Yukon high school and self defense

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Special Hen
Dec 23, 2009
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My dad told me if I was defending myself not to worry about it because him and mom would take care of whatever bs came afterwards and I wouldn't be in trouble with them for doing what is right.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
My dad told me if I was defending myself not to worry about it because him and mom would take care of whatever bs came afterwards and I wouldn't be in trouble with them for doing what is right.
Yup - that made a big difference too, because punishment at home was always a more significant deterrent than punishment at school. Too bad that's probably illegal now, too.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
Sanford said:
I was the short fat kid - I remember that somewhere around the middle of junior high school I remember saying something to my father about just not being able to beat these bigger kids, and he said if they're that much bigger it's not a fair fight anyway - pick up whatever you can lay your hands on and use it. His advice served me well, then and later, and I recently had the opportunity to pass it on to my grandson - hope it doesn't get him thrown out of school (or in jail - he lives out there on the left coast).

There is no such thing as a fair fight. Ever.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
My personal experience was stopping the bullying by fighting back. Yes, that was the early 1970's and the punishment for fighting was a paddling...it was worth it when I started winning. I also told my kids they will be 100% support from me if they defend themselves. All of you with young kids. Think about getting your kids into martial arts. It will help their confidence and performance in everyting they encounter...fist fights to school homework.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
One more item to add to the list of reasons I am not going to trust the state with my kids when I get around to having them.

They are teaching a really horrible life lesson when they say "it doesn't matter who started it" and punish both the aggressor and the victim. It turns out when it comes to real life, the inquiry of "who started it" is actually a very important one. I'm glad some of you are teaching your kids the principles of non-aggression and the inalienable right to self defense, despite what the weenies in the gov't schools teach them.

I would be interested to hear what some of the private schools' policies are on self defense. I bet many are no better.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2010
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My personal experience was stopping the bullying by fighting back. Yes, that was the early 1970's and the punishment for fighting was a paddling...it was worth it when I started winning. I also told my kids they will be 100% support from me if they defend themselves. All of you with young kids. Think about getting your kids into martial arts. It will help their confidence and performance in everyting they encounter...fist fights to school homework.

Meh, Be careful with that. While I agree, its great to learn a discipline and it does help with confidence, I would pick said discipline wisely. For young kids, things like karate and tae kwon do, instills a false confidence. Those disciplines just do not translate well for real world self defense at youg ages. I've heard it called having a belt to get your butt kicked. My little nephew gets picked on quite a bit at school but mostly by neighborhood kids. His parents decided Tae Kwon Do was a great way to help boost confidence and defend himslef....doesn't matter he still got his butt kicked the few times hes tried to defend himself. His best option has been to avoid the bullies.
However, he does enjoy it but its also the only "sport" he's allowed to do.
When we were kids, My next door neighbors took karate for many years, you know how boys are...we often got in neighborhood fights during football games, etc. We would easily handle those two guys when they tried their karate, We'd just take em to the ground and abuse them at will. Then we all be hanging out again after we went home to cool off. LOL!

Dont get me wrong, I've seen it used quite effectively by adults/young adults...but kids, not so much.

For kids, I'd suggest something useful, any kind of grappling like wrestling, jiu jitsu or judo. They are all great for real world self defense when youre talking about kids. IMHO.

Like many people, I had to take up for my self a few times in Jr High when a bully decided to turn their attention on me. My wrestling served me well. A tight headlock and a few fists to their noggin as they were getting choked out was enough to get them off my case. I could realy set a deep headlock in my day :)
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Special Hen
Jan 5, 2010
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PC Schools tell the kids, if someone hits you you are to run to the Principals office. When 4yrs ago a boy shoved mine(6th graders) my Son told him to leave him alone, he did it again as my Son was stumbling he put my boy in a headlock. When he did that, my boy slipped it and split the other boys nose and lip. The were going to give my Son a 10 suspension, a $750 fine and an arrest record. We went up there, I told one Principal it was my Son's Constitutional Rights to defend himself. HE told me you leave your Constitutional Rights here at the door. We were all in the office and the head Principal told my Son, that your parents are raising you wrong and if your keep listening to them, you will wind up in jail. That was when I had to catch my Wife from coming over her desk. We took him out of school and filed a complaint. Long story short, he got a 3 day suspension for fighting and an apology. The Principal was fired the next year.

Props to your son for handling himself and props to you guys for going the distance with the school.

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