When the Militia heads to the Red River BLM showdown, Reddog WILL be there.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Is there anything you agree on??

Yes, I agree with the sentiment you sometimes offer that "everything is not as it seems."

The big difference is that I understand that the same applies to my beliefs and/or interpretation of things. Like the Red River BLM deal...how long have you studied it? Have you ever read the Red River Boundry Compact? Do you understand the boundry as it is laid out in that compact and the subsequent impact on existing tribal claims that predate any deeds that might have been held by other parties?

Are you 100% certain that the recent drum beating by conservatives and Presidential hopefuls on this issue isn't a form of pandering to the red meat masses or are you so simple that BLM = grab your guns and Anyone-Against-BLM = Hero and Truthsayer?


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
Yes, I agree with the sentiment you sometimes offer that "everything is not as it seems."

The big difference is that I understand that the same applies to my beliefs and/or interpretation of things. Like the Red River BLM deal...how long have you studied it? Have you ever read the Red River Boundry Compact? Do you understand the boundry as it is laid out in that compact and the subsequent impact on existing tribal claims that predate any deeds that might have been held by other parties?

Are you 100% certain that the recent drum beating by conservatives and Presidential hopefuls on this issue isn't a form of pandering to the red meat masses or are you so simple that BLM = grab your guns and Anyone-Against-BLM = Hero and Truthsayer?

The BLM is just the catalyst.

This is about murder, control, tyranny.

I could give a s**t less about the Red River.

I am sick of the criminal factions that have infiltrated our country.

Let's take away the BLM crap for a second, if you would so entertain.

Answer these questions with a simple yes, or no.

Is our country infected with tyranny?

Is it the will of the People to abolish a tyrannical government?

Do you think Barack Obama and the presidents before him are / were criminals?

Are 95% of the US Senate criminals?

We have been taken over people. Our house is on fire. It is time to put the fire out, and rebuild our country.

If we dont take our country back, the Chinese or Rusians will.

Please look at the big picture here people, quit trying to one up people on forums acting like you know everything,

When in fact, you are just as confused as all of us.

If people can not see what has been happening before our very eyes now, when they do, it WILL be too late.

God Bless us all, and please, those who are still asleep.... WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
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