches every weekend I slept in the car to and from the matches. What time I wasn't at work or at a match I was at home IN BED because I couldn't function otherwise. Nobody knew but Scott. I "looked" perfectly healthy to every other person on the planet. But the truth is I was barely hanging in by my fingernails.)

All that was the status quo for years but now I'm getting worse. 2 hours, 3 at the most, up moving around and I am ruint for the rest of the day. I literally take care of my animals (approximately 1 hour every day on average), go thru the mail and pay what bills we have when they come in and maybe do a half hour or so of housework and I am trashed for the rest of the day. And that's on a good day.

I can either continue banging my head against the wall here or I can go travel the world and bang my head on the wall. I'm thinking a change of scenery is in order.
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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
My wife has autoimmune that finally flowered (strange term, I know) into scleroderma. Lot of fatigue with it. She is an incredible researcher and has to educate her doctors frequently. There are something like 200 off-shoots of auto immune so frankly I’m not sure you’d get much better treatment overseas. Lot of mysteries contained in those blood counts. She joined a few Facebook groups dedicated to her condition but her own research provides more insight. But it takes a special kind of perseverance that I wouldn’t have. I can say as an observer that it is especially frustrating and self-care and understanding diet are important. Good luck. I feel for you.

Man I feel for her. I've been trying to talk to doctors for years but apparently I'm seeing the wrong ones. It's so bad that Scott goes with me to every appointment because I don't feel safe talking to ANY "medical professional" by myself.

I've changed my diet DRASTICALLY in the last 60 days -- no processed foods mostly and only water to drink, except for one cup of coffee in the morning that helps with the pancreatitis/NAFLD pain I have (weird I know).

I haven't been on FB for a while but I'll give it another go. Thanks for the advice. I hope your wife feels better.

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