The U.S. Govenment is Conducting a Ponzi Scheme

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Jan 24, 2013
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Hey now, I like Ace. He's almost there, he completely distrust republicans. Now, if he'd just stop trusting democrats, he'd be on the way to truly understanding American politics.
Besides, it's funny how he keeps defending king osama by saying king george II was almost as bad.

Not even close to the truth. I'm like Reagan (who I voted for). Trust, but verify. I also trusted George H.W. Bush (who I voted for twice). You say Obama lied about Obamacare, I say, you're right. You say Obama has been less than forthcoming about Fast and Furious, I say, you're right. You say that his ambassador appointments often correlate more with donations to his campaign than with qualifications, I say, yep. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Now, if you say he has doubled the debt, I'll say, no, he has not. If you say he has "destroyed the economy" (a direct quote from a poster on this site) I will say, not true. You say Obama was as bad as George W. Bush, I'll' say, I don't agree. George W. Bush is, easily, one of the 5 worst presidents of all time. Obama falls somewhere closer to the middle, on the bad side. But since I don't hold the groupthink opinion that Obama is a socialist bent on destroying the U.S., along with not buying into the many, many lies and half-truths, I'm an Obama apologist.

I'm a moderate, with libertarian leanings. Which makes me a far left-wing liberal to most on OSA.


Jan 24, 2013
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"On Obama’s watch, debt as a share of GDP rose far faster than it did during any prior presidency. But if you look at the current amount of debt compared to where he started, the rise was not as fast as it was under Reagan and the elder Bush, two Republican predecessors. And while presidents bear some responsibility for debt accumulation, much of the equation -- economic and demographic changes and the consequences of prior president’s actions, in particular -- is out of their control."

There are some on this board that should be required to get that tattooed on their forehead.

Many act like the debt is a 100 yard dash, and everyone should be timed the same. The fact is, when the gun went off Bush was carrying a few pounds of added weight. When Obama started the race, he was dragging a few hundred pounds behind him.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Obama is the worst spender ever is rated as half true, when you consider Reagan had to fight the cold war (back when other countries knew not to F$%# with us) Bush the first had a war to liberate Kuwait. I am kind of shocked Dubyuh didn't have worse showing. The national dept is estimated to be at 103% of GDP at the end of fiscal year 2014. Its just a guess but it could have something to do with spending on social programs


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Deficit Spending jumped in 2009 and has stayed there for the most part. My main concern with Obama is his Socialist ideology, Bill Clinton was nothing like this he was more of a centrist. Bill Clinton much Like Ronal Reagan knew how to reach across the aisle and make things work as best as they could at the time. This president wants it his way or the highway! The only good thing for the Democrats today would be that Jimmy Carte can walk a little prouder and talk a little louder now that he will no longer be the worst president in US history.


Jan 24, 2013
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Obama is the worst spender ever is rated as half true, when you consider Reagan had to fight the cold war (back when other countries knew not to F$%# with us) Bush the first had a war to liberate Kuwait. I am kind of shocked Dubyuh didn't have worse showing. The national dept is estimated to be at 103% of GDP at the end of fiscal year 2014. Its just a guess but it could have something to do with spending on social programs

No question we need to cut a crap-load of social spending. Along with a crap-load load of military spending. The U.S. has a spending problem, and more to the point, a deficit spending problem. And Republicans love them some deficit spending just as much as Democrats do. You know, voodoo economics. I sure as hell would have liked to have seen the money George W. Bush wasted on the war in Iraq spent of the infrastructure of this country.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is inching up and recording new highs during the month of September 2014. On Thursday, September 4, 2014, the Dow Jones reached an all-time intraday high of 17,161.60, but the highest closing price thus far was recorded the following day, on September 5, 2014, at 17,137.36.

U.S. stocks were little moved on Monday, with the S&P 500 recording a 42nd record close of the year,

The dollar has long been the world's top business currency and viewed as a "safe bet" among investors. But the recent run up is partly because traders believe the American economy is improving, especially relative to other parts of the world. This will compel the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, which is generally seen as a good thing for a country's currency.

First, I did include a chart of debt to GDP.

Second, from the linked article, " $7.4 trillion, an amount about equal to the amount Obama has added to our national debt so far...". That is flat out wrong, as I showed. That amount includes every penny added to the debt since the day Obama took office. A new president has next to nothing to do with the budget for the year he takes office. Blaming Obama for the nearly $1 trillion of debt added in 2009 after he took office is so deceitful it rises to the level of being a lie.

Third, from the linked article, "President Obama promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first time." The deficit for 2013, the last one written by the Obama administration in the last year of his first term, included $680 billion of defict spending. That's half of the $1.4 trillion in Bush's last budget.

I wonder why RedState is so outraged by the 70% increase (which is not even true) under Obama, but not a word about the 100% increase under Bush or the 300% increase under Reagan.

Actually, you posted information about deficits rather than debt. Maybe you should take some economics classes and learn the difference. Also, much of the good news (?) of the stock market is that the Fed is digitizing money instead of printing it, and most of that "money" is going to the big banks, who are the big winners on the stock market.

Not even close to the truth. I'm like Reagan (who I voted for). Trust, but verify. I also trusted George H.W. Bush (who I voted for twice). You say Obama lied about Obamacare, I say, you're right. You say Obama has been less than forthcoming about Fast and Furious, I say, you're right. You say that his ambassador appointments often correlate more with donations to his campaign than with qualifications, I say, yep. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Now, if you say he has doubled the debt, I'll say, no, he has not. If you say he has "destroyed the economy" (a direct quote from a poster on this site) I will say, not true. You say Obama was as bad as George W. Bush, I'll' say, I don't agree. George W. Bush is, easily, one of the 5 worst presidents of all time. Obama falls somewhere closer to the middle, on the bad side. But since I don't hold the groupthink opinion that Obama is a socialist bent on destroying the U.S., along with not buying into the many, many lies and half-truths, I'm an Obama apologist.

I'm a moderate, with libertarian leanings. Which makes me a far left-wing liberal to most on OSA.

More of a smokescreen than facts, including your "political leanings."

"On Obama’s watch, debt as a share of GDP rose far faster than it did during any prior presidency. But if you look at the current amount of debt compared to where he started, the rise was not as fast as it was under Reagan and the elder Bush, two Republican predecessors. And while presidents bear some responsibility for debt accumulation, much of the equation -- economic and demographic changes and the consequences of prior president’s actions, in particular -- is out of their control."

There are some on this board that should be required to get that tattooed on their forehead.

Many act like the debt is a 100 yard dash, and everyone should be timed the same. The fact is, when the gun went off Bush was carrying a few pounds of added weight. When Obama started the race, he was dragging a few hundred pounds behind him.

I guess that progressive Kool-Aid must also be addictive as you haven't yet learned what critical thinking is all about. Oh, and you might as well put me on your ignore list as well. Any arguments and facts you have are totally shallow. You need to learn to use critical thinking and see ALL of the picture, not the part that looks good to you.


Jan 24, 2013
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Actually, you posted information about deficits rather than debt. Maybe you should take some economics classes and learn the difference. Also, much of the good news (?) of the stock market is that the Fed is digitizing money instead of printing it, and most of that "money" is going to the big banks, who are the big winners on the stock market.

You have insulted me time and time again, You have questioned my intelligence, my education and my integrity. I have not responded in kind, and I won't. I can assure you I am well aware of the difference between debt and deficit. As you damn well know. I am also well aware of your pathological hatred of Obama. It's clear that you have long ago lost the ability to be honest, even to yourself it appears, in regards to any opinion that differs from your own. That's too bad.
It would seem I have personally offend you to the point you now chase me around the board to deliver yet another childish insult. It's kind of creepy, and a bit sad, that you would allow me, someone you obviously have zero respect for, to drive you to such questionable measure.

As you have proven that you're incapable of a reasonable discussion I will, most likely, no longer respond to you. If you choose to reply to me without insults I may respond.

I will leave you with this.


Your debating style is the bottom up. If you wish to be taken seriously by anyone, other than sycophants on this board, try top down.

Good luck to you, friend.


Jan 24, 2013
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View attachment 44073

Deficit Spending jumped in 2009 and has stayed there for the most part. My main concern with Obama is his Socialist ideology, Bill Clinton was nothing like this he was more of a centrist. Bill Clinton much Like Ronal Reagan knew how to reach across the aisle and make things work as best as they could at the time. This president wants it his way or the highway! The only good thing for the Democrats today would be that Jimmy Carte can walk a little prouder and talk a little louder now that he will no longer be the worst president in US history.

Who was responsible for the $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009?

"In addition to being theoretically misguided, critics sometimes blame Obama for things that are not his fault. Listening to a talk radio program yesterday, the host asserted that Obama tripled the budget deficit in his first year. This assertion is understandable, since the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 to $1.4 trillion in 2009...But there is one rather important detail that makes a big difference...(That) is based on the assumption that the current administration should be blamed for the 2009 fiscal year. While this makes sense to a casual observer, it is largely untrue. The 2009 fiscal year began October 1, 2008, nearly four months before Obama took office. The budget for the entire fiscal year was largely set in place while Bush was in the White House. "

Obama is the worst president of all time? Not Nixon, Bush or even Andrew Johnson? You're entitled to your opinion, but it's an opinion that could only be made while wearing blinders.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
You have insulted me time and time again, You have questioned my intelligence, my education and my integrity. I have not responded in kind, and I won't. I can assure you I am well aware of the difference between debt and deficit. As you damn well know. I am also well aware of your pathological hatred of Obama. It's clear that you have long ago lost the ability to be honest, even to yourself it appears, in regards to any opinion that differs from your own. That's too bad.
It would seem I have personally offend you to the point you now chase me around the board to deliver yet another childish insult. It's kind of creepy, and a bit sad, that you would allow me, someone you obviously have zero respect for, to drive you to such questionable measure.

As you have proven that you're incapable of a reasonable discussion I will, most likely, no longer respond to you. If you choose to reply to me without insults I may respond.

Very interesting comment, especially considering that I was the original poster in this thread, so who is doing the chasing here?

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