Finally the smoking gun in the Clinton email scandal

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May 11, 2009
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Finally the smoking gun in the Clinton email scandal

Earlier this week, a twitter user named "Katica" seemingly proved the "intent" of the Hillary campaign to destroy and/or tamper with federal records by revealing the Reddit thread of Paul Combetta (aka the "Oh ****" guy; aka "stonetear").

Paul Combetta, the IT tech from Platte River Networks, was Hillary Clinton’s fall-guy. The Clinton campaign said Mr. Combetta acted alone when he used BleachBit deletion software to permanently destroy 33,000 supposed yoga, recipe and marital communications on Hillary’s private email server, pursuant to a 60-day email retention policy. The data was so ruined that “even God” couldn’t read it.

Then came “Stonetear,” whose actions could become the modern-day equivalent of Watergate in this campaign. On September 16, 2016, Twitter user @GOPpollanalyst, who goes by the online name “Katica,” sent me this bombshell via direct message to my @RepStevenSmith congressional parody account:


The July 24, 2014 Reddit post contained this request for advice about “stripping out” the email address of a “VERY VIP” email account, which was posted just one day after the July 23, 2014 agreement between the State Department and Congress to release Hillary Clinton’s emails:


Katica also found a December 10, 2014 Reddit post in which “Stonetear” requested help implementing a 60-day email “purge” policy.


Assuming that “Stonetear” was discussing Hillary Clinton’s emails, these finds appear to be the smoking gun in the Clinton email scandal. The posts prove intent to obstruct the production of evidence to Congress, either through deception or deletion, and that these events took place after the evidence was requested. There is no legitimate reason for anyone to act this way if the emails merely contained information about yoga poses and wedding invitations.

But is “Stonetear” really Paul Combetta? Katica found a number of data points to strongly suggest they are one and the same:

  • He owns a house in Rhode Island.
  • His Reddit posts mention living in Rhode Island.
  • He had multiple IT forum entries on Reddit mentioning various tech issues.
  • There was a Facebook photo with a caption saying that one of the men in the photo is “Stonetear,” and Paul Combetta is in the photo.
  • There is a website thanking him for helping with issues with an internet game and including [email protected] as his email address.
  • There is a (now deleted) Etsy account where the username is “Stonetear” and the user’s name is Paul Combetta.
Considering all of this together, either Paul Combetta is “Stonetear” or he has a lookalike who works in IT, goes by the same username and lives in Rhode Island, which is extremely unlikely. While the social media posts linking “Stonetear” and Combetta were already convincing, the “Stonetear” Reddit posts also fit perfectly into the Clinton email scandal timeline.

On September 8, 2016, Congress discovered that Combetta was granted immunity by the Department of Justice in relation to information he provided to the FBI in its investigation into the Clinton email server. On September 13, 2016, Combetta appeared before a Congressional oversight committee and invoked the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, refusing to testify.


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May 11, 2009
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Based on the FBI report and Katica’s smoking gun discovery, it looks like the “shady sh*t” Combetta was involved in goes much deeper than just BleachBit:

  • July 18, 2013: Platte River Networks signed a contract to manage Hillary’s email server
  • June 30, 2013: Emails from the server run by Bryan Pagliano were slowly migrated to a PRN server. By December 2013 the emails were being exclusively managed by the PRN server.
  • July 2014: Clinton aide Cheryl Mills arranged for [name withheld by FBI] to export all .gov emails from the PRN server, which he then exported to Mills’ and Clinton lawyer Heather Samuelson’s laptops via ScreenConnect.
  • July 23, 2014: House Select Committee reached an agreement with the State Department for production of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
  • July 24, 2014: “Stonetear” posted on Reddit asking other tech professionals how to “strip out” and batch convert the emails of a “VERY VIP” client, for the sole purpose of concealing that “VERY VIP” client’s email address. According to the post, “they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone.”
  • Late September 2014: Mills and Samuelson asked [name withheld by FBI] to export all emails to them, not just those with .gov addresses. The FBI noted that [name withheld by FBI] made “inconsistent statements” over three interviews regarding the location from which he extracted the emails on the server.
  • September to December 2014: Samuelson reviewed Clinton’s emails using keywords and email header information, but did not review the content of each email.
  • December 5, 2014: Clinton provided 55,000 work related emails to the State Department.
  • December 2014: The month Hillary Clinton decided to implement an auto-deletion policy to purge emails older than 60 days, per her FBI interview.
  • December 10, 2014: “Stonetear” asked Reddit users for help formulating a 60-day deletion policy, which involved automatically deleting emails 60 days old for “certain users” unless specifically saved.
  • March 2, 2015: The New York Times published an article titled “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules.”
  • March 3, 2015: Congressional committee sent a written preservation request to Clinton’s lawyers for Clinton’s emails held on the PRN server.
  • March 4, 2015: Congressional committee issued subpoena to Hillary Clinton for her emails held on PRN server relating to Benghazi events.
  • March 9, 2015: Mills emailed [name withheld by FBI] at PRN and referenced Congress’ preservation request.
  • March 25, 2015: President Clinton’s staff and employees of PRN held a conference call.
  • Sometime between March 25 and 31, 2015: Combetta realized he did not implement a 60-day email purge policy pursuant to Mills’ order in December 2014 and reportedly had an “oh sh*t” moment, after which he used BleachBit software to destroy Hillary Clinton’s emails on the PRN server. Combetta later told the FBI that he knew about Congress’ preservation request when he used the BleachBit program to purge Clinton’s emails.


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May 11, 2009
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if below Stonetear is Combetta requesting help on Reddit Dec. 10, 2014 ... this proves deletion of Hillary's emails took place after Congressional subpoena was issued.

Obstruction of Justice
The call for a federal prosecutor to investigate Mrs. Clinton, said presidential candidate may be guilty of destroying records relevant to an ongoing federal investigation and Obstruction of Justice


Hillary Clinton’s Email: the Definitive Timeline

Nov. 2014: House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

December 10, 2014 Reddit post in which “Stonetear” requested help implementing a 60-day email “purge” policy.

Last edited:


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
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Green Country
While this should be the "last straw" it seems the Bureau of Ineptness already gave at least 5 high ranking aids at least qualified immunity.

Supposedly this was done to secure evidence instead of a more usual demand and search orders if perishable. Not usually the case with hardware but it is her highness being protected...

Crib notes for those of short attention span....

"As the Associated Press puts it: “By including the emails recovered from the laptops in the immunity agreements, the Justice Department exempted key physical evidence from any potential criminal case against [Hillary Clinton’s] aides.” It makes no sense to have done this … unless the Justice Department had already decided it would not prosecute Mills and Samuelson, no matter what the proof showed."

"Add this to an already long list of startling concessions made to Mrs. Clinton and her confederates. The latest revelations raise other new questions that I will deal with in subsequent posts. For now, suffice it to say, yet again: It appears the Obama Justice Department’s goal was not to make a prosecutable case, but to make it appear that Hillary Clinton was “exonerated” after a thorough FBI investigation."

Read more at:


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
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Green Country
Seems as though "Dear Leader" was using an alias and using the server too....color me disgusted....

"‘How is this not classified?” So exclaimed Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, Huma Abedin. The FBI had just shown her an old e-mail exchange, over Clinton’s private account, between the then-secretary of state and a second person, whose name Abedin did not recognize. The FBI then did what the FBI is never supposed to do: The agents informed their interviewee (Abedin) of the identity of the second person. It was the president of the United States, Barack Obama, using a pseudonym to conduct communications over a non-secure e-mail system — something anyone with a high-level security clearance, such as Huma Abedin, would instantly realize was a major breach. Abedin was sufficiently stunned that, for just a moment, the bottomless capacity of Clinton insiders to keep cool in a scandal was overcome. “How is this not classified?” She recovered quickly enough, though. The FBI records that the next thing Abedin did, after “express[ing] her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym,” was to “ask if she could have a copy of the email.” Abedin knew an insurance policy when she saw one. If Obama himself had been e-mailing over a non-government, non-secure system, then everyone else who had been doing it had a get-out-of-jail-free card."

Read more at:


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Hilarry is untouchable. As others have stated, she could flat out kill someone and idiots would still vote for her. And she wouldn't get in trouble for doing so. Sad times in America.


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Jun 13, 2005
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They could have video of Hillary clubbing baby seals and molesting collies. It won't matter to the brain dead voters who are voting for her anyway.

Exactly. Doesn't matter to the voters or obviously.... this administration.

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