Time to Come Out.....

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Man, I was hoping we could get together one more time before you left but today's the first time I've felt even halfway decent in more than a week ...

I expect to see some pics -- actually a LOT of pics :P -- once you guys get settled in ... :wave: :cry3:


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Man, I was hoping we could get together one more time before you left but today's the first time I've felt even halfway decent in more than a week ...

I expect to see some pics -- actually a LOT of pics :P -- once you guys get settled in ... :wave: :cry3:

Hey, BB. Come on over to the RV and I'll let you and GC help us get ready to go. We'll be here all day on the 4th and will be "movin' out" on Saturday morning. If you could be here Saturday morning, you'd get an idea of how little it takes to get an RV ready to travel.

But, if you can't do that, just remember that our future home also has cabins.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Hey, BB. Come on over to the RV and I'll let you and GC help us get ready to go. We'll be here all day on the 4th and will be "movin' out" on Saturday morning. If you could be here Saturday morning, you'd get an idea of how little it takes to get an RV ready to travel.

But, if you can't do that, just remember that our future home also has cabins.

Yeah ... I'm better, but I'm not good ... as long as there is a chance of rain in the forecast I'm staying close to home because getting in the car and riding around is a sure-fire way to wind up back in a dark room thinking that maybe it would feel better if I dug my eyes out with a teaspoon ...

I'm so excited for you guys, though!! You've worked hard to get where you are. Now you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Yeah ... I'm better, but I'm not good ... as long as there is a chance of rain in the forecast I'm staying close to home because getting in the car and riding around is a sure-fire way to wind up back in a dark room thinking that maybe it would feel better if I dug my eyes out with a teaspoon ...

I'm so excited for you guys, though!! You've worked hard to get where you are. Now you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor!

And, the beauty of all this is that I also have the great opportunity to share some of those fruits (in the form of photos) with friends everywhere.

God bless you, young lady. May your health improve, and your future be brighter when GC is ready to retire. We've been blessed with your friendship and company.

Messages will come to you later in the form of some comments about possible camera considerations. It may be a week or two as we will be rather busy with moving and setting up in a new home place.

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