Windows 10

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
Dang, back to the old DOS commands?

WTF was wrong with right click, copy and paste to get a link?

Edit: just tried the way you said. No Go.

I know the history of the school way before he got here. It isn't near at the level it was at before he got in office. Educationally or sports

The commands should still be the same but they changed a lot of stuff around so yours may have defaulted differently. Could try control-insert to copy and shift-insert to paste. You do first have to select the text just in case you were pulling a space job.

To weigh in on the PC vs MAC issue. They are both pretty much the same now minus the software. Mac's are based off of a version of BSD, and can easily get viruses and programs that mess up. They are overpriced as you can easily build one using standard off the shelf parts now it's called a hackintosh. Part of the reason why they are stable is the ECC ram and CPU's, if you take a MAC and install windows on it it will be just as stable and actually run faster. You can build a PC with ECC ram and cpu's that support it they are called workstations and have been made for quite a while often for cad/cam and other business style operations. Most problems with a computer are user error, this could be as simple as someone who does not know what they are doing or installing tons of crap/bloatware. Did I mention they are overpriced? Most Mac's are using xeon cpu's which is overkill for the average user but with the ECC ram requirement is necessary.

I dealt with mac's in highschool and the teacher who ran the lab touted them as the greatest thing ever this was in the era where the switch from DOS/win 3.1 to 95 was happening. They crashed more often than my home pc and the limitations of what you could do or use them for was a killer for me. No os is perfect but going out and being a sheep who is told this is what you get, it's so great, fork over your money is not the solution either. But hey if you want to blow cash on last years tech at next years prices by all means go for it.


Special Hen
Oct 19, 2007
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Well, I have been reading back some of the posts. So I decided to put iin my 2 cents.

I did the free upgrade to 10 on 2 computers. A laptop and a desk top. No issues. Beginning to like it.

Got a "kit" for a desk top for Christmas. It has a 256g solid state hard drive, 2T hard drive, a GeForce GTX 960, The cpu is a i5 4690K. Anyhow, I got it assembled and installed windows. The main board is an nvidea and it had a special driver that would "smartly" control all the hard drivers. Once installed the system would not boot. Allowed me to recover. Had to reinstall drivers but I did not install that last driver. System is running fast and stable.

Would love to learn Linux. I need someone to walk me through the begining to get me started. Never could figure out how to attach and stuff. Anyway, I am liking 10 so far.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
Linux is very simple to get started if you have enough ability to build a computer and install the OS.

I suggest finding a couple "Live" discs. The main basics you should look at are Mint Linux, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, Open SUSE, and ZorinOS. Each will be a little bit different but a lot of the same basics. Some will use a different UI, Zorin is most like Windows while Ubuntu is more Mac like, Kubuntu is almost a hybrid of Mac and Windows. The interesting thing about linux is all the different flavors there are, it's not like you have windows or mac and whichever version is available. The best thing you can do is pick a few or all of them, download the ISO and burn the image to disc and see which ones work for you. They will be a little bit laggy due to the load of everything from a disc to memory as you use it but you should be able to get a feel for things.

You can also get a 32GB USB 3.0 drive and install to that, after which you can have a portable OS that you can take with you anywhere. This can be a great tool for anyone worried about all the junk installed on a friend or family member's computer and you get to take your files, logins and programs with you. This however will be a tad on the slow side and much worse when the computer does not have enough memory. You may also want to use a 32 bit version of the OS in question so it will work on more computers and grab one like LXLE which is geared for older hardware.

Anyone who wants to get together and have a spin on some of this stuff or need some help let me know.


Oct 11, 2012
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If you have win 7 or win 8, and you are thinking of moving to Win 10, you should be okay... look..its time to get used to it.. next is win 11 then 12 then can adapt and overcome or stick your head in a hole.. at some point just like Apple does..MS will abandon you and force you into new tech and new software...Win 3.11 to Win 95 was a big jump.. take a leap and start learning.

If you think getting into a Linux OS would be fun, get yourself a Raspberry pi... and consider Ubuntu for your linux.. for those who don't know, most versions of Linux is free.. a large multi national group of nerds much smarter then me keep it going and keep the tech current.. there is a free MS Office alternative called Open Office.. with the Raspberry Pi you can make a great TV based PC..just switch to an open HDMI and with the PI you can surf the web on your "whatever" inch TV from your lazy-boy for about 50.00


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The commands should still be the same but they changed a lot of stuff around so yours may have defaulted differently. Could try control-insert to copy and shift-insert to paste. You do first have to select the text just in case you were pulling a space job.

That copy's the text in the page. It doesn't produce a link to post.
For all of the others that have downloaded 10, what are you doing? Been digging around all afternoon and can't find out how from the geek sites. They don't address that issue.

Overall, I like 10. I'd like to visit the developers meetings and slap the **** out of most of them, and remind them that some of the new things are nothing more than a nuisance and not necessary to get around the internet. They must be trying real hard to justify their jobs to be coming up with "new key strokes". 99% of users navigate with a mouse or pad.

Rant over. LoL.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
They must be trying real hard to justify their jobs to be coming up with "new key strokes". 99% of users navigate with a mouse or pad.
The keyboard shortcuts he mentioned aren't new--they've been there since, well, the early days of Windows, at least.

Try this the next time you want to copy the URL for a page you're viewing:
Then you can go to whichever program you want and paste in the URL. That works in Firefox, Edge, and IE on Windows 10 (I don't use Chrome, so I don't know about that one). If it doesn't work for you, something's busted on your computer. Then again, I have Cut, Copy, and Paste in the right-click menus in FF, IE, and Edge on my Win10 laptop, so I'm guessing something isn't working right on your computer, anyway...


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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The keyboard shortcuts he mentioned aren't new--they've been there since, well, the early days of Windows, at least.

Try this the next time you want to copy the URL for a page you're viewing:
Then you can go to whichever program you want and paste in the URL. That works in Firefox, Edge, and IE on Windows 10 (I don't use Chrome, so I don't know about that one). If it doesn't work for you, something's busted on your computer. Then again, I have Cut, Copy, and Paste in the right-click menus in FF, IE, and Edge on my Win10 laptop, so I'm guessing something isn't working right on your computer, anyway...

Didn't know about "Alt+D".

"Ctrl + L" does the same thing though. As does F6. At least in Firefox. No telling in Internet Exploder, I don't use it.

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