Camping out in the passing lane!!

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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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can't stand tailgaters... what right do they have to invade my space? increasing danger to me and my family. Most of all increasing danger to vehicles following the tailgater. Those are the folks most at risk from tailgaters and most likely to crash into tailgater that slams on his brakes. in which case the tailgater gets his car fixed and folks behind gets the ticket and the bill.

tailgater because of his aggressive drive mode is always in high attention, ready to slam on his brakes. so unless someone being tailgated brake checks aggressively, slamming on brakes. Tailgater will simply slam on his brakes in reaction with NO damage to his vehicle. VS the unsuspecting folks following tailgater.... they are in normal driving mode and don't expect someone to slam on their brakes going say 65 mph in from of them. I've been the recipient of many tailgater slamming on his brakes while allowing the normal 2 seconds gap behind next car. have narrowly avoid wrecks by the narrowest of margins.

I will not brake check tailgaters... the folks behind the tailgater will be ones getting into a wreck. when tailgated, I will immediately speedup and move over if there is room. if moving over is not possible and speeding up doesn't get tail off my butt.... then I will turn on my flashers... if that doesn't work and tailgater is planted firmly on my butt... then as a last resort, I will gradually slow down.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Here are some more of the decals you can buy:







$29 and I wish I had thought of it first.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Dude, you're not reading my words or comprehending them. Brake checking and tapping on the brake light are too different things. I don't slam on my brakes to get them too back off. I simply tap my brakes lights a couple of times to get their attention. Not any different then those that flash headlights at left lane campers.

Apparently you haven't driven the roads out here in Piedmont. There are no shoulders. Just ditches.There are very few places to pull over and let these morons pass. When the driver behind me insists on riding my tail so close that headlights are blinding me I simply stop and allow him to pass me. Thus desclating the stituation.

If you can't handle that then don't be a tailgater. There is no need in that. It's not gonna make the person in front of you go any faster. If anything it will have the opposite affect.

If I can't see your front bumper when your behind I darn sure will brake check you.

You stated that you would brake check, so he didn't misread or fail to comprehend you. Tapping your brakes just enough to activate your brake lights is not brake checking. Slamming on your brakes in an effort to get the tailgater to slam on his is brake checking, which is stupid, dangerous and illegal. You loose any moral high ground about someone increasing the danger to you by following too close, when you willfully and intentionally decrease that following distance by brake checking. You've compounded their stupidity by doubling down on stupid.

can't stand tailgaters... what right do they have to invade my space? increasing danger to me and my family. Most of all increasing danger to vehicles following the tailgater. Those are the folks most at risk from tailgaters and most likely to crash into tailgater that slams on his brakes. in which case the tailgater gets his car fixed and folks behind gets the ticket and the bill.

tailgater because of his aggressive drive mode is always in high attention, ready to slam on his brakes. so unless someone being tailgated brake checks aggressively, slamming on brakes. Tailgater will simply slam on his brakes in reaction with NO damage to his vehicle. VS the unsuspecting folks following tailgater.... they are in normal driving mode and don't expect someone to slam on their brakes going say 65 mph in from of them. I've been the recipient of many tailgater slamming on his brakes while allowing the normal 2 seconds gap behind next car. have narrowly avoid wrecks by the narrowest of margins.

I will not brake check tailgaters... the folks behind the tailgater will be ones getting into a wreck. when tailgated, I will immediately speedup and move over if there is room. if moving over is not possible and speeding up doesn't get tail off my butt.... then I will turn on my flashers... if that doesn't work and tailgater is planted firmly on my butt... then as a last resort, I will gradually slow down.

With the exception of the bolded part, this is a great post. We can't assume high levels of alertness in tailgaters these days. There are way too many distracted drivers on the road to assume anything. Other than that, this is the correct way to handle a tailgater or aggressive driver.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Dude, you're not reading my words or comprehending them. Brake checking and tapping on the brake light are too different things.....

Oh, I see.
I was just wondering 'cuz......
It's simple. Get off thier tail. Just like flashing flights and honking at left lane campers to get the F outta the way. Brake checking is just a reminder to you to BACK THE F OFF!! If I can't see your front bumper when your behind I darn sure will brake check you...


Dude, If you bandy about words like "comprehending" and I clearly see the words you typed I darn sure will FAIL check you.

Anyway, now that I've put the nail in your fail I thought this was about "left lane campers"....and we all know there is no such thing as "tailgaiting" in said left lane...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Oh, I see.
I was just wondering 'cuz......


Dude, If you bandy about words like "comprehending" and I clearly see the words you typed I darn sure will FAIL check you.

Anyway, now that I've put the nail in your fail I thought this was about "left lane campers"....and we all know there is no such thing as "tailgaiting" in said left lane...

You're right. I got off my own topic. Sorry. Doc put me back on steroids a couple of days ago. That's why I not behind the wheel this week getting pissed off at tailgaters. Now, back to left lane campers....

[Broken External Image]


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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So their illegal act justifies your illegal act? Two wrongs don't make a right. Be the better person and handle things in a more positive manner, rather than stooping to their level. :(

You are wrong. Worse yet, you are justifying your illegal action when there is no justification. Just do the right thing and no one is the worse off. :(

No. I am not wrong. Tailgating in OK is illegal and considered a serious traffic offense.

OK Statutes Title 47 scroll to 47-11-901 Reckless Driving

As used in this subsection, "serious traffic offense" shall mean any of the following offenses committed while operating a commercial motor vehicle:
5. Following too close;

That said the wise move is to just get the hell out of the fool's way as you say.

Sometimes though, on very rare occassions, getting out of the way just isn't possible or, for lack of a better way to put it - the primitive man part of me kicks in and letting some moron put my life at risk is just not an option.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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FWIW - I don't take lightly to some goober risking my life because he is too stupid to understand that following too close (tailgating) risks not only him but me.

Yeah, well I don't take lightly to some goober risking my life because he is too stupid to understand that blocking my pass (nosegaiting) risks not only him but me.

I mean, we can do this all day and I'll win every time.
But why? The easiest and most sensable thing to do is simply move over and let a person thru'.

That way, nobody's "tailgaiting" and nobody's "nosegaiting"....everyone's happy.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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The easiest and most sensable thing to do is simply move over and let a person thru'.

That way, nobody's "tailgaiting" and nobody's "nosegaiting"....everyone's happy.

Call it what you will but no matter how you say it you've just proclaimed to the world that you are nothing more than a bully who must have his way and gets it thru aggressive driving. Most boys grow out of that when they become men. Seems as though that some do not.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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You're gonna' lose this one...bad...Sure you don't wanna' rethink it? :anyone:

(I left it unquoted in case you decide to)

Oh....I gotta' go to tha' store, then have my Oreo fix, so there's plenty of time.....

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