totally creeped out!!

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Dec 5, 2005
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Sooner, it sounds like you had some sleep paralysis. I have had a similar experience several times. Feel like I am awake, but unable to move or speak and there is somethng "evil" in the room.One time I was asleep on the couch and it happened and my wife woke me up because she said she could hear me barely calling her name.

It's not an uncommon condition and accounts for a lot of so-called paranormal exoeriences.

In your case it's caused by massive guilt.


Special Hen
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
I had a guy try it run me off the road between Lubbock and Plainview one morning several years ago, I was on my way to lubbock to a gun show and had a pistol with me, When he saw it he left me alone and turned off the Interstate at Abernathy? I think he must have been out all night drunk? I had the pistol but no ammo, I was going to trade it off at the show, I now carry a loaded one all the time!!
Also, Welcome to the forum Texasvines, Native texan here too, My wife is from Lubbock and I am from Plainview.

thanks for the reply and the welcome

at the time of this incident it was long before I had moved out here to Lubbock and long before I thought I would ever live out this way......I guess reading some of these "scared, weird, strange" stories on forums similar to this one got me thinking of that incident again

I am glad I posted it now and glad you posted was weird we were not all in the van in a panic or anything or freaking out, but it was getting us all pretty nervous......I have always wondered if shooting at them would be the right thing to do......the friend that was with us that was armed was always more calm than me and happens to be in law enforcement now (something I don't think he was even contemplating at the time) and it is probably very lucky for the guy that it was the friend with the gun and not me

reading your story in conditions that don't sound as bad as ours and in an area it sounds like you were more familiar with (although still in BFE for the most part) and knowing it made you nervous enough to go ahead and show some metal makes me think I probably would have been justified to hit the radiator a couple of times at least

I have ALWAYS been one of those people that does not need to fully KNOW 100% that someone is intending to harm me to go ahead and act.....what am I suppose to do wait until the guy rams us......or pulls ahead and swerves in front of us......I think I will pass on that and go ahead and assume that some fool in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere intends to harm us and "over react" VS waking up bloody a few hours later freezing cold, run off the road, wrecked in a ditch

It almost makes me mad thinking about it again why someone would do something like that and how close they came to making me take a BIG action by shooting at them.....reading your story and your conclusion I guess it really is just some idiot probably drunk that happened to run across someone else they THOUGHT they wanted to "mess with"

if some people only understood how some of us are not really interested in being messed with or seeing how long someone will mess with us before going away.....instead I know that I for sure see it as not that difficult to understand you are a threat to someone when you are acting stupid and you should be prepared for people like me that are not really interested in "your problems" or participating in them......other than backing you off with force and making you flee the other way


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
I have had some free time lately and have been reading a lot of hunting forums and looking at weird game cam pics ect and reading the strange happenings stories. After reading this thread in particular I decided to register and tell my story because some of the other stories in this thread are very similar and maybe so someone could chime in and tell me WTF was going on in the story I will relate

it was Dec in 87 to 89 one of those years and me and my brother and 3 friends had gone skiing in Winter Park....

...I would be all ears to what anyone thought was going on or what that was all about...

Reminded me of this episode of Unsolved Mysteries:

Ya never know what's on people's minds. They could have just been trying to scare you for fun. Or they could have wanted you up in them woods and squealin' like pigs.
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Special Hen
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
here is another since I bumped this thread.....not really as scary after it happened, but something I will pass on participating in again in the future

in about 94-95 (still before sail fones were really common and before CCLs in Texas I think) a friend of a friend's family had a ranch outside of Bandera, Texas.....I was living in Austin and me and the friend were heading out to that ranch pretty late in the evening after my friend got off of work......I had my 9mm in the little jump seat in the back of the extended cab of my Ranger it had a full clip, but the clip was out and away from the gun and the gun was in a case so at the time (if I remember right) carrying it would have either been fully legal or a very minor ticket at the officers discretion if found with it (not really important to the story overall just "telling the story)

we are just outside of Bandera proper heading west and hauling pretty good probably 75mph which with the damn deer is plenty fast at night

as we go down the road we come up a steady rise in the road that tops off and has a very very gentle curve at the top of the we blow on by we see lights in the trees on the left side of the looked like a farm truck pulled into a driveway at a farm house dropping someone off for the night.....except as we observed there was no farm house, no house lights, no driveway, and not really any way for that truck to be in the took about 10 to 15 seconds as we were flying along for it to register with both of us and for us to look at each other at about the same time and say "we probably need to go check that out"

when whipped around and headed back and as we pulled up my friend was fetching the gun out from behind the jump seat

we pull up and sure enough it is a big brand new chevy dually sitting out in the trees fully light up.....head lights on blazing strong, it had the little yellow lights on the top of the cab blazing strong, and the interior light was on blazing the truck had not been there long

we get out and we are looking around for a second wondering WTF did we just come up on and is anyone else around here......we very quickly decide it is just us and this truck and things are "ok" at least for us.........we run about 25 yards out into the field and the truck has smashed into a huge oak tree.....I would guess this tree was at least 8 feet we get to it we see that about 1/3 of the hood area of this truck has been replaced by "tree"

I haul ass up to the drivers side and adrenaline is flowing pretty good and I look in the cab and don't see anyone right off and my friend gets to the passenger side and I am like where are they and he is like "right here" and I look again and the guy is laid out on the seat towards the passenger side of the truck with his head just barely touching the outside passenger rear view mirror and worse with the entire dash of the truck pinning him against the seat and his feet kind of stuck down by the peddles between the seat and where the dash has "moved to"

my friend has to flick a budweiser beer can off the guys shoulder to check the pulse on his neck......the dude is warm, but we are not sure we are getting a pulse (feeling something, but thinking is is our own pulse all the way to our own finger tips"

we look at each other and we are both like "back to town"........we jump back in the truck and 100+ back to town for about 5-7 minutes.......we get into town and they had a cop shop/volunteer fire all in one building.......we are banging on it and no one answers so we look around and there is a pay phone right there so we call 911.......911 answers and it is two ladies and we tell them the situation and where they are and they have to have a discussion for a second to figure out who and where to dispatch to (back when 911 was still sorting out locations and street names ect)

they tell us the sheriff is on the way and we say ok we will be back out there look for us........we haul back about 80mph and get there and check on the guy and he has not moved at all and is making no sounds......thinking we are not getting a pulse at all now

the sheriff gets there in about 15 minutes maybe 20 and we flag him down to make sure he sees us all and he comes out and we are telling him maybe a pulse not sure ect. and he walks up and looks in the truck and without even checking gets on the radio and says "tell San Antonio we need the jaws of life out here" and then tells us there is nothing we could have done and he is dead

we calm down some and start looking around.....the first thing that always stuck with me is two smells......diesel fuel.....and budweiser beer........there were probably 40 beer cans in the bed of this dually.....most looking not that weathered or old........there are beer cans flung all out into the woods for 15 Olympic shotputter could not have thrown an empty beer can as far as these cans had flown out of the bed of that truck when it hit the tree

we never saw the guys face it was always up against the right side we get looking with the sheriff about how far he was off the road we start looking at the "setup"........there was a bar ditch, then a white wooden fence with three levels of fencing......the guy had hit that ditch so fast that even in that huge dually he had gotten air born enough that he had completely cleared the lowest level of the fence and only knocked out the top two rungs of wood and smashed through the 4X4 post, but the lowest rung of fence looked like new not even tire marks

he had gone about 25 yards into a spread of oaks that were thin enough if he had gotten control he probably could have steered through them and stopped....but sadly for him he went right into a huge one.......10 feet to the left and he would have been A OK until he could slow down

we went and looked at the road and there was just the faintest of a very short fresh skid mark that cut to the left probably about 2 feet long and aimed right at that section of fence and to him it was just over the rise and right at the very gentle curve around to the was like he possibly came over the rise hauling pretty good and saw a deer or something and panicked and then lost control or possibly he was looking for something in the glove box and got distracted and lost it.....or hell from all the cans and the smell.....he may well have passed out

the sheriff told us he had worked a wreck with a Z-28 about a year before and the car looked about the same with a huge tree where a large part of the hood was and from the forensics of that accident they estimated the Z was going 95 to 100 so he was guessing this guy was probably going 100+ and had not even slowed down (no skid marks in the ground in the field)

he said it would be about an hour for the jaws of life and we ask if we needed to stay or if he needed anything and he said no he was good and we said well we are out of here then sorry to meet you like this and about that time a second sheriff showed up and we took off

it turned out the guy owned a bar in Bandera and had been going through a divorce and he lived a few miles up the road just before a state friend found that out when he was out there another time not long after and was getting his hair cut and the stylist were talking about friend was like "uh me and my friend were the ones that found him".......and they were like "oh wow that was you we all wondered who it was"

bad deal around and I will pass on that again in the future unless I can find someone to save


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Reminded me of this episode of Unsolved Mysteries:

Ya never know what's on people's minds. They could have just been trying to scare you for fun. Or they could have wanted you up in them woods and squealin' like pigs.

That's an emotion I have never experienced.

Wait, JB Books has emotions? Consider my reality altered.
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Special Hen
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
What's a sail fone?


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