Colin Powell

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I do not see a problem with Colin Powell's supporting Obama. Heck many former Obama supporters are backing Romney this time so it is only fair.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Interesting to watch this discussion. As I may be a bit uneducated on all of the goings on, can y'all please explain something to me?

If someone states that they believe Colin Powell supports O because they're both black, they are racist for making that statement?
If Colin Powell is supporting O because they're both black, does that make Colin Powell racist?
Does the discussion of these possibilties make one racist?
For the record, I despise O's socialist agenda, and I despised W's socialist agenda. Romney will likely be worse, and his foreign policy (as he has so stated) will be a repeat of W's highly successful Middle East war for Democracy As Long As You Vote for Our Guy.
I am amazed that "being a racist" is such a scary theme for so many (mostly white) folks. There are so many important issues right now, it's just insane how someone can get derailed from their goal/platform/agenda, just to cater to someone who is brave enough only to throw the "racist" punch.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Is anyone really surprised by this?" What is the implication? A black man is going to support another black man no matter what?

Not "no matter what", but my implication is that race is a factor. And by opining that Powell may be voting more along racial lines than political, that in turn denotes that I somehow feel my race is superior to his? That is the true meaning of racism, after all. And would be a complete miss.

Powell claims to be a conservative Republican, and supported Obama in his first term. After seeing the results of the last three plus years and still endorsing Obama, Powell is either not a conservative, or is casting his support based on something other than political policy. Hmmmmm - what could that be? Maybe you're correct: maybe he isn't happy with the current platform of the GOP. But he hasn't stated that. Publicly voicing his total disagreement with the party platform, and/or switching parties would be an easy thing to do. He's done neither. So yes, I have a feeling his endorsement has a little something to do with race - and I won't apologize for it. Does it make me a racist? I don't see how. But whoever feels that it does, that's fine - and I won't waste time arguing with you over it.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
Ha ha ha. Your middle paragraph is just too funny. You sure do like to say it how it is and shoot straight with your opinion in other threads but you just can't bring yourself to say what you think of me here. Go ahead big guy, say it. You really want to call me the big nasty "R" word, don' ya?

Fail troll


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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If someone states that they believe Colin Powell supports O because they're both black, they are racist for making that statement?

It implies that a very well-respected and accomplished man would abandon his historical political affiliation because he wants to see a brotha in the White House.

If you don't see that as an indictment of black people, IDK what to tell you.

If Colin Powell is supporting O because they're both black, does that make Colin Powell racist?
If that were true then yes. But it's not.

Does the discussion of these possibilties make one racist?

The way that some people tend to discuss it.

I am amazed that "being a racist" is such a scary theme for so many (mostly white) folks. There are so many important issues right now, it's just insane how someone can get derailed from their goal/platform/agenda, just to cater to someone who is brave enough only to throw the "racist" punch.

No one's saying that everyone who criticizes the president is racist, but a lot of the "criticism" has a pretty clearly identifiable racial subtext. How many times have you seen people on here use names for him like "Obongo" or "Obammy"?

It's my experience that white people who hang out almost exclusively with white people don't see how big of a problem racism is in this country. I could post demographic data and scholarly articles out the ass, and I used to, but it's like yelling at a brick wall so mostly I just post animated gifs these days.


JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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So yes, I have a feeling his endorsement has a little something to do with race - and I won't apologize for it. Does it make me a racist? I don't see how. But whoever feels that it does, that's fine - and I won't waste time arguing with you over it.

You don't ever have to apologize for your opinions. In all the years I have read your posts on theses sorts of topics, I have never thought you were a racist. I think you are understandably frustrated with the "double standard" that is often imposed when discussing the issue. You've never been mean or petty about it.

Not supporting Obama, or even vehemently disagreeing with him, does not make anyone a racist. However, racism has been used against him, particularly by some parts of the Right. No one can reasonably say that the effigies used by some Tea Party members and songs like "Obama the Magic Negro" are not racist. Many people have used their opposition against him as a way to express their racism and then make an excuse that it's simply his policies they are against.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
This thread makes me think I should go back to my rule of only reading OSA while on the $#!++er with my smart-phone.

Its the proper atmosphere for reading this kind of poo-flinging.

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