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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
The rule of thumb on barbers, beauticians, etc, is you tip the employees, but not the owner of the establishment, so if he's an old school barber, that's probably what he's expecting.

It doesn't stop me from tipping whichever barber cuts my hair, though.

Yeah those old school, small town barber shops don't see too much tipping for some reason.

Don't take a lot to cut my hair. First of all I don't have much, and it gets a #4 all the way around, no sideburns.

My local, old school barber, is a retired Marine. Got Marine stuff all over the walls in his shop. He opened up here about 5 or so years ago. I have to drive to Norman otherwise and then wait at Sportsclips or Supercuts, which ever has the shortest waiting list. They're only a couple doors apart next door to Target.

He charges me 12 bucks for the hair cut, and I give him a $20 bill, because I want him to be profitable and to stay open. The little dog goes to the groomer, the horses get shoes and I get a hair cut all in the same week. It's easier for me to keep track that way. Takes him less than 10 minutes from the apron to me getting out of the chair.

If he charged me more I'd pay more, and I'd still pay him in even 10's

He's got a straight razor, but he's only been doing it for less than 10 years. Not sure I'm ready for him to have a straight razor pressed against my jugular vein. He might have a flash back or something. I don't wanna die in a pool of blood and gray hair on the floor of a barber shop in downtown Blanchard, America.


Fully semiautomatic & clip fed
Supporting Member
Dec 4, 2021
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Oklahoma City, OK
I carry a gun for a living and put myself in harm's way for ungrateful people day in/day out. I don't get any tips from anybody. But, I chose this career. After 34 years of totin' a gun and badge, I must enjoy it.

All I can say is if a person relies on tips to make a living, they should probably find another job. Unless they just enjoy that type of work environment. I don't see how. I worked in a convenience store when I was younger. People get so bent outta shape when you mess with their food and money.

There are better paying jobs out there than waiting tables. And I shouldn't have to pay outlandish prices for a meal and their salary too.

Everyone says to me, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary!" Guess what Karen...I'm a taxpayer too. I pay my own salary!
First of all, I want to say thank you for your service. Second, I completely agree. If someone wants to be in the type of work environment where their salary is solely reliant on the customer and not the employer, they have to be prepared to win some/lose some. It is no different than a 100% commission paid job.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
I tip kids always, high school to college aged. Kudos to them for working instead of the things they could be doing instead, plus $20 to a kid is a huge deal. Lastly, kids don’t get to pick if they’re poor or what type of job they want. Adults make a choice to work as a waiter/server etc.

I worked as a cashier when I was 16 and still remember a $10 tip I got for carrying out a mans groceries once. It was a huge deal to me and literally bought the gas I needed to get home, good times being a poor kid.

I tip adults depending on their service level. Most get $5 regardless of the bill, but for standouts and the like I give more. I am a regular at a few places and they get a lot more, when they comp an appetizer or whatever just being friendly, I just add it to their tip as well.

But tipping for no reason? Nah. You don’t get a tip for handing my takeout to me, if anyone needs the tip it’s the cook.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Boone, NE
The rule of thumb on barbers, beauticians, etc, is you tip the employees, but not the owner of the establishment, so if he's an old school barber, that's probably what he's expecting.

It doesn't stop me from tipping whichever barber cuts my hair, though.

That may be the reason I suppose.
Totally worth it though, I'd have to pay the same at a "chain" haircut place minus the beard work, and those places are hit and (mostly) miss on a good cut. I've yet to leave the oldschool dudes place with stray hairs sticking out in the wind or itching all over (he uses a vacuum to suck all the hair up instead of a blow dryer to just move it somewhere else on you).
He's out of commission right now getting a hip replaced and I had to use a "regular" place and I felt dirty doing so LOL.


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
I get tipped occasionally at work. I don't expect it, but I always give excellent service. I've been on my route 16 years and I'm incredibly humbled when gifted a tip. From a couple dollars, "here, go get a cup of coffee" to $100 or a nice bottle of wine, "enjoy the holidays", man, it's a really proud feeling.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
If you bring it to my table you get a minimum of $5 and generally $10. I waited tables in college.

I’ll tip the car hop at Sonic a couple 3 bucks, but I’m not tipping you at the counter at McD’s. Go get a job waiting tables. Everybody is hiring.
AMEN! I usually give the Sonic kid the rest of the change plus a dollar.

If you wait at my table and do a good job, you get a flat 20% of my bill. You screw up and you may get $5. You really screw up and I will let you know about it and you will not get a tip. Too old to care about your feelings about tipping.

I remember Bruce Williams reciting an experience he had at a restaurant. He related while seated and eating his lunch, he spied a young man waiting tables with a big plate of onion rings walking by.

He said, "I made a fake, half-hearted lunge at the onion rings as he walked by. The waiter made eye contact with me, grinned, and kept walking finally setting the delicious-looking rings at a table not too far from me." "I continued to eat my lunch and a few minutes later the young man appeared again this time at my table with a small plate with three piping hot onion rings setting it down beside my plate." Bruce said, "The waiter said nothing but grinned again ad left just as fast as he arrived."

Bruce then said, "Believing in giving credit where credit is due, and recognition for a job well done, I tipped the young enterprising fellow a C Note."

I also remember Joe's Crab Shack on NW Expressway. They automatically added a 30% tip to my order one night. Pissed me the hell off it did! Especially when the waitress was lousy and lazy and got the order wrong.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If the service is deplorable I leave an insultingly low tip that way they know I wasn't satisfied. If I left nothing they may think that I just forgot...
On a trip with an expense account for some training, met a guy in the class from Tx while we were in Chicago. We went to the million dollar bar for dinner that Al Capone built.
It was a sandwich restaurant on top with the bar underground. We informed the waitress that we were on seperate expense accounts and needed seperate checks. She said that was not possible as the rule was one table, one ticket.
So, I moved to an empty table next to ours and said we are good now. She didn't like that, but we got our food and left a penny each on the table.
Went down to the bar which was amazing and ordered a drink each.
We heard some commotion behind us and saw the waitress throwing our pennies at us screaming we were a$$holes. Bartender commented we just met their most famous waitress. :D
I guess she had a history.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
I had a big long post typed out, but I deleted it. I probably haven’t eaten out a half dozen times since the 2020 covid lockdown, so this topic is pretty much a non issue for me.
I can say definitively though that I won’t be tipping at a fast food joint or a self checkout. :finger:

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