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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Twilight Zone
Holy ****. This is one of the most dangerous posts I've seen you make. If somebody was to take you seriously, this could actually cause substantial harm, or worse. As a professional in this field, I'd recommend you all NOT pay any attention to the quoted post.

And a lot of professors want me to give up all my rights because they are experts on global warming too...maybe we should imprison people who hold a different opinion on that? You accumulate book knowledge by studying and reading what other people who came before you tell you; other people can read too and have doctors and experts they get information dismiss someone who has some opinions about a subject based on their own personal experiences is rather arrogant no? I swear this board breeds elitists right out of the pit of the 0bama administration. I gave disclaimers in this thread and made it clear I am stating opinions...the OP has a higher IQ than you give him credit for...he will look into things an make his own judgements I'm sure. Now if I am wrong, why not make it a point to post the "right" answer in an attempt to educate us and hopefully help the OP, rather than just taking a shot at someone you deem not important enough to hold an opinion...go try and lecture a cancer survivor about cancer while you are at it?

Anyway, now that I once again had to fend off attacks, I'd like to give another opinion that speech is not dangerous if it is taken into context...when you suffered with health issues is it wrong to share something that helped you with a fellow member? Do you think I'd mislead the poor guy?

Valerian root (which is one of the ingredients in the specific supplement I mentioned) does show some promise in studies for both sleep and helped me but again it isn't a magic pill...perhaps maybe you disagreed more with me telling him to get plenty of rest and about his circadian rhythm? I had lab work to back up my is quite common for cortisol to be out of range at key times of day for people with sleep disorders and have me guessing now...what did I say that was dangerous?


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
Yukon, Oklahoma, United States
I'm glad the OP is on the right track. For me the antidepressants have been a life saver. In addition to the meds I have also taken up indoor soccer and have lost over 40 lbs in the last 12 weeks. If anyone wants a laugh come watch a 6'5" 370 man play indoor soccer. I'm having a good time, losing weight and it's awesome for taking care of stress.


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not sure that I made that clear in my post, but I think that the anti-depressants, saved me too. They allowed me to get up off of my butt, and change my lifestyle. I only took them for as long as it took to make the change. I took some heat from my family, strangely mostly from my Mom, for taking them. I guess they thought I was going to be a dope head. To me, they were an effective tool.

I'm glad the OP is on the right track. For me the antidepressants have been a life saver. In addition to the meds I have also taken up indoor soccer and have lost over 40 lbs in the last 12 weeks. If anyone wants a laugh come watch a 6'5" 370 man play indoor soccer. I'm having a good time, losing weight and it's awesome for taking care of stress.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
And a lot of professors want me to give up all my rights because they are experts on global warming too...maybe we should imprison people who hold a different opinion on that? You accumulate book knowledge by studying and reading what other people who came before you tell you; other people can read too and have doctors and experts they get information dismiss someone who has some opinions about a subject based on their own personal experiences is rather arrogant no? I swear this board breeds elitists right out of the pit of the 0bama administration. I gave disclaimers in this thread and made it clear I am stating opinions...the OP has a higher IQ than you give him credit for...he will look into things an make his own judgements I'm sure. Now if I am wrong, why not make it a point to post the "right" answer in an attempt to educate us and hopefully help the OP, rather than just taking a shot at someone you deem not important enough to hold an opinion...go try and lecture a cancer survivor about cancer while you are at it?

Anyway, now that I once again had to fend off attacks, I'd like to give another opinion that speech is not dangerous if it is taken into context...when you suffered with health issues is it wrong to share something that helped you with a fellow member? Do you think I'd mislead the poor guy?

Valerian root (which is one of the ingredients in the specific supplement I mentioned) does show some promise in studies for both sleep and helped me but again it isn't a magic pill...perhaps maybe you disagreed more with me telling him to get plenty of rest and about his circadian rhythm? I had lab work to back up my is quite common for cortisol to be out of range at key times of day for people with sleep disorders and have me guessing now...what did I say that was dangerous?
- this goes beyond "book knowledge" many empirical studies have you conducted in this area?
- you are stating more than "opinions"'re providing information that has the potential to directly cause physical/mental harm
- i made no reference or judgement in regard to the OP's intelligence, but nice try tho'
- what does lecturing a cancer survivor about cancer have to do with this? please don't answer that question.
- in this case, i'm going to point out the danger in your post/'s either that or just delete it because of the severity of the possible consequences...which would you prefer?


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
Another rough morning. I woke up at 4 again, freezing and sweating. I don't want to get up till 7 and for some damn reason I keep waking up at 3:30-4:00 every morning. It's getting old. I'm exhausted.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Under your bed
Another rough morning. I woke up at 4 again, freezing and sweating. I don't want to get up till 7 and for some damn reason I keep waking up at 3:30-4:00 every morning. It's getting old. I'm exhausted.
I take a good brand of melatonin to help me sleep. It really does work. Or maybe YGer is going to berate me for telling you that melatonin help with sleep?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Twilight Zone
- this goes beyond "book knowledge" many empirical studies have you conducted in this area?
- you are stating more than "opinions"'re providing information that has the potential to directly cause physical/mental harm
- i made no reference or judgement in regard to the OP's intelligence, but nice try tho'
- what does lecturing a cancer survivor about cancer have to do with this? please don't answer that question.
- in this case, i'm going to point out the danger in your post/'s either that or just delete it because of the severity of the possible consequences...which would you prefer?

well I am pointing out things that helped ME...censoring it isn't the answer...tell me specifically what was so dangerous...I did not tell the guy to do some controversial "cure" that has hurt people. I care about this guy and am trying to give him a few things to bite on to research and telling him some things based on my experience. Why is that so bad? My intentions are good and I didn't really say all that much anyway.

BTW, night sweats are a might ask your doctor to check your EBV, HHV6, and CMV titers, if he will only check one then I'd pick EBV...if the IGG is high, it "could" suggest a sub-clinical infection. That is based on my knowledge...Disclaimer: TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR

Stress & lack of sleep, etc. is a vicious cycle...your immune system could be down and allowing dormant pathogens to cause issues again...then again, maybe it is some brain chemistry thing...but I would not think depression would cause physical night sweats.

I have never been to him but a lot of people say good things about Paul Rothwell M.D. over in Bethany...he is supposed to be good at integrative approaches and helping people with weird issues.


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
I appreciate all the advice given. I don't have night sweats going on, it's when I wake up at 4 am freezing and then I start sweating too. What is that called the cold sweats or something. I have a good sleeping pill that puts me right out, but for some reason I keep waking up at 4 am. I'm in a constant state of exhaustion it seems. The smallest task is wearing me out.

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