World's largest Wendy's franchise owner stands with Chick-fil-a after controversy

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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I appologize, i didnt mean that to sound offensive. We have different understandings of what it means to be homosexual.

I have no understanding of what it means to be homosexual. Those that are do not offend me, but, like most "special interest" groups, I do often wish they would, at least temporarily, close their pieholes. There should be a 90 day annual period when everyone, including politicians, can irritate everyone else with their "needs". Other than that, I am sick of the incessant whining about "their rights" while I am steadily being relieved of mine.

People can marry a rock as far as I'm concerned.

ETA: I saw your post on Obama. I have no understanding of that either, but now I understand, and I apologize.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Actually the news began to spread several months ago when donation from him were tracked to groups that work to oppose equal marriage. I've been casually following this since then. People went ape chit when Cathy was asked if he knew about this, and he confirmed.

His position is surely no surprise to anyone. The speech itself is not surprising. But the revelation he is actively funding it is what has people up in arms. It's funding hateful discrimination. Plain and simple.

This. It's the funding and the admission from Cathy that he supports his money going to this cause.

Yes the gay rights groups were upset about his funding groups he believes in, but the media and lefty political types did not bring it to a head until he made his statement. Then the crap hit the fan and several lefty mayors and others said they wanted to keep CFA out of their cities or from adding more stores. (for the record that is unconstitutional )

For the record, he is funding what he believes in because of his religion and even some gays say it is his right.

It is his money, who gives a flip how he spends it. If ya got a problem with it, don't friggin give it to him. Americans as a whole have become a bunch of Whiny, panty waste, nanny state wusses looking for some other soap box issue to cry about. Nobody is allowed an opinion because it might hurt somebody's feelings.

My opinion exactly!!! You do not like his opinion and funding those groups, do not eat at CFA. You can even try to boycott them, but the government can not try to keep them out of a city because of it (that is censorship) or be surprised when a majority do not agree with you.

So not supporting gay marriage is hate?

To the left, not supporting anything they believe in is hate speech.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
What is "it?" And what does it "do" or "do not" do?

don't follow your verb choice (I stated that "is" or "isn't" [hate] but you stated something "does" or "doesn't").

And I have to ask - is this hate? Or just a perry difference of opinion?


I know this question wasn't posed to me but equating the actual hate that spawned the civil rights movement to the perceived "hate" of the gay marriage movement are completely different. We're not shunning them the way whites did blacks, we're not building separate water fountains or bathrooms for them to use. We're not stopping them from voting or blowing up their churches. Gays want tax breaks from the government and hereditary rights for their partners at death. THAT'S ALL! Frankly, I think equating the two de-values the struggle of people with REAL civil rights issues throughout the world. Proponents of gay marriage and the left in general use the word "hate" so much to describe anything that doesn't meet their agenda that the word has entirely lost it's meaning. Wanting to keep a Holy Sacrament between a man and a woman unchanged is not "hate" no matter how you spin it.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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I know this question wasn't posed to me but equating the actual hate that spawned the civil rights movement to the perceived "hate" of the gay marriage movement are completely different. We're not shunning them the way whites did blacks, we're not building separate water fountains or bathrooms for them to use. We're not stopping them from voting or blowing up their churches. Gays want tax breaks from the government and hereditary rights for their partners at death. THAT'S ALL! Frankly, I think equating the two de-values the struggle of people with REAL civil rights issues throughout the world. Proponents of gay marriage and the left in general use the word "hate" so much to describe anything that doesn't meet their agenda that the word has entirely lost it's meaning. Wanting to keep a Holy Sacrament between a man and a woman unchanged is not "hate" no matter how you spin it.

It's funny, liberals or "victims" as I'm starting to refer to them are so full of bitterness and hatred, yet we're the "bitter clingers". I really think that we should allow gay couples the same benefits afforded to hetrosexual couples and the same process to separate.

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