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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
There are dozens of posts about real election fraud on this thread and others your involved in. I could tune in to CNN and watch the exact responses your producing.
In all the battle ground states, dead people voted, Non residents voted that used to be residents voted twice and so on in Nevada and so on. The fraud is endless.
You ignore all the facts that are now found to be fact.
When you have a voter number larger than the number of people living in that voting district is that not a clue that voting fraud/irregularities may be involved?

How long does this gone on and there are still ballots in commifornika that have not been counted. 2500 in one county still to be counted since Nov 3.
How can 2500 ballots in a county with a tight race still not be counted? Maybe more will be counted after some will be "found" in the post office or a warehouse?
Ballots keep showing up across all the battle ground states from obscure places. Its reported every day and they are all for biden.
Isn't that amazing?
If you need a flow chart, you need to produce it yourself. The internet has a search engine of your choice to do that to prove your position.
Again, every question you have produced has been answered in prior posts. Every one of them.
It gets boring to watch you keep asking the same questions that keep getting answered.

So you still can't confirm if your story about 'out of state tags' is the same one that has been discredited in court?

Again, it's a question because, while you claim there are 'dozens of posts about real fraud', there are also lots of posts about things that have proven to not be fraud. Like the early reports of too many voters in some areas or people illegally filling in ballots for Biden. Or the observers who were denied entry because of covid protocols because the counting rooms already were full of observers from both sides and election officials. Even the 'sudden spikes' in votes for Biden was easily explained by the election official, who was escorted by the police, showed up with the thumb drive of absentee ballot counts to be added to the official numbers on election night.

Lots of misinformation keeps popping up well after being discredited, so it's hard to know if the stuff you were listing was new or if it was just another rehashing of debunked 'examples' that the courts have continued to dismiss.

But if you find my posts boring, you're welcome to simply stop responding. It'd be far simpler for you than continuing to create your elaborate fantasies about me and my voting history.
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Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
"guess" is the operative word, I'm a registered Republican so maybe you can guess how I voted, maybe not, but you won't know unless I decide to tell you.

There is a specific ID associated with each vote, I signed a registry to get my ballot and as far as I know, that is public information. But there are no identifying marks on the ballot, and in fact if I show my ballot to anyone and say "how do I put this in the machine?" they are supposed to void the ballot and I have to fill it out again. You can probably guess I filled it out the same way, but you can't know. There are VERY GOOD reasons to preserve that principle.

Again, there is probably a lot of room for improvement especially for mail-in ballots, but there are safe guards for them as well... probably just not as effective. I'm in favor of authenticating and verifying the voting process, but recording who I voted for? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! That will under some circumstances absolutely discourage people from voting.

In some countries, they track down dissidents and kill them.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Oklahoma
"guess" is the operative word, I'm a registered Republican so maybe you can guess how I voted, maybe not, but you won't know unless I decide to tell you.
True, but if the powers that be wanted to persecute the opposition, I'm guessin' (again!) they'd jump on that (90+%?) chance of being right.

In some countries, they track down dissidents and kill them.
In some countries, they aren't allowed to vote at all. What's yer point? This America.

I'd be thrilled to hear a better way of preventing voter fraud. Ya gotta admit the status quo kinda sucks.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
That isn't the question. There IS a record of if you voted or not... the proposal would give the government the ability to see WHO you voted for. "bogus" concerns? That is information the founding fathers considered to be dangerous. They probably had some personal experience with the concept...
Let me clarify...The reasonable idea is to make public who voted....not to make public the candidates for whom they voted.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
In some countries, they aren't allowed to vote at all. What's yer point? This America.

I'd be thrilled to hear a better way of preventing voter fraud. Ya gotta admit the status quo kinda sucks.
The point is that if we follow the same path that some countries have taken, especially in pursuing bad ideas, we introduce potential for the same result. When you introduce change, it's not enough to have good intentions, you have to consider the potential for abuse. Several countries have a "vote" but it doesn't do much because of fear of repercussions if you don't vote the "right" way. Requiring any kind of identifying mark on ballots takes us in that direction.

I don't think anything needs to be changed as far as "in person" voting is concerned. I'm not opposed to requiring ID, I'm not sure why some are. There is a system in place to require you to acknowledge that you received one and only one ballot.

I don't know that much about mail-in voting. There was some discussion about it a while back. I'm not going to jump into the if and how much fraud there was, I'll let those investigations play out. In other words, I'm sure it's not perfect but I'm not sure how bad it is. I'll just say no one considered it to be that big of a problem until Trump said he couldn't lose any other way.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Get rid of the computer system and use calculators. 5 people totaling ballots. All five have to balance like a bank does every day. Of course with watchers from both sides.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Oklahoma
The point is that if we follow the same path that some countries have taken, especially in pursuing bad ideas, we introduce potential for the same result. When you introduce change, it's not enough to have good intentions, you have to consider the potential for abuse.
I'm not so sure it's a bad idea when the other choice is widespread voter fraud. Near as I can tell, it's "potential" abuse vs certain abuse. Without confidence in the system, what's the point of voting? :anyone:

I don't claim to have all the answers. I don't even have all the questions...


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
I'm not so sure it's a bad idea when the other choice is widespread voter fraud. Near as I can tell, it's "potential" abuse vs certain abuse. Without confidence in the system, what's the point of voting? :anyone:

I don't claim to have all the answers. I don't even have all the questions...
I don't think those are the only two choices.

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