Obama takes credit for booming economy

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Apr 14, 2009
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The charts below were presented during Sarah Sander’s press briefing yesterday. It is laughable obama is taking credit and what’s worse is people actually believe him.

Obama Has Been Claiming Credit For Trump’s Economy — Trump Marches Out Economist, With Receipts
3:27 PM 09/10/2018
Benny Johnson | Reporter At Large

President Trump’s administration had a blunt response to Barack Obama taking credit for roaring economic numbers.

President Obama has been taking credit for the historically good economic numbers that are occurring under the Trump administration in a series of speeches around the country. At a speech at the University of Illinois, Obama scoffed at claims that some of the greatest economic numbers in American history are occurring under Trump’s administration.

“When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said. “I’m glad it’s continued but when you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers, suddenly Republicans are saying ‘It’s a miracle.’ I have to remind them — actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016.”

In response, the Trump administration marched out Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, to fact-check Obama’s claim during a Monday press briefing. Hassett said, “One of the hypotheses that’s been floating around about the economy lately is that the strong economy that we are seeing is just a continuation of recent trends. You know, since we are the nerds of the White House, we decided this was a testable hypothesis.”

Hassett then began to reveal a series of data charts showing trends during the end of the Obama administration continuing through to Trump’s first two years in office, including small business optimism, nonresidential fixed investment, capital spending, durable goods orders, purchasing manager index and new businesses.


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Each slide showed the reversal of the trend line in favor of a better economic data once Trump was elected and the GOP’s economic policies, such as tax cuts, began to take hold.

So I would assert that if you look at their collective body of evidence, the notion of what we are seeing right now is just a continuation of recent trends and it’s not super defensible.

The video is at the end of the page linked below.


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Oct 27, 2012
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I don't know hw Obama can take the credit, Food Stamp recipients were at a n all time high and he hawked for people to appky for Food Stamps all during his tenure and he told the coal miners he was going to put them out of work (only time he told the truth in his 8 years), unemployment was at an all time high and he wants credit for Trump's accomplishments? Obama is a sick person, a sociopath and narcissist who without a mirror is zero. The only thing he did was try to destroy the country, I'm still angry over Benghazi where only a single phone call would have sent a rescue team to the Consulate. Four better men than Obama died that day and he didn't have to make the call, he could have directed an aide to do the "hard work." But he was in Las Vegas campaigning. And don't get me on the subject of ROE's-a lot of our troops were either killed or maimed because they couldn't defend themselves because of Obama's restrictions.


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Apr 14, 2009
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After disappearing from the spotlight for well over a year, former President Obama resurfaced at the University of Illinois on Friday just in time to take credit for the booming economy we’ve seen under President Trump. This comes ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Trump has systematically dismantled Obama’s legacy via deregulation, tax cuts and by eliminating the individual mandate in Obamacare, so it’s understandable why Obama is desperate for accolades.

Obama spoke before a receptive audience on Friday where he claimed that his administration reversed 40 years of bad economic trends during his eight years in office. He decried “when you hear about how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started.” Unfortunately for the former president and thanks to facts, we do know when the recovery began, and it’s happened despite him, not because of him. Here are several reasons why Obama can’t take credit for today’s booming economy:

1) Recovery Summer 2009: Democrats conveniently forget that it was their own policy, the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act, signed into law by then President Jimmy Carter that led to the subprime mortgage crisis during George W. Bush’s presidency. The law coerced banks to create mortgage loan packages for poor people that couldn’t afford to buy homes.

Although the left caused the crisis, they successfully argued that Obama inherited an economy from George W. Bush on the brink of another Great Depression. Obama claims it took him eight years to clean up Bush’s mess. The problem with that argument is thanks to Bush’s stimulus package inherited by Obama, and then Vice President Joe Biden, the two declared victory over the “Great Recession” as early as the summer of 2009. Therefore, the economic downturn Americans experienced afterwards was pure Obama. It was the enactment of Obamacare, his own stimulus package that paid for the temporary jobs that he himself admitted were “not so shovel ready,” and his demonization of America’s job producers that caused consumer confidence to dip.

2) Jobs for college graduates were virtually nonexistent during the Obama era: You may recall during Obama’s administration college graduates had an almost impossible time finding a job. The Daily Caller reported in a column written in 2014 titled “Obama’s Economy in Action! Just 17 Percent of College Graduates Have Real Jobs Waiting,” after Obama spanked Mitt Romney amongst young voters in 2012 by a margin of 67 percent to 30 percent. “Over 80 percent of all graduating seniors have zilch in the way of jobs lined up for their post-campus lives…” Today, under Trump we’ve seen a complete turnaround for all workers. Not only do we have record job numbers amongst blacks and Latinos, but virtually full employment where the employers are competing for employees with hiring incentive packages.

3) Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Americans are loving their crumbs no thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats! Unlike Obama, Trump decided to incentivize job creators with the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” so they could invest back into their businesses and pay their blue-collar employees more. As a result, consumer confidence has skyrocketed.

4) Manufacturing jobs make a comeback under Trump: Just today, a headline at the liberal Washington Post read “Under Trump, the jobs boom has finally reached blue-collar workers. Will it last?” After I picked my jaw off of the floor I continued to read this:

“Blue-collar jobs are growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, helping fuel a hiring boom in many small towns and rural areas that are strong supporters of President Trump ahead of November’s midterm elections. Jobs in goods-producing industries – mining, construction and manufacturing – grew 3.3 percent in the year preceding July, the best rate since 1984, according to a Washington Post analysis.”

5) Hillary couldn’t win on Obama’s record: Lastly, if Obama’s economy was so great, why couldn’t Hillary Clinton ride the wave into the presidency like George H.W. Bush was able to do with Ronald Reagan? The truth is miners, manufactures, construction workers and CEOs were sick of being kicked in the teeth by Obama-led Democrats. Trump offered hope for former Obama voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that handed him the victory over Hillary in 2016.

I guess in some part Obama does deserve credit for Trump’s economy. The moment he left office things got better.



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Apr 14, 2009
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Obama is trying to rewrite history by saying Benghazi is a conspiracy theory. Well here’s a rebuttal.

I don't know hw Obama can take the credit, Food Stamp recipients were at a n all time high and he hawked for people to appky for Food Stamps all during his tenure and he told the coal miners he was going to put them out of work (only time he told the truth in his 8 years), unemployment was at an all time high and he wants credit for Trump's accomplishments? Obama is a sick person, a sociopath and narcissist who without a mirror is zero. The only thing he did was try to destroy the country, I'm still angry over Benghazi where only a single phone call would have sent a rescue team to the Consulate. Four better men than Obama died that day and he didn't have to make the call, he could have directed an aide to do the "hard work." But he was in Las Vegas campaigning. And don't get me on the subject of ROE's-a lot of our troops were either killed or maimed because they couldn't defend themselves because of Obama's restrictions.


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Oct 27, 2012
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Emotions come first then we fish around to find facts to justify them....especially true for politicians.
Truth is truth no matter what way it's cut and a lie has no standards, it keeps growing. Remember. someone in the Obama administrations said, "Tell a lie long enough and the people will believe it." Obama couldn't lower himself to say "Islamic Terrorists" and currently he is saying, "What is so hard about saying that the Nazis were bad." It sounds like that "someone" in his administration has studied Nazi history. Going back to Trump, he is the only president that cared enough about the US military to obtain the remains of missing servicemen from Korea. I don't know if anyone else tried but Trump was the only one that succeeded and that's pretty important to the remaining families.
Another Hitler reference at DNC - The Washington Post
Sep 4, 2012 - Pat Lehman of the Kansas Delegation said to the Wichita Eagle about ... if you're goingto tell a lie, tell a big lie, and if you tell it often enough and say it in a loud enough voice, somepeople are going to believe you." ... told a group of delegates Monday, "They lie and they don't care if people think they lie…
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