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SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
Well, try this then, sunshine. Stop paying your taxes, quit tagging that car, don't worry about renewing that driver's license, quit paying those utility bills, start running redlights, dump your garbage in the neighbor's yard, shoot his dogs and his cats, send threatening letters to ranking members of that government that doesn't exist in your "reality", and then go out and perform just about any other little felony, misdemeanor, or act of treason that your simple mind can think of, and then see if that fictional government of yours makes itself known to you in a rather unfriendly way. Have a good night!

I'll address you're cognitive dissonance.

In all the examples you mention it is not government that will make itself known. It will be human beings who show up at the door to make demands as agents of a fictional entity, often with guns and the implied threat that force will be brought to bear to force compliance. That they work for other men who hide behind a facade of fiction to dictate their will on others is something you and many others are simply incapable of coming to terms with or understanding.

These so called laws (lower case L indicates it being inferior) that men claim to be "supreme" dictates over behavior must then be "superior" to the Law (upper case L indicates those dictates being superior and from the Creator). Every human who accepts that man's law is superior to the Creator's Law is wrong. Many on this forum, whether religious or not, have chosen that man's law is superior. The fact that most do not comprehend that acts, statutes, rules, etc. are all man made dictates is a failure of understanding the difference between what is Law and law. As I read through the words that man calls the "Oklahoma Self Defense Act, what stands out is that this collection of English words never once makes the claim that it is law (lower case L again which denotes it coming from man and not the Creator). It has the word "law" and "unlawful" in it, but no claim that it is law. Nothing but a collection of statutes that dictate behavior as prescribed by man as opposed to dictates of behavior prescribed by the Creator. Of course, since you suffer from cognitive dissonance, you will be unable to understand this point. First year law students are so dense that they never catch the fact that all the "acts, statutes, codes and rules, etc." don't mention the word law in their worthless study in the field they intend to make a career. In a nutshell, for man's law to have any credibility it must be based on the Creator's Law. Since acts, statutes, codes and rules are not based on the Creator's Law, they are as worthless as the paper they are typeset upon. But you will not understand this distinction.

I've tried pinning him down on whether he's renounced his "paper fiction" citizenship and stopped paying his taxes or renewing licenses, but he just keeps spewing his nonsensical drivel. Best to ignore him, as he's got lots of abstract ideals, but no answers.


First off, I am not a "him". I am a "her". I also am not going to chase red herrings geared towards personal discussion of me. You bring up the concept of "citizenship" repeatedly. Who gave you your so called "citizenship"? Was it your Maker? Or man? The answer of course is that it was man. The Creator has no use to give us humans citizenship of any man made government, which once never existed and can disappear as readily as it appeared from man's imagination. That you are incapable of engaging on the philosophical level simply is indicative of your lack coming to terms that your citizenship, the government you worhship and everything you believe is based on a fallacy. A faux world of Plato's Cave, where the shadows are your reality. You too suffer cognitive dissonance.

So having addressed both of you and pointing out that you both suffer from cognitive dissonance, I'll take my leave and simply watch and observe again from the sidelines. I've gotten the response I desired for my research. Goodbye tools.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
I'll address you're cognitive dissonance.
So having addressed both of you and pointing out that you both suffer from cognitive dissonance, I'll take my leave and simply watch and observe again from the sidelines. I've gotten the response I desired for my research. Goodbye tools.
"Cognitive dissonance" must be one of those twenty-five cent phrases you picked up from some philosophy book somewhere. Same book would have probably told you the philosophical distinction between "your" and "you're", but who am I to quibble with The Omnisicent One? So, take your leave and your precious research and stick them both where the sun doesn't shine.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
I've tried pinning him down on whether he's renounced his "paper fiction" citizenship and stopped paying his taxes or renewing licenses, but he just keeps spewing his nonsensical drivel. Best to ignore him, as he's got lots of abstract ideals, but no answers. :rolleyes2
She was a more entertaining troll back when she called herself, "Lynx." SM Rider, Lynx, or whatever else she calls herself needs to take the Troll Stroll and walk away from here.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
She was a more entertaining troll back when she called herself, "Lynx." SM Rider, Lynx, or whatever else she calls herself needs to take the Troll Stroll and walk away from here.

Knew he/she/they/it/whatever, wouldn't answer the very basic questions posed. I've got no time for pie in the sky BS from an internet kook trying to wax philosophical on how what I believe is a fantasy. I'm too busy making my way here in the real world. :rolleyes2


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Knew he/she/they/it/whatever, wouldn't answer the very basic questions posed. I've got no time for pie in the sky BS from an internet kook trying to wax philosophical on how what I believe is a fantasy. I'm too busy making my way here in the real world. :rolleyes2
Lynx and SM Rider are the same Troll. Might be one of those T-Town guys trying to stir the pot again. Low grade trolling for sure.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
Knew he/she/they/it/whatever, wouldn't answer the very basic questions posed. I've got no time for pie in the sky BS from an internet kook trying to wax philosophical on how what I believe is a fantasy. I'm too busy making my way here in the real world. :rolleyes2

There is no world. Its a figment of your imagination.

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