President Obama will be here Sunday.

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Aug 7, 2007
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Oklahoma City
The area looked like a Stalingrad sniper's paradise.

"My name... is Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. I've come to take things in hand here. This city... is not Kursk, nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk. This city... is Stalingrad. *Stalingrad*! This city bears the name of the Boss. It's more than a city, it's a symbol. If the Germans... capture this city... the entire country will collapse. Now... I want our boys to raise their heads. I want them to act like they have *balls*! I want them to stop $hi**ing their pants! That's your job. As political officers... I'm counting on you. "


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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No matter what you think of the President, no matter if you did not vote for him, no mater if you think he does not or does deserve our respect. His is the President Of These United States and when he comes to visit our state we should show him the respect all Presidents deserve no matter if we support him or not. By not doing so, it reflects badly on the state of Oklahoma. This is just mine and many others opinion.

Under normal circumstances I would concur completely. Unfortunately Obama is not normal. He constantly apologizes for perceived injustices perpetrated on the world by the USA. He is an obvious socialist and quite possibly a communist. He is a liar to an extreme that should embarass even the most hardened politician.

The office of the president and the man serving in the office cannot easily be divorced. The office held by its current occupant deserves no respect and neither do those that put him in it.

If the obamanation showed up at my house I would have him removed for tresspassing and have sterilized the ground upon which he trod.

That's the way I feel/think. I will stick by it. I will not apologize for it. Better he apologize to the nation for the abysmal job he has done while in the office.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 7, 2009
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We were stranded at 19th and Broadway at the shopping center while all the roads were shut down. Wife made me get out and watch, so I videoed the motorcade driving by. Dudes in those suv's were armed to the teeth. They sure were driving fast too. I felt like it was cool to see a presidential motorcade, but at the same time I didn't want to be there. It would be nice to actually be one of those people that were all excited to see their president. :blush:

A Rickshaw would have been too much of a motorcade for this president.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I'm about a 45 second walk from 19th street where he drove by that McDonalds. If buildings weren't in the way I could throw a baseball from my drive way and almost bounce it into the McDonalds parking lot. I could have also just looked out my office window and seen him drive by. I did neither. Had no desire. None whatsoever.

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