totally creeped out!!

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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That is a Motorola Businessman's Classic. I had one back in 1989 when I was 21. I was one of the only students at OU with one at the time.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I had one of them things disguised as a size nine loafer back in 1968.
It was issued to me on account of the sensitive nature of my work with the government.
I was the only guy at Nimitz Jr. High who had one.


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2010
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i had a very bad feeling standing in a dried river bed on a moonless night in the woods about 2 miles from chandler park or anything for that matter. already posted this but wasn't long after that i saw a huge hairy man running through the woods and taunting me by hitting trees and stomping/grunting. no one believes this but whatever it was it was skinny and tall and grey with hair all over it. it ran faster than i could for sure. i think it mimicked the sounds my engine made because i heard what sounded like a monotone growling dirt bike sound as i approached the area on foot. i was just target practicing so it knew i had a gun. i think that's why it was hitting tree's with a branch. it's a bit unbelievable but when you see something like that when you're alone... it's very difficult to not sound crazy. the only way i can describe it is, imagine being stalked by something 8 or so feet tall that can run 40 miles an hour. so when Sasquatch beats your head in with a rock from behind it's a mystery where or if you'll be found. there is really no way to describe it but sheer terror... makes legs run good. i was walking around there for days in pitch black moonless night having rocks thrown at me, hearing stomping in the woods, seeing arms move behind trees, and didn't believe it myself so i don't expect anyone else to. yes i got lost in the woods off the trails and heard them walking all around me before i actually saw one. and yes i think some are darker than a black steers tucas on a moonless prairie night. there are infrared videos on youtube if you don't believe me, the one where it steals a candy bar from a tree stump... that was him i'm not joking. basically noone wants to bring in a body because as soon as you see him you know he's human or something. It is the creepiest experience i've ever had. oh and that one time a guy who was stalking my mom lit a cig while hiding deep in a corn field behind our house. hahah


Special Hen
Apr 4, 2006
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In 1990 I was stationed in Greece in the Navy. The base tells me my Grandad passed. I call my dad back in good ole Vinita and was talking to him about it. Well my Grandad passed away in Colorado Springs and my mom just made it before he passed away. My dad says that he had passed the night before and that our dog had howled like you were beating it and sitting in our back yard facing west. He wouldn't come in and it took my dad 15 to 20 minutes to get him to quit howling and to come in the house. No more than my dad getting back in the house than my mom calls from Colorado and tells my dad that my grandad passed away 25 minutes ago. Now I was in Greece and I was spooked. My dad who grew up during the depression and doesn't get excited or riled over anything got spooked also.

Weird very weird.


Special Hen
Jun 20, 2007
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A couple of weeks ago, something kinda strange happened to me. I'm working nights so I'm usually up until 2 or 3...well, one Thurs night, I was beat, I came home, got cleaned up, watched a lil Tv and decided to go to bed at 1...well, my girlfriend was already in bed so I crawled in and fell asleep...well, around 3:30, I woke up from a dead sleep with a strange feeling, very restless...couldn't lay still, got up, paced the house and went out onto the back porch for some fresh air..listened to it rain for a few minutes....never had that feeling before....well, about 4 it just went away, I crawled back into bed and fell right alseep. Well, my girlfriend wakes up and I roll over and she is on the phone with a good friend....we had been spending a lot of time with another couple and it turns out that her friend's Mom passed away at 4am....I was like WTF...gave me the chills. Its weird that I never met her mother but knew that she was in bad health for about 3 yrs and that our friend took care of her on a daily basis.


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2009
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A couple of weeks ago, something kinda strange happened to me. I'm working nights so I'm usually up until 2 or 3...well, one Thurs night, I was beat, I came home, got cleaned up, watched a lil Tv and decided to go to bed at 1...well, my girlfriend was already in bed so I crawled in and fell asleep...well, around 3:30, I woke up from a dead sleep with a strange feeling, very restless...couldn't lay still, got up, paced the house and went out onto the back porch for some fresh air..listened to it rain for a few minutes....never had that feeling before....well, about 4 it just went away, I crawled back into bed and fell right alseep. Well, my girlfriend wakes up and I roll over and she is on the phone with a good friend....we had been spending a lot of time with another couple and it turns out that her friend's Mom passed away at 4am....I was like WTF...gave me the chills. Its weird that I never met her mother but knew that she was in bad health for about 3 yrs and that our friend took care of her on a daily basis.

I had this happen to me when a close family member passed. I woke up at the time of death.

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