Trump Rewards Russia for Hack

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Ponca City Ok


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Agreed. We will have to watch and see. As mentioned in another topic - Obama privatized NASA. So far, that action seems to be working. We still need government oversight of the system. However, I think the free market will drive the airfare pricing. Southwest Airlines has singlehandedly kept prices of the other airlines reasonable. I've seen several examples where SWA has added flights to a particular airport and the result was that all airfares dropped to be competitive.

To be clear, Obama did not privatize NASA. NASA is still a federal agency. They have contracted out some support activities...namely the construction and servicing of some spacecraft, but the entire operation is still federal. It's nothing like what is being proposed for the FAA and the NAS.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok

To be clear, Obama did not privatize NASA. NASA is still a federal agency. They have contracted out some support activities...namely the construction and servicing of some spacecraft, but the entire operation is still federal. It's nothing like what is being proposed for the FAA and the NAS.
The private companies have achieved goals that NASA never did with recycling launch boosters, etc for the space lab.
It was a good decision to go that direction. I think it took the space development process into high gear with competition vying for the goal.
As far as privatizing the FAA, I'm going to have to step out. I don't know enough to comment at this point.


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Apr 16, 2009
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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
The private companies have achieved goals that NASA never did with recycling launch boosters, etc for the space lab.
It was a good decision to go that direction. I think it took the space development process into high gear with competition vying for the goal.
As far as privatizing the FAA, I'm going to have to step out. I don't know enough to comment at this point.

Oh, I agree. Just making the point that NASA was not privatized. NASA started contracting out key services, paid for with government funds.

The NASA situation is nothing like what is being proposed with the FAA.


Jan 24, 2013
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Ace - You are so predictable in vomiting the liberal / progressive talking points. You're just a poor, misguided soul. Lets discuss your comments further:

Middle East quagmire - Obama
Obama's apology tour encouraged the Arab Spring which destabilized north Africa and created power vacuums. Never happened. Neither protestors nor the revolutionaries knew the US position (i.e., lack of leadership). And do we need to rehash the Benghazi incident and Susan Rice? How about Obama alienating our best ally in the region, Israel. And the worst actions - Unbridled withdrawal from Iraq, including announcing the timeline, and "red line" shrinking violet action resulted in the power vacuum where ISIS arose. Benghazi has been beat to death. More time and money was spent investigating it than 9/11. No fault found by Republican lead committees. Get over it. The timeline to withdrawal from Iraq was negotiated and announced by the Bush administration. You don't seem aware of even the basic facts.

USA lack of respect in the world - Obama

A really ludicrous statement on your part. See "red line" discussion above. Under the Obama Administration the world knew the US response to any action would be harsh words. The pansies in liberal Europe respected him but Iran, Russia, ISIS, and the threats of the world were laughing their asses off. Pure right wing claptrap without a shred of actual substance. And, you can absolutely sure the entire world is laughing their asses off over Trump. No one respects him. No one trust him.

Progressive / Activist judges and Justices - Obama

Glad we agree. However, judges and justices should provide strict interpretation of the Constitution and the Law. They should not be allowed to "interpret" the law to move forward their personal agenda.

Anti 2nd amendment and gun control - Obama

Total BS statement that you made - again, your liberal talking points. What rights got expanded? Carry in National Parks? This was due to a rider that Tom Coburn put on Obamacare. No way Obama would have vetoed that bill. Good job Tom Coburn. How about all the rifles in South Korea that Obama prevented from being brought back to the country. How about Obama's ATF Director trying to ban XM-855 ammo. And, how about the extra hoops that were added to NFA items last July? Obama would have done much more if he had not been kept in check by the Republican House and Senate. Total BS, huh? Name the law that Obama signed that restricted legal gun ownership? List the EO that was signed? Can't, huh? Obama had a Democratic controlled congress for two years. No gun control laws passed. Seems you, once again, have no idea what you are talking about.

Dismal economy - Obama
You need to face reality. Yes, Obama inherited a serious problem with the economy. But, his anti-business agenda and idealism led to a slow recovery. With Obama out of office and the Democrats losing more seats in congress, the market and the economy have been on a roar. And that's just based on a pro-business /pro-capitalism President being in office. Wait until actual pro-business actions start going into effect. Although, I note the Liberals / Progressives / Democrats are working hard to "resist". Inherited a serious problem with the economy? Nice try at minimizing the reality of the situation. It was a dumpster fire. Has the recovery been slow? Yes, but take note of the word, recovery. See, Trump has not had to worry about a recovery. That's happened. And, you're wrong. The economy has not been on a roar. In fact, and I know you hate facts:
US in 'crummy' 2% economy: Economist Friday, 28 Apr 2017 | 8:33 AM ET | 02:08

The U.S. economy grew at its weakest pace in three years in the first quarter as consumer spending barely increased and businesses invested less on inventories, in a potential setback to President Donald Trump's promise to boost growth.

Gross domestic product increased at a 0.7 percent annual rate also as the government cut back on defense spending, the Commerce Department said on Friday. That was the weakest performance since the first quarter of 2014.

The economy grew at a 2.1 percent pace in the fourth quarter.[/URL]

Obama's last quarter, 2.1. Trump's first quarter, .07.
You must enjoy being wrong.

Middle East alignment to fight radical Islam - Trump
We'll see - at least we got a very pro-business deal from Saudi Arabia with Trump's recent trip and work to consolidate the Sunni response to radical Islam. So, you admit you pulled the previous statement out of your rear end.

USA re-emerging as the leader of the free world - Trump
Pull your head out of the sand (or your ass). Trump's American First policy has nothing to do with leading on the world stage. Frankly, withdrawal from the Paris Accords is a great example of leading the rest of the world. Seeing a BS deal for the US, based on the fiction of man-made climate change is leadership. Okay, sport.

Rebounding economy and high CEO / consumer confidence - Trump
Again, with Obama out of office and the Democrats losing more seats in congress, the market and the economy have been on a roar. And that's just based on a pro-business /pro-capitalism President being in office. Wait until actual pro-business actions start going into effect. Although, I note the Liberals / Progressives / Democrats are working hard to "resist".
See above.

Ace - you need to crawl back to your safe space and let the adults run the country. You need to learn fact from fiction. Feelings from reality.

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