Westboro in Moore. Not anymore!

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Special Hen
Apr 13, 2013
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Lincoln County
Like them or hate them, they have a right to demonstrate. They don't deserve the threat of physical violence from people charging at them. To me, it looked like Westboro on one side, and a bunch of hoodlums on the other.

Stupid post! No one said they did not have the legal right to do what they were doing. And everyone else there had the legal right to harass the **** out of them.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Like them or hate them, they have a right to demonstrate. They don't deserve the threat of physical violence from people charging at them. To me, it looked like Westboro on one side, and a bunch of hoodlums on the other.

I didn't see any threat of violence. I saw OTHERS wanting to show an opposing viewpoint. All i saw was people doing the right thing WITHIN THEIR RIGHTS. I believe in their (Westburo's) right to assemble, free speach, Religion, etc.......but when THEY choose to act on those rights, THEY accept all responsibility of OTHERS acting on THEIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are using LOOPHOLES to act out their hatred and that needs to be answered.

They are hiding behind the very system that they obviously despise....And riding on the shoulders of people that have DIED to ensure the rights that they are ABUSING and then saying 'We're glad you're dead".

We as a whole have freedom of speach, but if we stand up in a theatre and yell FIRE...we're going to get arrested. They assume responsibility for their actions. Just because you have RIGHTS doesn't mean that enacting them will go unanswered.

Let's see how convicted they are to their cause....I say EVERY TIME they assemble, they oughta be run out. Let'm assemble 20 blocks away, or START ACTING LIKE HUMANS....NOT PICKETING AND YELLING at a site where INNOCENT CHILDREN DIED!!!!!!!!! (Or at Funerals, etc) Either way, it's their choice...because they are free and have RIGHTS.

And rights or not............ If we're going to tak about what they DESERVE... (Which is completely different than what RIGHTS they have) YES THEY DO DESERVE THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE. They deserve MUCH more than they got in Moore.

There are RIGHTS and then there is what's right. BIG BIG DIFFERENCE. Untill we start standing up for what is RIGHT again, this country will continue to go down hill like it's doing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
I say lets find out when the country became full of wussies.. and change it back..

If pukes like them were protesting dead soldiers and children back in the 40's or 50's... they would get an ass beating... a well deserved dose of reality...

JohnDough... If I ever run into you sir.. I'm buying the first round of whatever you are drinking.


Special Hen
May 23, 2008
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Moore, home of the F5 Tornado!
They are winning in what they feel is a mission from God, the attention is what they are after. They are getting what they want with the crowds of people, noise, and media coverage and hate from what they feel is the other side. Bad attention is still attention being drawn to them. If they are hurt in the process they feel that is fine too, and just offer as a gift to God. If they die in the process they are now martyrs, who are considered precious in God's sight.

They feel they are doing God's work, I am just wondering when the Kool Aid will be served. Events like these usually do not end well.

Oh, and one last thing, ' Don't mess with Moore'.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Like them or hate them, they have a right to demonstrate. They don't deserve the threat of physical violence from people charging at them. To me, it looked like Westboro on one side, and a bunch of hoodlums on the other.

That's just it. They aren't protesting a damn thing. By their own words they are celebrating the death of innocents. The children killed by the tornado at the school last year specifically. If they want to protest on an political or legal issue, then fine. I'd say the "hoodlums" were and are justified. I don't think I'm alone either.

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